

Japanese Militarism Thought Control of Japanese-Occupied Areas in China Northeast

【作者】 董迎轩

【导师】 刘建军;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 日本侵华期间,东北地区是中国较早沦陷时间的地区。日本侵略者对中国东北地区进行严密的思想控制,企图使东北沦陷区人民成为“大日本帝国”的安顺良民,使东北沦陷区成为其侵略全中国、全亚洲的后方基地。日伪最主要的思想控制途径是奴化教育,日伪奴化教育最重要的一环,是强制推行日语教育。表面上看,推行日语教育是为了日本更好地控制东北地区,实际上是消灭中国人的民族意识,诱使中华民族屈从于大和民族。日伪当局还力图通过控制舆论、文学、电影、宗教来控制东北人民的头脑。东北人民对日寇的思想控制进行了长期顽强的抵制。强权能限制人的身体,却无法控制人的心灵。日本军国主义的法西斯魔鬼行径,遭到东北人民的当然抵抗。

【Abstract】 During the Japanese aggression against China, northeast China is the longest region.The Japanese invaders subjugated northeast of China thought control very carefully, trying to make the northeast occupied areas become big Japanese empire, the law-abiding northeast occupied areas, all Chinese, become their invasion of the rear base Asia as a whole. The puppet’s main ideological control approach is education, education of enslaving the puppet enslaving the most important ring, enforce Japanese education is. On the surface, promote education is to Japan in Japanese better control of northeast China, actually destroy the Chinese national consciousness, induces the Chinese nation and subjugate people. The in-post also tries to control public opinion, literature, movies, religion to control the northeast people’s mind. The northeast people conducted long stubborn resistance to the Japanese aggressors. Power can restrict people’s body, but unable to control people’s heart. Japanese militarism ways by the fascist devil northeast people, of course, the resistance.

【关键词】 伪满洲国日本军国土义思想控制
【Key words】 puppetJapanese militarismthought control

