

【作者】 林晓光

【导师】 陈引驰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 南齐永明年间的文学,以所谓“竟陵八友”为代表人物,向来被认为是六朝文学的一个辉煌时期。而永明体运动作为近体诗律的先声,更得到了广泛的研究。但竟陵集团中的核心人物,同时也是永明体运动的领导者王融,却长期没有得到应有的重视。而王融其人及其文学,又是与南朝贵族社会和贵族文学紧密结合在一起的,堪称是后者的集中呈现形态。本文即以“王融与永明时代”为题,尝试通过史实考论和文本分析,对南朝贵族与贵族文学整体作一透视。论文基本架构及讨论内容如下:绪言:概要提示全文对王融及其文学研究所获得的结论。阐述关于六朝贵族与中世贵族文学研究的方法论相关问题。王融研究史综述。上篇“历史篇”。第一章:王融家世在南朝贵族社会中的最高谱系。其祖父作为贵族代表与皇权对抗的悲剧,以及由此造成的家庭衰落。父亲不达对王融人生的影响。第二章:从南朝贵族官僚体制出发考论王融的生平仕宦。少年生活的边郡环境及性格成因。举秀才的必要性与意义。起家官的定位。从地方回归中央,借助竟陵王之力越级晋升,回归高等贵族社会的过程。第三章:王融的整体形象。王融的高门之傲,以及与寒门发生的冲突;作为南北方文化偶像的活跃身影;外交方面的突出表现,对北伐收复的热衷。第四章:从南齐前中期政治史中皇室时代更替,以及高门贵族与寒门冲突对抗的角度,考述永明十一年王融拥立竟陵政变的始末原委,复原王融生命悲剧的真相。结束语:归纳王融历史评价的变迁,总结本文通过研究获得的,作为南朝贵族的王融整体像。下篇“文学篇”。发端语:追溯古今王融文学的评价、研究历程,提出本文的文学研究方法。第五章:对王融代表作《三月三日曲水诗序》作细致的文本分析,指出其中的典故运用具有“金缕玉衣式”的特征,造成文学复杂的重层结构;文脉上的潜进暗转特征;以及各种特殊的用典效果。并且将其置于南朝《曲水诗序》的系谱中进行观察。第六章:从六朝哀策文的发展历史出发,比较研究王融《皇太子哀策文》与谢朓《明敬皇后哀策文》,指出南朝宫廷文学中存在的模板化潮流,勾勒哀策文模板化的进程,明确王融在其中的定位。第七章:王融的佛教文学,包括《法门颂》与《法乐辞》两种系列作品中分别存在的问题。从汉魏六朝颂体发展与佛教文学交织作用的角度讨论《法门颂》体式的形成。从文学来源的角度对勘佛传,指出《法乐辞》所依据的多种佛传渊源,以及异域题材与汉地风调的交错呈现。终章:立足于史料考证,指示可能推进永明体运动的三种视角转换:基于对王融“贵公子孙”身份的考证,要求从文献考证和理论分析转向文化史研究;基于对海外最新成果的引介,提倡从后知式的近体诗律对照研究法转向无特定指向的规律探求研究;基于南齐贵族与寒门对抗的历史潮流,指明贵族文学所具备的重视经典性以及追求模式性,追究永明体运动在这一整体文学潮流中的定位。

【Abstract】 Wang Jung(483-493), a young aristocrat of that time, his life was accompanied with The Yung-Ming Era, which is regarded as the Golden Age of the Southern Dynasty. He was one of the most famous poets at that time but had almost forgotten by now. The literary movement of Yung-Ming Style(永明体),which is regarded as the most important prosodic innovation of the Southern Dynasty, was initiated by him. And also, he contrived a palace coup to enthrone his sponsor, Xiao Zi-Liang(萧子良), who was the prince of Jing-Ling(竟陵王)of Southern Qi(南齐),but finally failed and his life was cut off at a very early age. This paper, which I aimed to approach the insight on the aristocrats and aristocratic literature of Southern Dynasty, is a study for him and his literature.In this study there are two sections, the Section of History and the Section of Literature. The former is for the life of Wang Jung, concluding his ancestors and family, his official career, his character and his tragic ending. I tried to draw his portrait based on the background of the aristocracy, which is regarded as the basic social form of the Southern Dynasty. Wang Jung was highbred in the Lang-Ya Wang clan(琅琊王氏), nevertheless, his grandfather Wang Seng-Da(王僧达)was executed by emperor for his resistance to imperial power. Owing to this case, Wang Jung’s family was banished from the central aristocracy circle and hence he could not return without depending on his effort, but not only on descent. According to his genius, moreover by virtue of Xiao Zi-Liang, he accessed his purpose rapidly and became an idols of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The reason that he contrived the palace coup is also In order to defend the aristocracy from the destructive power of the Plebeians(寒门).The latter section is for the literature of Wang Jung. As a leader of the literary salon which belonged to Xiao Zi-Liang, his works representatively showed the nature of aristocratic literature. His representative work, A Preface for the Bending-Water Banquet of the Third of March (三月三日曲水诗序), was full of allusions which warped up the text as a colorful robe. When one another his work, Eulogy for the Crown Prince(皇太子哀策文),be observed through the history of literature on the court of the Six dynasties, it appears a tide of modeling which is still neglected by the academia. In the aspect of buddhist literature Wang Jung also behaved excellently. He wrote two important works, Hymns on the Famennian(法门颂)and Lyrics of Religious Music (法乐辞)In the final chapter I discussed three possible changes of perspective for the research on the Yung-Ming Style. Especially I emphasized that the Yung-Ming Style is one part of the aristocratic literature of the Southern Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】528

