

Research on Dynamic Reserve Calculation of Metal Mines Based on 3D Geological Models

【作者】 王波

【导师】 陈锁忠;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 矿产资源是不可再生资源。随着国内外对矿产资源需求量的增大以及全球矿产资源的逐渐递减,矿产资源的保护性开发已经成为全球从事矿山、地质以及能源等有关部门关注的焦点。地理信息系统理论与方法的发展,对于地质矿产勘查水平的提高、矿产资源储量估算及其管理的智能化和自动化具有重要的意义。将地理信息系统技术、三维地质建模技术及可视化技术等应用到固体矿产资源储量管理中,是目前矿产资源储量计算等研究领域的重要研究方向之一。本论文研究目的在于建立一套金属矿山储量动态管理数据模型与组织管理方式,研究金属矿床三维模型动态构建技术,探索金属矿床储量的动态计算方法,开发金属矿床储量动态计算原型系统,为进一步实现矿产资源储量的动态计算和管理等研究奠定理论和方法基础。在系统总结国内外三维地质建模方法、储量计算方法以及现有三维地质模拟及储量计算软件发展现状的基础上,以矿床地质学、地理信息科学和计算机科学为理论基础,综合应用计算几何方法、计算机图形图像处理方法、地质统计方法等进行金属矿床储量动态计算方法研究。在此基础上,利用南京某铁矿勘探开采的实际数据,验证本文所提出的基于三维地质模型的储量动态计算技术方法的合理性与实用性。根据金属矿床空间分布特点,提出一种“先面后体”的金属矿体混合建模方法。具体而言,首先提出“控制点分段法”和“中线连接法”,实现矿体轮廓线的自动连接构网,进而采用人工干预方法,实现最佳拐点的连接。同时,在建立矿体表面模型的基础上,通过插值计算生成一系列的加密控制点,对矿体表面模型进行局部重构,使处理后的模型更趋于精细。在矿体面模型的正六面体剖分问题上,提出一种基于正投影解算的“正投影转换法”,将三维空间问题转换到平面上的点与三角形位置关系判断问题,解决了传统建模方法中判断三维空间中射线与三角面片是否相交的技术难点,从而大大降低了矿体建模的复杂度和计算量。针对金属矿床储量动态计算的具体要求,研究并提出一种三维矿体模型局部动态重构与储量动态计算方法。利用矿山开采过程中新增勘探孔揭露的矿体尖灭数据,判断尖灭的影响范围,从而对开采矿体的局部表面模型与内部属性模型进行动态重构;基于插入样品的局部体元品位重算技术,自动判别插入样品的影响范围,从而确定受其影响的所有体元,并对受影响的体元进行品位重算;为了提高金属矿床储量动态计算速度,采用空间布尔运算方法,结合金属矿体和矿体块段固有空间包围属性,进行三角面筛选。分析了“基于三维地质模型的金属矿床动态储量计算系统”功能组成,搭建了原型系统的框架,基于VC++. net开发工具,实现“基于三维地质模型的金属矿床动态储量计算原型系统”,较成功地实现了矿体三维模型的构建于局部动态重构、初始储量与动态储量计算。论文研究成果,不仅有助于在矿山勘探阶段进行初始储量估算,也有助于开矿山采过程中的储量实时计算,以便了解储量的动态变化情况,减少开采风险,便于矿产资源管理部门进行矿产资源储量的动态监督。研究成果也为金属矿山储量动态计算与管理等研究奠定良好的基础。

【Abstract】 Mineral Resource is one of the nonrenewable resources. With the increasing requirement of mineral resources at home and abroad and gradually decreasing of global mineral resources, protection and development of mineral resources become an important topic of the related departments. The rapid development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is tremendously significant to the enhancement of geological and mineral resource prospecting, the reserving estimation of the mineral resources, and the, automatic and intelligent management. The applications of GIS and 3D based geological modeling and visualization in mineral resources and the calculating of mineral reserves are important directions of reserving computation and management.This study aims to establish a data model of dynamic reserves management and a new organization and management way of metal mine. The paper studies on the technology of three-dimensional based dynamic modeling, exploring the dynamic calculation of metal mine reserves and developing the prototype system of metal reserves dynamic computing which is the basic of dynamic reserves and management of mineral resources.This study is mainly based on three-dimensional geological modeling, reserve calculation methods and the development of existing three-dimensional geological modeling software and reserve calculation software at home and abroad. The paper presents a new method by using the geology of ore deposit, GIS, graphical image map processing, geology statistical methods and prototype methods to estimating the mineral resources. The field work data of Nanjing Mei Mountain iron mines is used to test the method.According to spatial distribution of metal deposits, this paper presents a new modeling method named "surface to three-dimensional". The paper puts the control point fractionation method and midline connection method to achieve ore bodies’ contour lines to find the best connect method with human intervention. Moreover, the modeling of surfaces system calculus of interpolation can make a series of control point, then rebuilt the surface model to make the result smooth, beauty and correspond to the actual needs. With the problem of how to divide the cube of the surface, this paper proposes the orthographic projection arithmetic of switching method to solve the radial surface of triangle. We translated the point from 3D to the surface, and the problem is solved.In view of the request of the dynamic computation of the metal ore deposit reserves the paper proposed a method of partial dynamic restructuring and reserves dynamic computing for three-dimensional ore model. During mining, we can find a point of the ore body from a new exploratory bore-hole, and judge the area of this point. So the model can be dynamical rebuilt, including the surface and inside of ore body. By recalculating the local volume quality based on sample data, the influence area of sample data can be automatically computed. After the influenced volumes’ quantity is calculated, these volumes’quality is recalculated automatically. We use the Boolean operation and put these data into the new model. After calculating we choose the triangle surfaces that belong to the ore body, and the speed of calculation can also be improved.We analyzed the functional components of "based on the three dimensional geological model metal ore deposit dynamic holdup computing system", developed the framework of prototype system based on VC++ and dot net framework. This prototype system is successful in achieving partial dynamic reconstruction, initial reserves computing and dynamic reserves computing of three-dimensional model of ore body.This model not only can calculate the initial reserves, but also can be used in the actual mining practice. The model can be used to calculate the reserves according to the real-time information, decrease the risk, and help the department in charge of the exploring the mineral resources to Monitor and control the Mine Exploitation. Meanwhile, the paper lays a good foundation of the "metal reserves dynamic management system".


