

【作者】 魏鹏

【导师】 施和金;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 1937年“七七事变”后不久,侵华日军兵分两路,沿着津浦线和胶济线进军山东,到1938年5月徐州会战结束后,山东大部分地区被侵华日军所占领,自此之后,开始了其在山东长达八年的殖民统治。日军在占领山东后,为了加强对占领区的控制,在山东建立了由省级、道(市)级、县级、基层行政系统构成的全省统一的伪政权组织。同时,为了执行“以战养战”的方针,日军制定了所谓的“开发计划”来获取煤、铁、盐、棉、粮等战略资源,以便将山东变成为其侵略战争服务的资源输出地。这些计划主要包括:铁路开发计划、以青岛港为中心的港口扩建计划、煤炭开发计划、农业开发计划、棉花增产计划、工业开发计划等。在工业经济方面,日军在占领之初,采取“军管理”和“委托经营”的方式对占领区内的工矿业各部门进行控制,并实行增加投资、更新设备、改进生产技术等方式使受到战争破坏的工矿业得以初步恢复,但这些是以获取更多资源和为日本垄断资本攫取更多利益为目的的。在太平洋战争爆发后,日军在战场接连遭受失败,战略物资供应问题日趋严重,因此,日军开始在占领区内进行赤裸裸地掠夺来补充军需。例如,日军为了更多的获取煤炭资源,在各煤区采用破坏性极大的直掠式开采方式,大大缩减了煤矿寿命。日军还建立相关机构和组织,对原材料和生产产品进行统一定价和强制收购,其价格完全不顾及市场规律,严重破坏了市场经济。据战后统计,到1945年9月3日,由于日军地的掠夺和破坏,致使山东各项损失达到313749289万元。日军的侵略对占领区农产品生产和运输也造成了毁灭性的打击,农村社会受到了严重冲击,农作物产量持续下降,正常的流通贸易受到破坏,占领区粮食严重短缺。为了改变这种状况并更多的从山东获取农产品,日军制定了所谓“农业开发计划”,根据各地原有的农业基础和特点,有重点地开发粮食作物、经济作物以及畜产品。但是,日本侵略者并不是真正想发展山东的农业生产,他们所采取的种种措施只是为了获取更多的农业产品,所以,到了后来,农业增产开始朝着农业掠夺转变,这种情况下,不但农业增产计划目标未能实现,反而致使农业经济处于衰败之中。此外,日军肆意屠杀农民、强征劳工、圈占农田、宰杀耕畜、毁坏农具的行径,严重破坏山东农业生产环境,导致农业生产进一步衰退。日军不仅对山东经济进行掠夺和破坏,他们在占领山东期间的暴行,也给山东人民带来了无尽的灾难。日军从进入山东的第一天起就开始屠杀山东无辜民众,在此后占领的八年间共制造惨案200余宗;日军还抓捕百姓进行细菌试验和毒气试验,在鲁西地区散播霍乱细菌,致使我抗日军民死伤四十余万,他们又无视国际法的规定先后90余次使用毒气武器进行作战;实行“慰安妇”制度,强制征召山东妇女成为“慰安妇”,对她们进行性侵害等等。所有这些都给山东人民造成了严重伤害,留下了挥之不去的心理阴影。在进行军事侵略的同时,日本占领者还大打“思想战”,严重破坏了山东的文化教育事业。日军先后成立“宣抚班”、“新民会”等汉奸组织宣传奴化思想;并利用和控制反动道会门辅助其奴化政策的推行;还建立汉奸学校,对青少年学生进行奴化教育,以达到他们在思想上消除中国人民的民族精神,瓦解人民的抗日意识的目的,妄图使山东人民成为其殖民统治下的“顺民”。日军八年的殖民统治严重破坏了山东的社会环境,山东的经济几近崩溃,同时也给山东人民带来了前所未有的灾难。从中我们可以看到战争对环境的破坏是非常严重的,因此我们应当反对一切侵略战争,维护世界的和平与发展。

【Abstract】 In January,1938, the Japanese invading armies branched out into two columns. They were marching along the Jinpu Line and Jiaoji Line to invade Shandong province. After the battle of Xuzhou finished in May,1938, most areas of Shandong province was occupied by the Japanese invading armies.After occupied Shandong province and in order to strengthen its domination, the Japanese invading annies set up a unified puppet regime consisted of the systems of the provincial level, the city level, the county level and the basic level. Meanwhile, in order to enforce the policy of "nourish war with war", the Japanese invading armies made a so-called "development plan", the purpose of which is to get coal, iron, salt, cotton, grain, and so on and turn Shandong into its base of exporting resources to serve its invading war. The plans include:a railway development plan, a Qingdao Port extension plan, a coal exploitation plan, an agriculture development plan, a plan for increasing the production of cotton, an industry development plan, etc.As for the industry and economy, during the early period of the invasion, the Japanese invading armies adopted the form of "army management" and "management on a commission basis" to control the industrial and mining industrial departments in the occupied areas. In addition, they redeveloped the damaged industry and mining industry by increasing investment, updating the equipments, improving the producing techniques. However, the purposes of taking those measures were to get more resources, to monopolize capital and to grab more benefits. After the broke up of the Pacific War, the Japanese armies suffered a series of defeats in the battlefield which resulted in an increasing serious problem in supplying the strategic materials. Therefore, the Japanese annies plundered in the occupied areas to supplement its military supplies. For example, in order to get more coal resources, the Japanese invading armies adopted the extremely destructive direct-predatory exploitation way which greatly decreased longevity of the coal mine. The Japanese invading annies also set up relevant institutes and organizations to set the price for and to purchase compulsorily the raw materials and the productions. Such prices are against the market rules and are greatly destroyed the market economy. According to the post-war statistics, because of the plundering and destruction to Shandong’s economy by the Japanese invading annies, by September,3rd,1945, the losses in Shandong has reached 313749289 Yuan. The invasion by the Japanese invading armies destructively blew the production and transportation of the agricultural products in the occupied areas. The rural society was greatly shocked, the output of the agricultural products continually decreased, the normal circulation trades were destroyed and the occupied areas were in great shortage of grain. In order to change such conditions, the Japanese invading armies made a so-called "agricultural development plan" which was to develop the grain crops, cash crops and animal by-products based on the original agricultural bases and characteristics. However, the Japanese invaders took those measures were not for developing the agricultural production in Shandong, but for obtaining more agricultural products. Therefore, the increase in the agricultural production was turned into an agricultural plunder. Under such conditions, the plan for increasing production was not realized and the agricultural economy was still in decline. In addition, the Japanese invading armies recklessly slaughtered the peasants, compulsively recruited the workforce, drew a circle on the ground and occupied the farm lands, killed the farm animals, destroyed the farm tools which greatly damaged agricultural production environment in Shandong province.Except for the plunder and damages to the economy, the savage acts by the Japanese invading armies also brought endless disasters to the people in Shandong province. They started to slaughter the innocent people since the first day of their invasion. During the eight years of invasion, the Japanese invading armies has made more than 200 cases of massacres. They also captured common people to do the microbial and emphatically tests to spread the choleric microbes in the west of Shandong province which has caused more than 400 thousand people died or injured. They successively used gas weapons for more than 90 times during the war. They took the "comfort woman" system, compulsively asked the women in Shandong province to be the "comfort women" to carry out sexual abuses to them. All of those acts left the people in Shandong with lingering shadow in their minds.The Japanese invaders also conducted ideological warfare which greatly damaged the cultural and educational career in Shandong province. They successively set up such organizations as "Xuanfu class" and "Xinmin Hui" to propagate enslaving thoughts. They used and controlled the reactionary "Dao, Hui and Men" to assist the enforcement of its enslaving policies. They set up traitor schools to enforce enslaving education for the teen-age students with a purpose to eliminate the national spirit of the Chinese people in their minds and to collapse their anti-Japan conception and attempted vainly to make people in Shandong into their "abjectly obedient citizens"During the eight years’ colonial domination, the Japanese invading armies has greatly damaged the social environment in Shandong province. The economy in Shandong was nearly collapsed, and the people there have suffered unprecedented disasters. From all those deeds, we can see the destructive power of war. Therefore, we should be against all kinds of aggressive wars and to safeguard world peace and promote the development.

  • 【分类号】K265.6
  • 【下载频次】455

