

Study on Control Strategy of Electric Driving and Regenerative Braking for Pure Electric Vehicle

【作者】 汪贵平

【导师】 马建;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 纯电动汽车具有高效、低噪声、零排放等显著优点,在环保和节能方面具有不可比拟的优势,其应用和普及已成为汽车工业可持续发展的必然趋势。迄今为止,续驶里程不足仍然是制约纯电动汽车商业化的瓶颈。为实现有限能量源的充分利用,提高驱动系统效率及再生制动能量回收是目前亟待解决的问题。在此背景下,本文以陕西省重点科技攻关计划项目为依托,在高效电驱动系统、再生制动能量回收、双能量源存储系统和优化控制策略等方面,通过理论推导、仿真与实验获得纯电动汽车的研制依据和实验数据,为高性能纯电动汽车的研究与开发提供理论基础和工程经验。论文的研究工作及主要创新点包括:1.在分析电动汽车动力学和电机模型的基础上,建立了永磁直流电机拖动汽车的动力学数学模型,该模型更好地反映了电动汽车运动受风阻影响这一特殊性。考虑到电机通用数学模型的普适性,决定采用其主要参数和环节,并辅之相应的非线性环节构建电机拖动汽车的动态结构图。同时,推导出转动惯量和机电时间常数的计算公式,使各参数的物理意义更加明确,实现了机(汽车)电(电机)系统的有机结合。2.系统分析了纯电动汽车驱动与再生制动能量回收的控制策略,针对蓄电池单能量源纯电动汽车,以车速为控制目标,研究了电动运行状态的各种控制方案,详细分析了系统的构成、稳态结构和动态响应,比较了各自的优缺点和适用范围。为了充分利用再生制动的功能,分析了纯电动汽车再生制动的工作原理,研究了能量回收的控制策略,利用Matlab仿真验证了理论研究的正确性。3.以城市公交中巴客车作为纯电动汽车的改装对象,简要介绍了纯电动试验样车的基本结构、完成了控制系统配套所需电气控制线路的设计。在此基础上,提出了控制器系统的总体设计方案,完成了器件选型、硬件电路设计、软件程序设计等工作,同时制作了控制器电路板、触发保护线路和二象限PWM功率变换装置。为了便于调试和重要参数显示,完成了智能仪表盘的软硬件设计。在实验室完成了系统功能测试。4.根据超级电容加双向DC/DC变换器与蓄电池并联的结构,设计了双能量源系统的主回路电路结构,并对其工作状态进行了详细分析,以满足纯电动汽车对比能量和比功率的双重要求。在此基础上,根据整车的性能要求和配置情况,分别从能量和功率角度对双能量源系统的蓄电池、超级电容单体串联数目及各节容量进行了理论计算和匹配设计。利用扩展的ADVISOR仿真软件对双能量源的匹配参数进行了仿真优化及结果校验,可以满足纯电动汽车对双能量源系统的要求。5.根据纯电动汽车的不同工作状态,设计了双向DC/DC变换器的模糊自调整控制策略。在电动运行状态下以“稳压”为目标,实现超级电容和蓄电池的输出电压相匹配;在制动运行状态下以“稳流”为目标,实现对超级电容和蓄电池的恒流充电。建立了电动状态电压控制和制动状态电流控制的Matlab仿真模型,验证了模糊自调整控制策略的正确性和有效性。6.针对双能量源纯电动汽车的制动力分配和能量管理控制问题,提出了双能量源制动力分配和能量管理的模糊控制策略,并从整车经济性、动力性、能量源效率和制动能量回收四个角度对所制定的双能量源模糊控制效果进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明,模糊控制策略可以合理分配蓄电池和超级电容的输出功率,综合发挥双能量源特长,提高整车的动力性和经济性。7.对ADVISOR2002仿真软件进行了二次开发,获得了界面友好且适合双能量源纯电动汽车仿真的专用平台,克服了用ADVISOR软件不能对双能量源纯电动汽车进行性能仿真的缺点。结合典型循环工况,对双能量源纯电动汽车及其控制策略进行了性能仿真,仿真结果表明双能量源纯电动的经济性和动力性都得到了提高。

【Abstract】 With the advantages of high efficiency, low noise and little pollution emission, pure electric vehicles (PEV) are leading a revolution in automobile industry under the pressure of the natural environment protection and the growing oil shortage nowadays. So far, inadequate driving range is still the major fencing to hinder the development of PEV, new efforts are necessary to improve the usage efficiency and regenerative braking recycling for limited energy available. Supported by a provincial scientific project, this dissertation mainly focuses on the PEV issues like electric drive system, regenerative braking, dual-energy storage system (DESS), and optimization & control strategies of PEV. Specifically, the main work and contributions of the dissertation are summarized as follows:1. On the basis of analyzing the dynamic model of PEV and DC motor, the dynamics-simulating model for vehicles driven by permanent DC motor is established, which can better reflect the influence of wind resistance. Because of the universality and applicability of general DC motor model, a new dynamic graph for motor-dragging vehicles is constructed mainly by the parameters & links in the general DC motor, assisted by some nonlinear links. Meanwhile, the formula for inertia and time constant is summed up, in which the physical meaning of parameters is clearer, and the combination of vehicle and motor is more reasonable.2. The control strategy for driving and regenerative braking is investigated systematically. For PEV with sole-energy storage system, the vehicle speed is taken as the control objectives, and various control schemes are studied in the driving state, including the system constitution, steady structure and dynamic response, as well as the features and application scope. Moreover, in order to make the regenerative braking more effective, the principle of regenerative braking for PEV is analyzed, the control strategy for energy recycling is studied and simulated in Matlab.3. Based on the design scheme to reassemble a city transit bus to a test PEV, the structure of PEV is briefly introduced, and the electric circuit of control system is implemented. The overall design scheme for the control system is proposed, the device selection, circuit design and software development are accomplished, a circuit board, a triggering protection circuit and two quadrant PWM power converter are manufactured. Furthermore, for the convenience of debugging and parameters illustration, the intelligent meter panel is designed and tested in laboratory.4. Regarding to the dual-requirements for high-energy density and high-power density, the DESS is designed to be a composition of battery and ultra-capacitor plus bi-direction DC/DC converter in parallel. The main-loop circuit of DESS is constructed, and the working states are analyzed. After analyzing the power and energy requirements, the structure and parameters of DESS are presented in term of mathematical computation. Finally, aforementioned results are verified by extending ADVISOR simulator with dual-energy storage auto-sizing.5. According to the different running states of PEV, the fuzzy self-tuning control strategy for bi-directional DC/DC converter is designed. In forward running state, the converter is employed to achieve voltage stability for balancing the voltage output between the battery and ultra-capacitor. In regenerative braking state, the converter is used to provide constant charging current for the battery and ultra-capacitor. The simulation model of DC/DC converter is estalished in MATLAB, and the simulation results prove that the controlling method is correct and effective.6. In order to improve the performance of braking force distribution and energy management, two fuzzy optimal control strategies are proposed for PEV with DESS. A simulation w.r.t. economical efficiency, power parameter, power efficiency and braking energy recycling is performed. The results show that the proposed fuzzy strategies can more effectively distribute the output power of DESS, improve the property in DESS, and attain a better acceleration and economic performance.7. A software platform with friendly interface specialized for the simulation of the pure electric vehicle (PEV) with DESS is established by the redevelopment of ADVISOR. The new platform overcomes the shortcoming that ADVISOR can not simulate DESS’s performance. Combined with typical cycle conditions, the performance simulation is performed for PEV with DESS and control strategies. The simulation results show that both the dynamic property and the economical efficiency of the PEV with DESS are improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

