

Evaluating Landscape Health in Urabn Wetland Park: Integrating Structure and Process

【作者】 李玉凤

【导师】 刘红玉;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 环境地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 随着城市湿地公园的快速发展,迫切需要从科学的角度对其进行深入探讨,使其得以健康、持续的发展。本文从景观生态学角度出发,综合运用地理学、环境科学等多学科理论,以及遥感、GIS和地统计分析、建模等方法,并以西溪国家湿地公园为案例,系统研究了城市湿地公园景观健康评价的理论和方法,得出如下基本结论:(1)科学界定了城市湿地公园内涵与功能。城市湿地公园与周边环境组成了既依赖其自身结构、过程又与外界存在紧密联系的开放系统。它具有生态系统脆弱、多尺度和功能多样性等基本特征,是集生态保护与合理利用于一体的景观系统。(2)建立了城市湿地公园景观功能分类系统。为了揭示城市湿地公园的功能特征,建立了基于功能分异的分类系统,并以西溪湿地公园为案例,揭示了其景观功能特征与其空间差异。结果显示:西溪湿地公园生态保护景观占整个公园的53.70%,旅游休闲景观占整个面积的46.30%,说明公园以生态保护为主。另外,景观功能斑块中生态保护斑块占公园面积的42.08%,且具有面积大、形状复杂、多样性较低的特征;旅游休闲斑块占公园面积的25.41%,表现为斑块面积小、形状规则、多样性高等特点;在景观功能廊道中生态保护廊道面积是旅游休闲廊道面积的一半左右,说明公园对景观廊道利用功能比较突出。(3)综合考虑湿地公园社会经济和生态保护两方面功能特征,构建了城市湿地公园景观结构健康研究的方法体系,并以西溪湿地公园景观结构的健康作为案例进行实证研究。结果表明:西溪湿地公园具有明显的社会经济和生态保护两方面特征,并且两者在空间分布上呈明显互补的空间格局。其中,社会经济可持续性“较好”的区域集中在公园的周边,说明公园周边区域以利用为主。而生态可持续性“较好”的区域集中在公园内部,说明公园中心地带以生态保护为主。综合考虑以上两方面得出,西溪湿地公园景观结构“健康”的区域占整个公园的42.97%,景观结构处于“疾病”的区域占整个公园的2.15%,说明研究区景观结构健康处于中等以上的水平。(4)综合考虑湿地公园水环境状态和过程两方面因素,构建了城市湿地公园景观水环境健康研究方法,并以西溪湿地公园为例进行实证研究。研究结果显示西溪湿地公园水环境状态以健康和亚健康为主,共占公园总面积的96.92%;水环境过程表现为夏季健康最好,其次为春季,冬季健康状态最差。综合水环境状态和过程健康得出,西溪湿地公园水环境总体集中在亚健康以下的水平,说明西溪湿地公园景观水环境存在一定问题,需要特别关注。(5)综合考虑景观结构健康和水环境健康,构建了城市湿地公园景观健康综合评价模型,并对西溪湿地公园景观健康进行综合评估。结果显示,西溪湿地公园景观处于“疾病”和“不健康”的区域占整个公园的41.39%,主要分布在公园的周边区域;景观“很健康”和“健康”的区域仅占整个公园的23.63%,主要分布在公园的内部。以上结果说明西溪湿地公园周边区域的景观健康存在一定的问题。(6)针对西溪湿地公园景观健康存在的问题,从公园内部和外部两方面提出了调控对策。其中减缓周边区域的人类干扰、调整合适的公园内部景观结构和维持健康的水环境是实现西溪湿地公园景观健康和可持续发展的关键。

【Abstract】 In recent years, urban wetland park is developing rapidly, but there are few theoretical researches on urban wetlands. So it is crying out for theoretical researches to maintain health and sustainability of urban wetland park. Xixi national wetland park was selected as study area for its well-known in China. Several discipline theories and methods, which including the theories of geography, landscape ecosystem, environmental science and the methods of RS, GIS. geostatistical analysis and modeling, were used to study the theory of landscape health in urban wetland park. The main research findings include:(1) Connotation and function of urban wetland park was scientifically defined. Urban Wetland Park was the open system which was composed of the park itself and its surroundings. Urban Wetland Park is dependent on structure and process of itself and close connection of surroundings. In sum, urban wetland park rolls the function of ecological protection and rational utilization into one landscape system, which characterized by frangibility, multiscale and functional diversity.(2) Classification system was established to understand functional character in urban wetland park basing on landscape function. Landscape classification system was applied in Xixi Wetland Park. Landscape structure was studied based on the classification. The results show that the area of ecologically protective landscape constitutes 53.70% of whole park, tourism and leisure landscape accounts for 46.30% of the park. Ecologically protective patches cover 42.08% of the park with large area, complex shape and low diversity. Tourism and leisure patches cover 25.41% of the park with small area, regular shape and high diversity. Compare to the structure of patches, the area ratio of ecologically protective corridors to tourism corridors was one to two. The network structure of ecologically protective corridors was more complex than that of tourism corridors.(3) The method of landscape structure health was set up in urban wetland park, which take empirical research on Xixi Wetland Park. The analyzing results indicate that Xixi Wetland Park share two significant characteristics:social economy and ecological protection. Socieconomic sustainability of the degree "very good" was located in the surrounding area of park and the degree "very bad" was located in the center of park. In contrast with socieconomic sustainability, the spatial distribution of ecological protection sustainability show opposed features. Take the sustainability of social economy and ecological protection into consideration. landscape structure health in Xixi Wetland Park stay in fine degree. The area of healthy and diseased landscape structure accounts for 42.97% and 2.15% respectively in the park.(4) The method of water health was created from water status and water process in urban wetland park. Taking Xixi Wetland Park as study area can draw the conclusion below. Water status in Xixi Wetland Park mainly focuses on health and subhealth and the area of it cover 96.92% of the park. Seasonal and spatial variation of water process is significant with higher spatial variation in summer and lower spatial variation in winter. Taking water status and water process into water health, the result indicated that water mainly stay under subhealth. which means that attentions should be paid on water quality in Xixi Wetland Park.(5) Comprehensive evaluation on landscape health was considered by landscape structure health and water haelth in Xixi Wetland Park. The result showed that the area of very good health and good health landscape mainly distributed in the center of park, covering 23.63% of the whole park. The area of ill health and diseased landscape accounted for 41.39% of the park and disturbed around the park. Studies indicated that the problem of landscape health existed around the park.(6) Based on the study of landscape health, the influence factors of landscape health were analyzed from internal and external factors of Xixi Wetland Park. Many suggestions were also provided to management of the park, including reduction human disturbance, adjustment structure of landscape and maintenance water quality of Wetland Park.


