

【作者】 周围

【导师】 杨韶刚;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 德育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 道德教育承载着培育有道德的人和促进社会进步的双重使命。但是,消极取向的道德教育却无视受教育者已有的积极道德品质、道德发展潜能和愿望,而对他们身上的不良品德、存在问题十分敏感、过度关注,因此,多采用挑剔、质疑、批评、指责、训斥、惩罚等消极教育方式对待受教育者,试图消灭受教育者的存在问题、不良品德。这样的消极德育容易恶化道德教育关系,降低教育者的威信和正面教育的影响力,妨碍受教育者良好品德的培养,当然也无从实现道德教育的任务和使命。积极心理学是二十世纪末美国心理学界兴起的一种思潮与取向,直接针对二战以来将人类心理问题、心理障碍和环境压力的负面影响作为主导研究的消极心理学。积极心理学把研究重点放在人自身的积极因素方面,主张心理学要以人固有的实际潜在的具有建设性的力量、美德和善端为出发点,提倡用一种积极的心态对待人的心理现象(包括心理问题),激发人自身内在的积极力量和优秀品质。积极道德教育是积极心理学研究成果在道德教育中的拓展和运用,也是针对传统和现实社会中消极德育的问题和弊端而提出的道德教育的创新理念与实践策略。积极道德教育倡导从受教育者的积极道德品质、道德发展愿望与潜能出发,采用以肯定、鼓励、欣赏、强化等积极、正面为主的道德教育方法,营造充满尊重、真诚、理解、关爱、信任、公正的道德的教育关系,以增进学生的积极情绪体验为教育契机与途径,激发受教育者道德发展的愿望和潜能,促成受教育者积极道德品质的培养,并在积极道德品质形成过程中消除不良的道德品质,预防恶习的萌芽与产生。积极道德教育以人性趋善的积极人性观为前提和基础,倡导以培养美德的扬善为主、消除恶习的抑恶为辅的德育目标,主张促进受教育者道德成长(即做“加法”)、而不是矫正其恶习(即做“减法”)作为道德教育的实现方式。积极道德教育认为,积极体验、积极认知、积极行为等心理要素以及所组成的心理结构和运作方式,构成了美德培养的心理要素机制,而道德需要、内在动机、自我效能以及相互之间的关系与运作方式,构成了美德培养的心理动力机制。在积极道德教育看来,道德教育者需要在德性的成长上与受教育者形成一个发展的落差,这样教育者才有可能对受教育者产生教育、影响的力度与作用。道德教育中的受教育者是完整意义上“人”的存在,而不是“问题”的存在,是既具有外显的积极道德品质,更具有内在的道德发展愿望和道德发展潜能的自主发展的个体。只有充满尊重、真诚、理解、关爱、信任、公正等具有道德意义的教育关系,即受教育者被道德地对待的教育关系,才有可能激发受教育者的积极体验,才能对受教育者的美德形成产生积极影响与作用。积极道德教育采用以积极、正面为主的道德教育方法,以激发受教育者的积极体验,促成受教育者美德的形成与培养。这些积极道德教育的方法主要体现在建立积极道德教育关系、促成教育者人格完善、促进受教育者美德形成三个方面,同时,在积极道德教育的语言艺术以及对惩罚的理解与应用中,也体现了积极道德教育的独特理念与策略方法。

【Abstract】 The moral education committed to cultivate the moral person and to promote the improvement of society. Meantime, the passive-approached moral education ignored and tried to inhibitive the positive trait, potential and desire owned by the educated which cause the educator to be sensitive to the bad character and problems of the educated and treat them in the ways of nit-pick, question, criticize, fault-finding and punishment. This kind of moral education easily deteriorated the relationship between the educators and educated, reduced the authority and positive influence of educator, obstructed the cultivation of good virtue, even not mentioned about the target and commitment of moral education.The positive psychology is the main approach of American psychology in 20th’s century to directly counter the passive psychology which takes the negative influence of human’s psychological problem, disorder and environmental pressure as the main topic research. While the positive psychology takes the human’s positive aspect as the main topic. It advocates that we should remain a positive attitude to the psychological phenomena (or problem) and stimulate the individual’s internal positive power and fine qualities. Thus it postulates that psychology should take the actual potential constructive power, virtue and kindness as the starting point.Aimed at the passive problems of moral education in the traditional and realistic society, the positive moral education is the creative ideas and practical strategies resulted from the application of positive psychology in the domain of moral education. It starts from the positive moral character, development wishes and potential of the educated, take the positive and active method such as approval, encouragement, appreciation and enforcement and create the educational moral relationship full of respect, sincerity, understanding, care, trust and fair. The main purpose of positive education is to cultivate the positive moral character, during which course, eliminate the bad moral character and prevent the evil practice.It is argued that the positive moral education take the positive good-inclined-human-nature option as the premise and basis. The main moral educational target is to cultivate the virtue and the secondly target is to inhibit the evil. It also proposes that the realization mode is to promote the moral growth (which is an addition), not to remedy the bad habit (which is a subtraction). The dissertation holds the option that psychological elements such as positive experience, cognition and behavior and their formed psychological construct and functional method constitutes the elements of psychological mechanism of virtue-cultivation, while the moral desire, inner motivation, self-efficacy and their inter-relationship and function mode make up the dynamic psychological mechanism of virtue-cultivation.In the view of moral educator, only if there is a fall of morality between the educator and the educated, that can they educate and influence the educated with the power and effect. The paper articulated that the educated is a complete "person" not a "question", an agent with overt moral character and even with inner moral wishes and potential independent development. Only those relationships full of respect, sincerity, understanding, care, trust and fair, which is also a relationship of educated being-treated morally, can stimulate their positive experience and exert an influence to virtue-formation of the educated.Briefly, the positive moral education takes the positive and active educational technique to stimulate the positive experience and promote and cultivate the virtue of the educated. They consist of there aspect:to construct the positive educational relationship, to facilitate perfect character and the establishment of virtue of the educated. Meanwhile, they also reflect in the language art of positive moral education and in the understanding and application of punishment.


