

The Study of Telecommunication Competition Regulation in the Age of Whole Business Operation

【作者】 刘珊

【导师】 孙启明;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 电信竞争管制是电信管制的主要内容之一,也是世界范围普遍关注的问题。随着第三次重组的完成,中国的电信业紧随世界电信业的发展主潮流进入全业务运营时代,电信竞争随之转变为全业务竞争。全业务竞争给中国的电信业发展带来巨大的活力,也为电信竞争管制带来竞争失衡、过度竞争、竞争结构性失调和不正当竞争等方面挑战。因此,应在管制目标、管制内容管制手段、管制保障方面对电信竞争管制进行重构,解决问题时做到采取措施与改善制度供给相结合。本文共分八章。第一章为绪言,阐述了研究背景、研究意义,论文相关的定义和理论综述,提出了本文的研究思路和框架。第二章首先分析了全业务运营时代电信业的发展趋势,竞争手段变化和竞争所经历的产业周期,在此基础上分析了电信竞争管制面临的挑战,说明竞争管制重构的必要性,论述了管制重构的内容。第三章首先分析导致竞争失衡的横向和纵向因素并提出管制措施。第四章为全业务运营时代过度竞争的因素分析及其管制措施。第五章为全业务运营时代竞争结构性失调的因素分析及其管制措施。第六章为全业务运营时代不正当竞争的因素分析及其管制措施。第七章阐述了管制制度制度供给内容和分类,论述了有效竞争管制制度供给遵守的原则,分析现有管制制度的不足和应实现的变革。第八章为本文的总结和展望。本文的创新点可以分为内容创新、方法创新和理论创新三个方面。(1)在内容创新方面,本文论述了全业务运营时代电信市场的三维立体结构和周期性波动;从四个类型、三个层面论述了电信竞争管制面临的挑战,阐述了重构的管制目标、管制内容、管制方式和管制制度保障,分析了各种挑战的因素,论证了管制措施。(2)在方法创新方面,一是在传统模型加入时间因素进行分析。如将时间与长尾模型相结合,论述了企业全业务转型、标准主导国盈利模式等内容;将时间因素与产业生命周期曲线结合对电信标准竞争进行了对比分析和策略总结。二是本文将进化博弈的群体行为方法用于传统问题解决,如用“共同知识”方法建立稳定机制应对新企业进入问题,避免多次“重复博弈”达到竞争均衡状态;利用“集体声誉”和“承诺威胁”的方法确立有效游戏规则,维护有序竞争,避免对违规者不断单独实施惩罚。(3)在理论创新方面,本文从产业组织理论角度和产业管制理论角度,论述了三维电信市场结构下的全业务竞争拥有多极点发展和多层面跨越的特性。由此说明电信竞争管制应首先对不同层面和状态进行规范和分类,分清具体问题所属的状态和层面后,将实施管制措施与改善制度供给相结合。由于学识和能力有限,本文研究中存在一些不足之处,有待进一步完善。

【Abstract】 Telecommunication competition regulation is the main content of telecommunications regulation, which attracts the concern of most countries in the world. Following the development tendency of world telecommunications, Telecommunication industry of China stepped into the whole-business operations age with the fulfillment of the third restructure. Meanwhile the traditional telecommunication competition changed into the whole--business competition. Although the whole business competition may bring much development impetus to China’s telecommunication industry, it may also bring out the chanlleges of competition potential imbalance、excessive competition、commpetition strctural disorder and unfair competition to the telecommunication competition regulation. Thererfore, the traditional telecommunication competition regulation should be reconstructed in the aspects of regulation target、regulation content、regulation method and regulation machanisam guarantee. Realizes the integration of measures taken and the machanism supply improved.to solve regulation problems.There are 8 chapters in this dissertation.The first chapter is the introduction which presents the background and significance of the dissertation, introduces the related definitions and theory summaries, puts forwards the plan and framework of the dissertation;Chapter 2 analizes the development tendency of telecommunications industry、the change of competition methods and competition cycle in the whole business operation age, then discusses the challenges that telecommunication regulation that must face to, presents the necessity and content of completion regulation reconstruction;Chapter 3 analizes the horizontal and vertical factors of competition potential imbalance, then puts forward the regulation measures;Chapter 4 analizes the factors of excessive competition, then puts forward the regulation measures;Chapter 5 analizes the factors of competition structural disorders, then puts forward the regulation measures;Chapter 6 analizes the factors of the unfair competition in the whole business operation age and puts forward regulation measures;Chapter 7 firstly presents the machanism content and classification of effectively competiton regulation, discusses the principle of machanism supply, analizes the shortage of exist regulation machanism and puts forwards the reform strategies that should be carried out;Chapter 8 is the summary and prospectiveness of the dissertationThe Innovation points of the dissertation consist of three aspects: content innovation、method innovation and theory innovation.(1)In the aspect of content innovation, the dissertation firstly discusses the three dimensional structure and periodical fluctuation of telecommunications market, discusses the challenges which telecommunications competition regulation must face to, from four types and three levels, the dissertation expoundes the regulation target、regulation content、regulation method and control system guarantee; Analizes the concrete problems and verified regulation measures of the telecommunications competition.(2)In the aspect of method innovation, this dissertation firstly Combined traditional models with the time factor.For example, combines the long tailed model with the time factor, the dissertation discusses the content of the enterprise whole-business transformation、profit model of standard dominant country,etc; Combines the industry life cycle model with the time factor, the dissertation analizes the development status of different standards and summarizes the strategies of different countries in comparative way. Secondly, this dissertation makes use of group action method in the evolutional game to solve the old problems. For example, it makes use of "joint knowledge" to establish a stable mechanism in one-plan-fits-all way before many-times enterprise enters, nor in the way that reach equilibrium status after many "repeated games"; It makes use of the methods of "collective reputation" and "promised threat" to establish effective game rules in order to protect the order competition, avoid using the method that continuously punishes single enterprise which violates the rules.(3) In the aspect of theory innovation, from the view of industrial organization and industrial regulation theory, this dissertation discusses that the whole business competition has the characteristics of multipole point development and multi-level crossing in the three dimmention strcture of telecommunication market. Therefore, the restructed telecommunication competition regulation in the whole business time should norm and classify the levels and statuses of different problem, take regulation measures and improve the machanism integratedly.Due to limited knowledge and ability, there are some deficiencies in this dissertation, which should be further improved in the future.


