

【作者】 张冀

【导师】 杨洪承;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在现代中国汉语文学史上,左翼小说革命叙事在主体重构、叙事修辞、美学成规等方面形成自己独有的叙事经验,“红色经典”小说与之有着客观存在的历史承袭。这种难以割舍的血缘联系,实证了左翼小说革命叙事的后世影响和“典范”意义,也标志着“红色经典”小说经典性的全然缺失。具体表现在如下三个方面。首先,中国无产阶级革命与农民的深度结盟,引发作家抛却“国民性”批判的道德优越和教化常态,对以农民为主体的工农大众的精神品格做了极为大胆的艺术处理,导致了农民文化人格的变异与阶级身份的冲突。作家也因“诗人”到“战士”的身份置换,决定其社会职责由“艺术”到“政治”的角色错位,完成了小说对知识精英皈依工农大众的自我救赎的精细描述。其次,以二元冲突作为叙事修辞,将阶级观念、政治理性渗透到小说中。父子农民的代际冲突注入阶级内涵,子辈以“革命之子”的阶级身份,在精神上和父辈断裂,父辈最终实现了向子辈的思想认同。“革命+恋爱”的叙事模式也有新质:革命者的自我约束心理机制和情爱资源配置模式。再次,革命预设的正义观念,让暴力复仇获得了道义上的合法性;革命附加的美好愿景,又让英雄传奇获得了审美上的合理性。这一宏大叙事突显了无产阶级革命文学实用功利主义的“战斗精神”特质。出现以上三大影响的原因在于:知识精英作家在革命风潮的强劲裹挟下,在对革命、民众的心灵阵痛和精神焦虑中迷失了自我;而顺利接班的工农大众作家,文学素养和理论储备又普遍先天不足,这就为其小说创作借用与承袭左翼小说革命叙事提供了内在契机。因此,重新辨析“左翼文学”的概念命题,全面还原“红色经典”文学的创作资源,科学理性地揭示左翼小说革命叙事经验对“红色经典”文学的深刻影响,客观务实地评价这种影响的政治功利性审美、文化现象,真实再现中国作家对于革命理念认知的复杂心路历程,不仅构成本文的研究缘起,而且还将作为一个新的学术生长点,积极地拓展左翼文学、“红色经典”文学研究的思维空间。

【Abstract】 In the history of modern Chinese literature, the narration of revolution in left-wing novels has formed its own unique narrative experience in the aspects such as subject reconstruction, narrative rhetoric, and aesthetic conventions, which the Red Classics novels objectively and historically inherited. The kinship which was hard to cut proved that the narration of revolution in left-wing novels had profound impacts and "model" significances; meanwhile it also marks the lost of classic in the Red Classics.These are embodied in the following three aspects. First, the close alliance of the Chinese proletarian revolution and farmers caused writers to discard the "national "critical superiority of morality and moralized convention. They made a very bold artistic treatment of the spirit character of the broad masses of workers and peasants, resulting in the alienation of peasants’cultural personality and the conflicts of class identity. The change of writers’identity from "poets" to "warriors" determined the role dislocation of their social responsibilities from "art" to "politics", so in their novels they precisely described that many intellectuals were willing to be peasants or workers as self-salvation. Secondly, they used dualistic characteristics as narrative rhetoric, and made the concept of class and political rationality permeated the novels. The intergenerational conflict between father and son in rural areas was filled with class connotation. The young generation had the class identity of "the son of the revolution", who fell apart with his father.And finally son’s ideas were favored by his father.The narrative model of "revolution plus love" also had new connotation:revolutionary’s psychological mechanism of self-restraint and the allocation model of love resource. Thirdly, the idea of justice presupposed by revolution made violence and revenge morally legal; the additional bright vision portrayed by revolution led to the aesthetic rationality of saga.The grand narration highlights the "fighting spirit" quality of practical utilitarianism in proletarian revolutionary literature. Why did the three impacts of the above exist? The reason shows below:In the strong wave of revolution, the intellectual elite writers lost themselves in the mental pain and anxiety for the revolution and the broad masses; the later writers who used to be workers and peasants lacked literary background and literary theory, which became the basic reason why their novels borrowed and imitated the revolutionary narration of the left-wing novels.Therefore, the re-examination of the concept of the left-wing literature, full restoration of the creative resources of the Red Classics literature, scientifical and rational revealment of the profound impacts the revolutionary narrative experience in left-wing novels made on the Red Classics, pragmatic and objective evaluation of the aesthetic and cultural phenomena of its political utility, and exact reproduction of cognitive complexity of the revolutionary idea the Chinese writers had, all of which not only consist of the origin of the study of text, but also become a new academic growing point, actively expanding the thinking space of the study of the left-wing literature and "Red Classics" literature.


