

【作者】 陈园园

【导师】 李天石;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 食货学派是诞生于20世纪30年代,以中国社会经济史研究为旨趣的史学派别。本文以学派创始人陶希圣及食货学派为考察对象,在广泛收罗史料的基础上,一方面围绕陶希圣与食货学派的学术关联,考察学派的兴衰和演变的历程;另一方面将食货学派的学术研究放在整个中国近现代史学的发展脉络中,考察其学术思想、学术成就及社会政治因素对学术研究的影响。最后探讨食货学派的史学价值及评述其历史地位。第一章陶希圣与社会史论战。由陶希圣对中国社会结构的探讨而引发的社会史论战,推动了中国社会经济史学科的发展,催生了食货学派。第二章陶希圣与食货学派的形成。《食货》半月刊是食货学派的主要学术平台,创始人陶希圣理论与史料并重的史学理念通过《食货》杂志的传播吸引了一批有类似学术倾向的学者,他们形成了固定的食货撰稿群体。在食货上发表论文的学者并不都是食货学派成员。通过对陶希圣与食货作者的师承关系、学术思想及观点、治学方法的比较分析,界定食货学派主要构成人员。食货学派主要成员有陶希圣、鞠清远、何兹全、武仙卿、沈巨尘、曾謇、连士升。第三章陶希圣与食货学派的学术研究。从收集、推介史料、译介西方理论方法、专题研究等几个方面对食货学派信奉的史学理念与方法及治史实绩进行考察。将食货学派在中国古代土地制度、赋税财政制度等方面的学术观点与现代学者的观点进行比较分析。肯定食货学派在某些领域中的部分学术观点有首创之功的同时,亦指出他们存在的学术局限性。本文在分析食货学派学术研究的过程中参考政治因素的影响,指出食货学派的研究受到他们国民党员政治立场的影响。第四章陶希圣与食货学派的衰落。抗战初期食货学派部分成员受对日妥协思想的驱动,随同陶希圣一起参与了汪精卫的“和平运动”。陶希圣在关键时刻脱离了汪伪集团,而食货学派中的部分成员自甘堕落为汉奸。至此,食货学派成员在人生道路的选择上出现重大分裂,食货学派由盛转衰。此后,陶希圣召集曾謇、连士升在《中央日报》创办《食货周刊》,希望重振学派以往的学术声望。但是此时食货学派倡导“新经学”,专注学术的经世致用功用,显露出为国民党政权服务的意图。政治与学术间的过度渗透最终导致食货学派退出历史舞台。结语部分简要评述陶希圣与食货学派的历史地位。食货学派高举“理论与史料”并重的大旗,积极开拓社会经济史研究新领域、构建新观点,为推动中国社会经济史学科的发展作出了突出的贡献,他们在近代中国学术史上占有重要的一席之地。

【Abstract】 Shihuo school, taking China’s social economic history as the interest of the history research, was founded in the 1930s. The writer has collected a wide range of historical materials to study the Shihuo school and the school founder Tao Xisheng by revolving the academic association between Tao Xisheng and Shihuo school to study the rise and fall evolution of school history, examining the academic thinking, academic achievements and socio-political factors’influence on academic research whitin the context of the whole development of modern Chinese history and, finally, discussing the school’s values and its historical role.Chapter one, TaoXisheng and Social History Controversy. The debate on chinese social history resulted from Tao Xisheng’s research on the China’s social structure promoted the development of social and economic history of China and expedited the Shihuo school.Chapter two, TaoXisheng and the formation of Shihuo school. Shihuo Semimonthly, which was the major academic platform of Shihuo school spread the founder Tao Xisheng’s historical concepts of paying attention both on historical theory and materials and attracted a group of scholars with similar academic orientation who formed a fixed written groups. However, people who published papers on Shihuo semimonthly were not all the members of Shihuo school. Comparing and analyzing the relationships between Tao Xisheng and Shihuo Semimonthly’s writters, the academic thoughts and views and learning methods, the writer has defined the main components of Shihuo school. The main members of Shihuo school are TaoXisheng, JuQingyuan, HeZiquan, WuXianqing, ShenJuchen, ZengJian, LianShisheng.Chapter three, TaoXisheng and Shihuo school’s academic research. The writer has inspected the Shihuo school’s historical theories and historical achievements by collecting historical materials, translating western theoretical methods and studying special subjects. Comparing the Shihuo school’s academic views on ancient China land system, taxation with that of some scholars in the modern days, the writer has confirmed the innovation of some points of Shihuo school in some areas. meanwhile, the limitations of their academics have also been pointed out. Moreover, through refering some political factors in analyzing Shihuo school’s academic research the paper states the fact that the academic research of Shihuo school was affacted by their political stand as members of Kuomintang.Chapter four, TaoXisheng and the decline of Shihuo school. In the beginning of anti-japanese war, some members of Shihuo school drived by the popular thought of compromising to Japan joined the peace movement with Tao Xisheng. At the critical moment, Tao Xisheng puppeted out of WangJingwei group, but other members of Shihuo school falled to be traitors. At this point, major differences came into the members of Shihuo school, and the school developed from prosperity to decline. Since then, Tao Xisheng called Zengjian,LlanShisheng together to establish Shihuo Weekly on Nanjing Central Newspaper Daily hoping to restore the academic reputation of Shihuo school. However, at this time, Shihuo school advocated new confucian classics and focused on academic statecraft function which revealed the intention of servicing Kuomintang government. Finally, over-penetration between the political intention and academic research eventually resulted in Shihuo school’s withdrawing from the stage of history.Chapter five, briefly reviewed the historical status of TaoXisheng and Shihuo school. Shihuo school, holding the important point of combining theory and historical data, explored actively new areas of social and economic history research and established new ideas which has made outstanding academic contributions to promote social and economic history of China and occupied an important place in chinese academic history.


