

【作者】 孙绪敏

【导师】 高永年;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 新诗的体式是一种具有稳定构造、能体现新诗审美特质的特殊的符号系统。这种符号系统能突显新诗文本的符号结构和编码方式,集中反映新诗的外部形态特征和内在审美本质,并具有一定的规范性、公用性和稳定性。新诗体式之演变是以晚清到建国前的诗歌文类为研究对象,梳理了白话语境下新诗体式演变的轨迹、探讨了新诗体式演变的原因,分析了三种代表性体式的审美特征,总结了新诗体式演变的规律、存在的经验教训以及对未来新诗体式构建的借鉴意义。新诗体式的演变在整体上呈现出自由体—格律体—自由体—格律体这样矛盾着而又发展着的消长与起伏。通过探寻新诗体式的演变轨迹,清晰地描画出新诗体式发展的总体性线索和阶段性脉络,在纵向上展现了新诗体式的发展格局,在横向上发掘出新诗体式的演变同语言的变迁、社会的时代诉求、外国文学的影响、读者的接受、以及规范与反规范的规律运动之间的关系。影响新诗体式演变的因素很多。但关键的因素主要有两个:一是文学语言的变迁,二是社会时代的影响。语言决定体式。新诗的体式很大程度上依赖于白话语言的听觉与视觉的冲击和震撼。影响新诗体式演变的另一个重要原因是诗体外部的社会时代因素。另外,新诗体式的演变还受到了外国文学的影响,读者接受的影响和诗体内部规范与反规范的矛盾运动等因素的影响。新诗体式的演变是一个复杂的文化现象,虽然在一定的历史时期呈现出阶段性特征,但总体上表现出多种体式交汇并进的发展态势。新诗的体式有很多种类,但代表性体式有三种:自由体、现代格律体、民歌体。自由诗体式自由多变,丰富多彩;注重自然的音节、自由的节奏和内在的韵律;在特殊的时代还表现出战斗的美。现代格律诗是自觉拯救新诗的弊端而彰显规律体式和语言要求的新派诗,在审美特征上具有节制的美,建筑的美和中国式的传统美。民歌体诗歌表现农村生活,关注农民命运,在处理诗与生活关系上主张面向生活,把握现实;在诗的表达上注重明白晓畅;在诗的语言形式上主张面向大众的白话,采用具有中国气派和中国风格的民族形式,有韵(能诵易记)和非律(没有形式上的束缚)是民歌体新诗在体式上最突出的审美特质。世间一切事物的发生、发展都有自身的规律性,新诗体式的演变也呈现出一定的规律性:自由体与格律体的演变呈现出此消彼长的演变形态;呈现出多对抗少和解的特点;呈现出大众化、民间化的趋向;但泛化诗体“自由”极易造成诗意的缺失。新诗产生于中国社会要求结束封建统治走向现代文明的大背景下,促成这一划时代创造的灵感,主要来自改造社会的激情。新诗从体式破坏到体式重建,积累了丰富的经验教训,具体表现在:新诗体式的构建一定要处理好文学与政治的关系问题;一定要处理好自由体与格律体的对抗问题;一定要分清诗歌与散文的文体区别;重自由体轻格律体易导致新诗体式的难以定型。新诗的体式构建要继承和发扬古典格律体的优秀传统,同时要吸收自由体的灵动素质和借鉴外国格律体的某些长处,要增多诗体,丰富诗歌的表现手段。让诗体整齐的美与错综的美结合在一起,既自由活泼又有一定的规律可循,同时在兼顾民众欣赏习惯的基础上,在诗艺上有所提高。

【Abstract】 The style of modern verse is a special symbol system, which owns stable structures and can reflect the aesthetic qualities of modern verse. The symbol system can highlight the symbol structure and encoding mode of the texts of modern verse, concentratedly reflect external morphological characteristics and internal aesthetic nature of modern verse and to some extend have the features of normative, commonality and stability.The evolution of the style of modern verse regards the genre of modern verse between the late Qing Dynasty and the foundation of the PRC as the object of study, in which efforts are made to clarify tracks of modern verse style evolving under the vernacular context, to explore reasons of the evolving, to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of three representative styles and to summarize the law of modern verse style evolution, existed experience and lessons and the reference significance to construction of modern verse style in the future.The evolution of modern verse style on the whole takes on contradictory and developing ups and downs of free verse-- metrical verse -- free verse--metrical verse. By exploring the evolution track of modern verse style, the general clues and threads in each phrasal are clearly depicted. Vertically, development pattern of modern verse style has been presented. Horizontally, the relationships, which are between modern verse style evolution and the language change, the demand of society, the impact of foreign literature, the acceptance of readers and the regular exercise of norm and anti-norm, are to be excavated.The evolution of modern verse style is impacted by many factors. However, there are two key factors:first, changes in literary language; second, the impact of social and time background. Languages decide styles. The styles of modern verse rely heavily on the auditory and visual impacts and shocks of vernacular language. Another important reason is an external factor of social and time background. In addition, the evolution of modern verse style also has been impacted by’foreign literature, by the acceptance of readers and by and by the contradictory exercise of norm and anti-norm in poems. The evolution of modern verse style is a complex cultural phenomenon. Although this evolution shows phrasal characteristic in a certain historical period, on the whole the development trend is convergence of various styles.There are many types of modern verse in the style, but there are three representative ones:free style, modern metrical style and folk song style. Free style verse is rich and varied, focusing on the natural syllables, free rhythm and internal rhyme. In special time backgrounds, it also shows the beauty of fighting. Modern Metrics poetry is of a new poetry school which consciously rescues the demerits of modern verse and highlights the regular language requirements. Aesthetically, it owns the temperate, architectural and traditional Chinese beauty. Folk song style poetry expresses rural life and concerns the fate of farmers. When dealing with the relationship between verse and life, it is close to life and tries tog rasp reality. In expression, it focuses on being smooth and explicit; in language forms, it favors the vernacular language which is for the general publicity by using a national style of Sinicism. Rhyme (able to be recited and remembered) and non-law (no constraints in forms) are the two most prominent aesthetic qualities of the style of folk song style poetry.The occurrences and developments of things all over the world have their own laws, so does the evolution of modern verse styles. The evolution of free verse and metrical poetry shifts a lot, showing the feature of more conflicts and less reconciliation and becoming more and more popular and public. But the generalization of verse styles is very likely to lead to poetic deficiency. Modern verse was produced in the time background when Chinese society demanded an end to the feudal rule and moved towards modern civilization. The inspiration of this epoch-making creation was mainly from the passion for transforming the society. Modern verse has accumulated rich experiences and lessons from style destruction to style reconstruction. It shows concretely in handling following relationships and problems in the construction of modern verse style:the relationship between literature and politics; the confrontation between free verse and metrical poetry; the difference between poetry and prose; the difficulty in finalizing the pattern of modern verse style which is caused by overemphasis on free verse and less attention on metrical poetry.The construction of modern verse style should inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of the classical metrical poetry, while absorb the variety of free verse and learn from advantages of foreign metrical poetry, enriching both kinds of styles and means of expression. In this way, neat poetic beauty and intricate beauty combine well, freely and lively and following certain rules as well. Consequently, on one hand, people’s habits of appreciating poetry are considered; on the other hand, the art of modern verse will be improved.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
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