

【作者】 孙晓文

【导师】 何言宏;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文从“革命”的文化视角整体考察“十七年”农村题材小说,结合中国革命史和当代文化发展史,通过对“十七年”农村题材小说典型文本的解读,研讨其创作得失。同时,思考革命作为权力话语和政治文化,如何对“十七年”文学创作的内外空间产生全面深刻的影响,挖掘和呈现革命的文学价值与文化风貌。论文在三个角度理解和使用“革命”,即中国革命、革命文化和革命化。并以革命为区分乡土小说、农村题材小说的标志,梳理“十七年”农村题材创作中革命与乡土写作的互动关系。在“十七年”的革命语境下,农村题材小说以人民性、现实性为理论基础,以思想规训化、组织制度化、批评公共化达到生产机制的一体化,以阶级分析、斗争意识为指导观念和写作内容。这决定了“十七年”农村题材小说的叙事,是以革命启蒙建构新的革命主体“农民英雄”的过程,也是对“中间人物”从创作到理论的消解过程。与此相伴随的,是农民与乡土承载的民间文化的革命化:家庭伦理让位于国家观念,个人主义服从于集体精神,利益之心消泯于革命道德。经过革命的改造后,“十七年”农村题材小说最终呈现出与乡土小说有别的美学特征,表现为取代时间循环轮回的、直线前进的时间观,风景画、风俗画和风情画破碎消失的空间形态,以及革命化的“毛文体”、农民化与口语化的语言实践。论文认为,对“十七年”农村题材小说的研究,必须放在现代乡土小说流变的脉络中考察。革命书写了乡土小说,使之成为农村题材小说;农村题材小说因书写革命,而异于乡土小说。“十七年”农村题材小说仍然是乡土小说,对革命与乡土关系的处理,决定它对乡土小说传统的反叛或回归。革命是它的创作核心与研究入口,因此它可称为“革命乡土小说”。这一命名,能够突出农村题材小说的根本特征,说明它与乡土小说的关系,揭示现代性中革命与文学的对立统一。由于革命的现代性本质,使乡土小说的现代写作在整体展开时,加剧了统一与断裂的矛盾运动,显示出阶段性的特点。从革命现代性角度审视“十七年”农村题材小说,必将在反思革命的同时,整合20世纪中国文学史的讲述。

【Abstract】 The doctoral dissertation studys rural novels of the "17 years" from cultural perspective of "revolution" and discusses their gain and loss, combining the history of Chinese revolution and contemporary culture and the interpretation of some typical texts. Meanwhile, the dissertation considers how revolution produces a comprehensive and profound effect on internal and external space of literature in the "17 years" as discourse of power and political culture, and presents literary value and cultural features of revolution.The dissertation understands and uses "revolution" in three angles, which are Chinese revolution, revolutionary culture and revolutionization. Revolution is a sign of difference between native-soil novels and rural novels and has interactive relationship with native writing in rural novels of the "17 years". Under the revolutionary context of the "17 years", the rural novels bases on the theory of national character and reality, reaches integration of production mechanism by disciplined thoughts, institutionalized organization and public criticism, and takes class analysis and struggle consciousness as guidance and content of the writing. The factors determine the narration in rural novels of the "17 years" to be the process of construction of new revolutionary subject "peasant heroes" with revolutionary enlightenment, also the process of deconstruction of "middle figures" from creation to theory. The process is accompanied with the revolutionization of folk culture carried by peasants and native soil, which includes family ethics giving way to concept of the state, individualism submitting to collectivism, and heart of interests weakening in revolutionary morality. Finally after the revolutionary transformation, rural novels of the "17 years" shows different aesthetic features from native-soil novels:straight forward concept of time that replace the time cycle, space form in which landscape, genre painting and custom feelings broke and disappeared, and language practice with revolutionized "MAO style" and changing toward manner of peasants and spoken language.The dissertation considers it is necessary to put the research of rural novels of the "17 years" in the flow of modern native-soil novels. Revolution writes native-soil novels and turns them to be rural novels, and rural novels differ from native-soil novels for writing of revolution. Rural novels of the "17 years" are also native-soil novels, but the process of relationship between revolution and native soil determines their rebellion or return to the tradition of native-soil novels. Revolution is the core of their creation and research entrance, so they can be called "revolutionized native-soil novels".The name highlights the basic features of rural novels, shows the relationship between them and native-soil novels, and reveals unity of opposites between revolution and literature in modernity. Owing to the revolution’s nature of modernity, the modern writing of native-soil novels sharpens contradictory movement of unity and fracture when launched as a whole and shows the characteristic of stages. To survey rural novels of the "17 years" from the perspective of revolutionary modernity, will reflect on revolution and integrate the description of history of Chinese literature in 20th century.


