

Research on Constitutionalism of Urban-rural Isomorphism

【作者】 高建军

【导师】 苗连营;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国历史上形成的城乡二元结构,给中国社会发展尤其是农村社会发展造成了巨大的消极影响。近些年来,一直困扰中国社会发展的“三农问题”更是与这种城乡二元结构的存在脱不了干系。宪政,从本质上来讲,乃是通过理性的制度设计,限制或规范国家权力的行使,进而使公民的人权得到有效保障。西方古典宪政思想所关注的核心问题,就是如何最大限度地保护社会成员使其免受公权力的侵害,以及如何将政府侵害公民的机会降至最小。宪政建设是当前中国政治体制改革的核心内容,也是解决农村问题的立足点。对于中国农村问题的研究,已不能仅仅局限于经济学和社会学领域,宪法领域的研究以及宪政视角的分析一样重要,甚至更具根本性。本文的研究正是在这样的背景下展开的。城乡二元结构,以及与之相关联的城市发展方针、户籍制度、城市就业管理措施等,造成了严重的城乡不平等,包括政治权利的不平等,分配的不公平,市场交易的不公平,权利享有的不平等。城乡二元结构已经成为和谐社会的内伤和民主宪政建设的反讽,农村问题的解决应当从打破现有的城乡二元结构入手,具体包括制度变革、权利平等保护等。针对现存的城乡问题,本文提出了城乡社会同构概念,这是城市化和城乡一体化等概念的升华。从宪法学的角度来讲,农民和市民在权利享有上的平等,构成了城乡社会同构概念的核心。城乡社会同构更注重对农民主体性的尊重,赋予农民更多自主发展的空间,使农民和市民享有同等的权利,享有平等的宪法地位,受到宪法同等的保护。城乡社会同构强调城乡在制度构造、法律地位、文化空间、经济政策、生活方式、人际关系等方面的同质性。即不再有城市与农村之间市场地位的差别,不再有市民与农民身份上的不平等,不再有工业对农业的剥削。城乡社会同构的实现,归根结底是一个宪法问题而不是单纯的经济学或社会学问题。本文基于上述考虑,通过六个部分的分析,提出了解决中国农村问题的具体设想。第一部分对城乡社会同构理论价值、研究方法、研究意义、哲学基础等问题展开论述;第二部分介绍了城乡社会同构提出的背景,解释了城乡社会同构的基本内涵,并与城市化、城乡一体化等概念进行了比较;第三部分揭示了城乡社会同构的宪政根源,即城乡二元结构下农民宪法权利贫困的现实,提出了重塑城乡关系的现实命题,而城乡社会同构则是解决城乡问题的有效路径;第四部分探讨了城乡社会同构与社会主义宪政建设的内在契合,通过分析认为,城乡社会同构有利于宪政精神的彰显,有助于宪政社会基础的构建,有利于宪政文化基因的培育;第五部分阐释了城乡社会同构的具体路径依赖,即具体的宪政制度变革,包括财政制度、市场制度、土地制度以及户籍制度等的变革;第六部分对全文进行总结。总的来讲,本文从宪法学的角度,分析了我国农村问题的现状,问题的根源,以及解决问题的具体思路,并提出城乡社会同构概念,以期对已有的研究成果有所补充。

【Abstract】 Essentially speaking, constitutionalism is to limit or standardize the exertion of state power through rational system design, making citizens obtain effective safeguard of their human rights. The western classical constitutionalism thought pays attention to how to maximally protect social members from the violation of power, and reduce the opportunity of the violation from government to citizens minimally. The constitutionalism construction is the core content of Chinese present political reform, and also the standpoint of solving the countryside problem. Regarding the Chinese countryside problem research, it could not be limited merely on the economic and the sociological domain. It is equally important on the research of constitution domain and the analysis on view of constitutionalism, even much more fundamental. The research of this paper is precisely under such background.Urban-rural isomorphism concept presented in this paper, is the sublimation of concepts such as urbanization and city-country integration, etc. It pays great attention to the respect of farmers’ independence, and gives them more space of independent development, making them enjoy equal rights and constitution status with urban residents, and receive same protections of the Constitution. Urban-rural isomorphism emphasizes the homogeneities between city and countryside, such as system structure, legal status, cultural environment, economic policy, life style, interpersonal relationship, etc. There will be no more market position difference between city and countryside, or status inequality between urban residents and farmers, or exploitation from industry to. agriculture. The realization of urban-rural isomorphism, in the final analysis, is a constitutional question instead of a pure economic or sociological question.From the perspective of Constitution, the equality in right between farmers and urban residents constitute the conceptual core of urban-rural isomorphism. However, the existence of dual structure of urban and rural areas, causes deficient of the farmers’right and economic poverty, resulting in the developments of countryside on each aspect all seriously fall behind the city, such as democratic politics, economy, culture, social security, etc, and restricting the whole development of Chinese society. In recent years, "Issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers" always puzzles Chinese social development. It has direct causal relation with such dual structure of urban and rural areas.Dual structure of urban and rural areas, as well as measures concerning urban development policy, household registration system, city employment management, etc, leads to serious inequality between urban and rural areas. It includes inequality in political authority and enjoying rights, unfairness in assignment and market transaction. It has already been an internal injury of our harmonious society and an irony in democratic constitutionalism construction. Problems in rural areas should be solved from breaking the existed dual structure of urban and rural areas, specifically including system reform, protection of equal right, and so on.Based on previous consideration, through analysis of six portions, this paper proposes the concrete tentative plan to solve the problems of the countryside in China. In part one, it elaborates some questions, such as basic connotation, research technique, research significance, rationale, etc, which belong to the concepts of urban-rural isomorphism; in part two, it analyzes the research background of this paper; in part three, it discusses the realistic value on the research of urban-rural isomorphism, as well as close relation with constitutionalism construction; in part four, from angles such as household registration system, financial system, market system, property right system, etc, it analyzes the necessity and specific request of the system reform; in part five, from the perspective of equal power, it analyzes the request of urban-rural isomorphism, it discusses specifically equal protection questions of status power, political rights, income and employment rights, social security and rights to receive education, etc, it analyzes the value of migration freedom, present situation of our country and concrete suggestions on reform; in the final part, it presents the conclusion.Generally speaking, from the perspective of Constitution, this paper analyzes present situation and root of the countryside problems in our country. It also proposes concrete mentality for solving the problems and the concept of urban-rural isomorphism, hoping to replenish the research results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

