

【作者】 顧莉丹

【导师】 汪少华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《考工记》是先秦文献中第一部关於科技和手工业的著作,详细地论述了器物形制、制作过程、部件名称及比例、審核標準等,反映了先秦时代先进的手工业技术。在漫长的历史演变中,这些器物的形制并没有发生太大的变化,虽然很多已经退出历史舞臺,但历史的痕跻都显示出它们曾经的辉煌。《考工记》中关於兵器的描述具体而翔实,由此可以了解到战争在当时社会所占的重要地位。二十世纪以来,新的史学理论和方法的提出,考古学和古文字学的新发现和新成果,尤其层出不穷的考古发掘,使几千年前的实物得以重现,这为研究只留存于文献纪载而无法親见的器物提供了极好的契机。运用出土实物印证古文献记载,藉助文献记载为出土实物定名,是贯通训诂学和考古学进行研究的重要方法。很多文献记载因为看不到实物,总是无法有直观的视觉和明晰的了解,通过考古出土的实物,就能一目了然;相应地,因时代久远很多无法命名的出土实物可以在古代文献找到依据。本文结合传世文献与出土材料,利用前人的研究成果,对《考工记》的兵器部份进行概括和梳理。根据传统分类方法,把兵器分成以下几类:长兵器:斧斤、戈戟、矛殳。短兵器:劍、刀。远射兵器:弓、弩、矢。(附“射侯”)防护器具:甲胄、盾。在具体讨论过程中,先总述某种兵器的起源与演变,描述其形制和结构,然後结合《考工记》中的相关篇章进行研究,以求对该兵器的发展有一个整体的认识。随後以经文、鄭注和孙疏为重点,根据《考工记》篇章,对其中涉及到的兵器及其部件进行梳理,尽可能利用出土实物及其相关研究成果作出印证,且附上实物图片。对注疏相抵牾或不明了之处,运用与著作年代相近的其他文献进行参照,尝试作出合理的解释。除了兵器名物,还从语言文字角度研究鄭注孫疏:其一,对经文和注疏中的字句、文段和句读进行梳理;其二,释义不当的字词重新注解,并查检《汉语大词典》有关《考工记》的词條在释义、立项、书证等方面是否正确,对不妥帖之处提出改订意见。“结语”总结了本文的研究方法和研究成果,并举例加以说明。

【Abstract】 Kao Gong Ji (the Artificers’Record) is the earliest document to comprehensively introduce technology and handicraft industry in pre-Qin dynasty, and is a work well-known throughout the ages and all over the world. It gives a detailed description on the form and manufacturing of the implements, revealing mature mathematical theories, a newly emerging scientific capacity, and the advanced handicraft technology of the pre-Qin era. During their long historical evolution, these implements have not changed greatly, and although many of them have since withdrawn from the historical stage, evidence still shows traces of their resplendent past. Current research on historical implements continues to place great emphasis on the Kao Gong Ji.Since the 20th century, plenty of excavated materials have provided much new evidences for ancient historical research. In light of such evidence, Wang Guowei put forward "the method of double evidences"-combining the study of ancient transmitted documents with that of newly excavated materials, and afterwards Rao Zongyi presented "the method of triple evidences"-wherein the excavated materials are further subdivided into the unearthed objects themselves and the paleography which is recorded on them. These two methods have come to be applied to the practice of the document research with increasing regularity. In recent years, the archaeological objects unearthed have offered us both real and intuitive material evidence. Much of the received literature is difficult to fully understand without the aid of visual and concrete objects, while archaeological materials make them clear at first glance. Correspondingly, the unearthed wares which could not otherwise be identified find their theoretical basis in the records of ancient documents. Therefore, using unearthed cultural relics to corroborate the objects recorded in ancient documents, are both important research methods in studying the Kao Gong Ji. The achievements of paleography are also very important in this study, as some characters in this book have retained their ancient original forms, different from those adopted in later orthography. Thus we can use the inscriptions on oracle bones, bronze, bamboo slips, silk and other materials to provide collateral evidence in this study.In the Kao Gong Ji, the description of weapons (including offensive and defensive weapons) is especially thorough and specific, which shows the importance of warfare in the society at that time. Scholars have laid particular emphasis on metallurgy in Kao Gong Ji. It is one of the earliest heritages on bronze foundry to be found among ancient tests. The manufacturing of spears, ges (dagger-axe with a cross blade, made of bronze or iron, with a long handle), halberds, arrowheads, and swords, reflected the outstanding foundry technology that existed in ancient Chinese society. Gong Ren (Bow Artificer) is the longest section in the Kao Gong Ji, and describes in detail the manufacturing of the compound bow in the pre-Qin era.In my dissertation, I divided the study of weapons of the Kao Gong Ji into two parts:Offensive weapons and defensive weapons.The first part includes three sections:Ⅰ. Long weapons:axe, Ge (dagger-axe with a cross blade, made of bronze or iron, with a long handle) and halberd (an ancient weapon with a pointed bronze or iron head and a sharp blade fitted on the head of a long handle), spear (an ancient weapon with bronze or iron head fixed on a long pole), and Shu (an ancient weapon made of bamboo, with ridges but no blade).Ⅱ. Short weapons:sword and Dao (an ancient weapon for cutting, mowing, hacking or chopping).Ⅲ.Long-shooting weapons:compound bow, crossbow, and arrow.The second part also includes study of leather armor and shields.In each section, according to the order of the original content, I undertake textual research on the weapon, including its name, form, manufacture and development, and the question of the languages that is employed to describe it. There are three research methods employed:reference to relevant documents (the relevant contents of the Zhou Li and the other documents from the pre-Qin era); verification from archaeological materials (the use of archaeologically unearthed objects to verify the implements in Kao Gong Ji); and diagrammatic confirmation (inserting pictures or diagrams to enhance understanding).My research on the Kao Gong Ji has involved collecting and integrating the results of previous research and the evidence of archaeologically unearthed materials. As I attempt to solve problems in the work, I endeavor to base my own conclusions on the solid foundation laid down by prior scholars, elaborating on this basis by reference to evidence that can be gleaned by the further study of new materials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K875.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1004

