

Forgiveness Intervention on Adolescents with High Trait Anger

【作者】 陶琳瑾

【导师】 傅宏;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究在高特质愤怒青少年对关键伤害事件及伤害者的宽恕历程中,探讨宽恕团体干预能否以及如何在青少年特质愤怒情绪管理中起作用。本研究是一次在行动中的研究,主要运用质化研究方法,量化方法作为辅助,在筛选被试和评估效果时起到工具作用。在量化研究方面,研究一以青少年学生为被试,对《特质愤怒量表》、《状态愤怒量表》和《Enright宽恕量表》进行修订,以保证干预实验效果评估工具的有效性。研究二利用《特质愤怒量表》,在某省级未成年犯管教所选取特质愤怒高于一般青少年的18名被试,将其中8名作为干预组,另外10名作为控制组,针对干预组青少年的关键伤害事件进行团体宽恕干预,每周2次,共14次,根据变量的前后测变化,比较干预组和控制组的实验效应。主要结论如下:1.修订的《状态愤怒量表》、《特质愤怒量表》、《Enright宽恕量表》都有良好的信效度,可以用来作为评估工具。2.与控制组相比,宽恕干预使干预组被试对特定对象的宽恕程度明显增加。3.与控制组相比,干预组被试没有在前测、后测的特质愤怒、状态愤怒、攻击性水平上显示出明显的降低;但是对干预组被试每日记录的状态愤怒数值显示出微弱下降的趋势。4.与控制组相比,宽恕干预使干预组被试在和谐性、共情水平上有显著增加,在焦虑、抑郁、敌对等指标上未显示出明显降低。在质化研究方面,以宽恕团体心理干预过程中的大量文本材料为依据,考察干预组青少年的关键受伤害事件和特质愤怒之间的关系、特质愤怒背后的心理需要以及干预过程的内在作用机制。主要结论如下:5.高特质愤怒青少年的重要受伤害事件对其特质愤怒有着重要影响,且两者互相促进,形成了某些恶性循环的模式,愤怒特质的背后反映着个体缺失的心理需要,宽恕干预可以让他们学会选择更加积极、更加建设性的而不是破坏性的应对策略,来满足缺失的心理需要。6.宽恕干预对高特质愤怒青少年产生作用的机制是:宽恕干预为个体引入了一种新的应对策略——宽恕,这成为了个体的努力控制资源,在努力控制过程中,有一些重要的环节产生了重要作用,如:“换一个角度”的认知方式、通过“丰富伤害者的故事”与伤害者共情等,在个体将宽恕作为一种努力控制资源进行调用的过程中,减少了对敌意的反复回想,也增加了回想的积极内容,对即时的报复反应有了“犹豫”过程,也有机会减少报复动机、增加亲社会动机。7.从深刻而具体的受伤害事件入手的宽恕干预能为高特质愤怒青少年的人格注入积极的力量,有利于他们的自我成长。

【Abstract】 This research probes into the question of whether forgiveness group intervention can work on the emotion management of trait anger and how it functions in the process of high-trait-anger-adolescences’forgiving their offender who had severely injured them in the critical incidents. The present research, taken out in the form of action, applies mainly the qualitative research while by the aid of quantitative research as the tool of selecting and evaluating participants.In quantitative researches, Study One revises the "Trait Anger Scale", the "State Anger Scale" and the "Enright Forgiveness Inventory" on the study of juvenile students to ensure the effectiveness of the assessment tool of the intervention experiments. Study Two selects 18 adolescents from a provincial reformatory whose trait anger scores are above the average.8 participants were assigned to experimental group, the other 10 in the control group. For participants allocated in the intervention group who had suffered serious injuries in their earlier life experiences, a group forgiveness intervention is carried out twice a week and 14 times in total. Dependent variables were administered at pre-test and post-test. Then the effects of the two groups are compared and the main conclusions are as follows:1. Revised versions of the "State Anger Scale", the "Trait Anger Scale", and the "Enright Forgiveness Inventory" have good reliability and validity. Therefore they can be used as measurement tools.2. Compared with the control group, the forgiveness intervention significantly elevates the level of forgiveness on specific objects of participants in the intervention group.3. Compared with the control group, the trait anger, state anger and aggression levels of the intervention group do not show a significant score reduction. However, for participants in the intervention group, the daily record indicates a slight downward trend of the state of anger.4. Compared with the control group, the harmony, empathy level of the participants in the intervention group has increased remarkably, nevertheless the level of anxiety, depression, hostility and other indicators are not significantly reduced.In qualitative research, by working upon massive related materials of psychological group intervention in the process of forgiveness, the researcher study on relationship between critical incidents and trait anger, the psychological needs behind the trait anger and the internal mechanism of the intervention process, ultimately reaching the following main conclusions:5. Critical incidents which seriously hurt the participants, juveniles with high trait anger, have a great impact on their trait anger, and these two factors promote each other, thus forming a vicious cycle. Anger trait reflects a lack of individual psychological needs. Forgiveness intervention can allow them to learn to choose more positive and constructive rather than destructive coping strategies to compensate for those psychological needs.6. The mechanism of forgiveness intervention on young people with high trait anger is:the introduction of forgiveness intervention for individuals, a new coping strategy-to forgive, which becomes the individual’s effortful control resource to regulate emotion. In the process, some key parts have played important roles, such as the cognitive approach "consider the problem from different viewpoints" and through "stories that enriching the incidents" to empathize with one’s offender, etc. In the course of using forgiveness as effortful control resource, the rumination of hostility is reduced and the recall of positive content has increased. The victims have produced hesitation over immediate retaliation consequently and there is the potentiality of less retaliation and more pro-social motivation.7. Forgiveness intervention which proceeds from profound and detailed incidents is an effective way for adolescents with high trait anger. It injects a positive force into their personality which is conducive to their self promotion.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】968

