

【作者】 李金鑫

【导师】 高兆明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 伦理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在承认康德伦理学普遍道德义务法则的前提下,在实践哲学意义上,提出和证成“道德能力”这一概念,并通过道德实践中的道德能力分析,重新理解道德,揭示道德是具有现实性的优美灵魂,是人通过道德活动所达到的不偏不倚的“中庸”境界。本论文分为上下两篇,分别从一般与具体两个角度回答:什么是道德能力的一般规定?主体道德能力如何在具体道德活动中通过行为的“恰当”而成为具体现实的?本文上篇从道德与道德能力的关系切入,提出道德能力这一概念,并对已有的道德理解进行批判。本文直接面对康德关于“自由如何可能”的问题,对道德能力的基础进行形而上的追问,阐明道德能力的先验性与后验性,以及意志对于道德能力的奠基。在此基础之上,对道德能力进一步作广义与狭义的区分。广义道德能力是“成人”、“做人”能力这一本体论意义上的理解。狭义道德能力则是“如何履行义务”、“如何做”的具体行动能力这一实践论意义上的理解,它以普遍义务法则的存在为前提,聚焦于自由意志主体如何践行道德法则的能力。本文下篇从道德活动中的必然与偶然切入,通过分析主体道德活动中的场景、运气等,阐明主体的道德能力在具体道德活动中的作用。自由意志活动具有偶然性,自由意志的目的性行为要求行为主体不但要对自身能力有合理的认知和判断,要有从善良动机出发对诸原因引起的行为的风险性有责任担当的精神,而且要求主体选择“恰当”的行为方式,达到“应做”与“能做”的现实统一。行为主体能够以“恰当”的道德实践方式走向道德崇高。道德能力标识着道德从抽象走向具体、从普遍走向特殊、从形式走向实质。自由意志主体通过自身的道德活动,将自然与自由、偶然与必然、主观与客观相统一。道德不只是人的主观精神,更是人的道德实践能力,它在道德实践中不断地否定、提升。

【Abstract】 Taking the universal moral law existence of Kantian ethics,this text proposes and proves the concept of "moral competence" in the sense of practical philosophy. And through the analysis of moral competence in moral practice, it gives a new understanding of moral, which shows that moral is the beautiful soul with reality and the state of "mean" in human action.There are two sections in this text, the one section answers "what is the essence of moral competence" in general (angel), the other answers "how a subject’s moral competence comes ture by an’moderate’act "in specific.In section one,the text proposes the concept of moral competence, criticize the understanding of the moral, which from the realationship between the moral and moral competence. Meanwhile confronting with the problem of "the possibility about freedom" in Kant directly, the text questions closely the base of moral competence in metaphysics, clarifies a priori and a posteriori of moral competence, and how a will lay a foundation to the moral competence. Fourthermore, the text disciminates the concept of "moral competence" from a Narrow Definition and a Broad One. In meaning, the broad concept of moral competence is "to grow up" in a sense of ontology; The narrow concept of moral competence means the specific competence of "how to fulfill the moral reponsibility" in a sense of practice, and it focus on how to fulfill the moral law by the subject of free will(taking the universal moral law existence as the premise).In section two,taking the necessity and contingency, the text clarifies the effect of moral competence according to analysis of background,luck and so on in the specific moral action. There is congtigency in action.The purpose of free will require the actor not only cognize and judge its own competence rationaly, but also have the good motives and the spirit of taking on responsibility which causes the risk action. And the actor must choose a "moderate" action and achieve the real unification of "should do" and "can do". The actor can move towards to a saint, in the "moderate" practical way.Moral competence identifies that the change from the abstract to the concrete, the change from general to specific, the change from form to substance in moral. Precisely through the moral action,subject make the nature and freedom, the contigency and necessity,the subjectivity and objectivity unified.Moral is not just subjective spirit, still more practical competence,which denies,promotes unceasingly in the moral practice.

【关键词】 道德道德能力自由意志道德实践恰当
【Key words】 moralmoral competencefree willmoral practicemoderate

