

【作者】 张永帅

【导师】 吴松弟;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 开埠之前,全国就已经形成以沿海沿江、口岸为连接点、以各区域间交通为骨架的对外贸易格局。云南虽然与临近国家就有着长期的以民间贸易为主的经济往来,但是没有开放,因而处于这一对外贸易格局的边缘位置。1889年,随着蒙自的开埠,云南对外贸易开始步入口岸贸易的新阶段。并随着思茅、腾越的相继开关,云南口岸贸易从1902年起形成了三关并立发展的新局面。而三关贸易特征与口岸贸易的演进既有共同点一面,当然也有很大不同的一面。本文主要探讨了区域腹地特征和外部市场网络对近代云南口岸贸易的塑造作用,认为:从贸易功能上讲,口岸实际上起着连接内(腹地)外(外部市场)两个扇面的节点的作用,口岸贸易特征的形成和演进恰恰是内外扇面共同塑造的结果。开埠之后,云南对外贸易开始处于全国对外贸易格局中前沿的位置,对外贸易快速发展,从而加强了云南与世界市场的联系,但其发展水平依然较低,在全国对外贸易的发展中并不突出,而且还是以单一资源输出主导下的畸形发展的对外贸易。近代对外贸易的研究,应该会对当前云南对外贸易的发展具有一定的启示意义。

【Abstract】 Before opening trade ports, it has been formed that geographic pattern which coastal ports and Yangtze river ports were connection points, Traffic routes were skeleton in China. Although Yunnan and neighbors have long-term economic exchanges, it was in marginal location in this pattern with no open.With Mengtsz open port, Yunnan associated foreign trade enters into a new stage of trading ports in 1889. As Szemao and Tengyueh successively open, Yunnan port trade formed three ports development new situation from 1902. The development of three trading ports had the same aspects, there are also different aspects certainly. This paper mainly discusses shaping function from the hinterland of features and external market network to modern Yunnan trading ports. This paper argues that trade features formation was the result of joint action from the hinterland of features and external market network.After opening trade ports, Yunnan begun in front position of the foreign trade pattern in the China, its foreign trade develope quickly. But, its foreign trade level was still low on the national scale, and its foreign trade was dominant by a single commodity output, was deformity development. This paper studies on the current foreign trade development in Yunnan province has the certain enlightenment significance.

【关键词】 近代云南口岸对外贸易
【Key words】 Modern timesYunnanTrade portsForeign trade
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K25;F752.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】954

