

【作者】 刘翔

【导师】 臧志军;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中外政治制度, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 服务型政府建设是我国建国后第一场自下而上的政府改革和建设运动,发端于我国加入WTO前夕少数地方政府面临社会环境和利益需求变化而进行的自觉调适。由于我国社会政治环境的特殊性,服务型政府构建无法照搬西方的新公共服务改革,大体上采取了一种“摸着石头过河”的策略。在一些基本的操作性措施采取完以后,新的改革措施少了,服务型政府建设的口号也没有过去响亮了,很多建设工作仅仅停留于表面,服务型政府构建陷入了欲行还难的困境,无法进一步向深层次推进。本文从社会治理结构转型的视角出发,首先在中国语境下对服务型政府的概念进行了厘清,对中国服务型政府构建的特殊性进行了说明;其次在对社会治理结构变迁过程进行系统梳理的基础上,对服务型政府构建的背景、历程、现实困境进行了深入的阐释,揭示了社会治理结构变迁对服务型政府构建的深刻影响;最后根据社会治理结构变迁的规律分析了均衡化社会治理结构的形成条件与服务型政府构建的走向。从论文的章节安排看,第一章介绍了本文的选题背景与意义,梳理了国内外相关研究情况,说明了本文的理论工具、研究方法与分析视角,概括了本文的基本理路与内容结构。第二章首先阐述了人类历史上政府范式从统治型到管理型再到服务型的演进过程,论证了服务型政府范式建立的必然性;然后在中国语境下厘清了中国式的服务型政府范式——服务型政府的内涵,并对中国服务型政府构建的特殊性进行了分析。第三章旨在揭示高度集权化社会治理结构对政府治理模式变革的强大制约力量。该章首先梳理了高度集权化社会治理结构的形成过程;然后考察了在这一社会治理结构约束下中央政府进行政府体制调整的种种努力;进而指出由于高度集权化社会治理结构的约束,这些调整措施进一步强化了上级政府与下级政府之间的单向性的命令与绝对服从关系,巩固了原有的管制型政府模式。第四章旨在揭示在社会治理结构的纵向分化中产生的相对独立的地方政府利益对我国服务型政府构建的张力影响。该章首先分析了社会治理结构的纵向分化过程;然后勾勒了服务型政府构建的历史进程;最后阐释了服务型政府构建中的内在利益张力。第五章旨在揭示社会治理结构横向分化不充分形成的层级化社会治理结构是导致我国服务型政府构建陷入欲行还难困境的根本原因。该章首先阐释层级化社会治理结构的形成过程;然后分析了政府体系内部的服务型政府构建瓶颈因素的积聚情况;最后多层次地考察了服务型政府构建所陷入的现实困境。第六章根据社会治理结构变迁的规律说明了推动社会治理结构转型的必要性与着力点,指出均衡化社会治理结构的形成一方面需要中国共产党充分发挥其社会整合功能,协调各方面利益关系,另一方面还需要在新形势下以新的思路对市场经济进行完善、对公民社会进行培养;在此基础上分析了服务型政府构建的走向,即未来的服务型政府构建则应致力于观念、体制、操作三个层面,将政府的角色真正转变为服务主体。最后一章是结论部分,在对全文进行总结的基础上,阐明了本文的两个重要结论:第一,社会治理结构变迁与政府模式转型是相辅相成的关系,超越服务型政府构建现实困境的关键是推动均衡化社会治理结构的形成;第二,均衡化社会治理结构形成的首要前提条件是中国共产党社会整合功能的充分发挥以及政府职能的彻底转变。

【Abstract】 The construction of Chinese service-oriented government which started in the conscious adaptation to the new social environment and the changed benefits need of a small number of local governments in the eve of China’s accession to WTO. The construction of Chinese service-oriented government cannot copy the new public service theories of the West Country and adopted a "trial and error" strategy generally because of the particularity of the social and political environment in our country. There are fewer new reform measures, softer slogans of service-oriented government and shallower work after some basic operational measures were taken in the period of pre-construction. Now, the construction of Chinese service-oriented government has been in mire and cannot be advanced further.From the perspective of social governance structure, this article at first clarifies the concept of service-oriented government in the Chinese context and describes the particular environment of the construction of Chinese service-oriented government. Then this article analyzes the background, process and current plight of the construction of service-oriented government which is based on combing the changes of social governance structure and reveals that the changes of social governance structure poses profound impact on the construction of service-oriented government. In this paper the forming conditions of equalization social governance structure and the tendencies of service-oriented government are also explored by the law of the changes of social governance structure.The first chapter tries to give a brief introduction of the studying background and the studying significance, describe the relevant literature summaries, explain the relative theories, the studying method and the studying perspective, and outline the basic logic and structure of the paper.The second chapter explains the history of mankind paradigm of government from the ruling paradigm to the administration paradigm and then to the service paradigm and clarify the necessity of service paradigm of government firstly; then illuminates the concept of Chinese service paradigm of government:the service-oriented government; analyzes the special environment of the construction of service-oriented government in China finally.The third chapter aims to reveal that the highly-centralized social governance structure is a powerful force against the change of governmental mode. This chapter at fist combs the process of forming highly-centralized social governance structure. Then the efforts of the organizational adjustment by the central government under the constraint condition of the social governance structure are studied. It further points out that these measures further strengthen the unidirectional command-obedience relations between higher level governments and lower level governments and solidify the original regulation-oriented governmental mode.The forth chapter aims to reveal the influence on the construction of Chinese service-oriented government by the benefits tension of local government induced by the longitudinal differentiation of original social governance structure. This chapter at fist analyzes the process of longitudinal differentiation of original social governance structure. Then the course of the construction of Chinese service-oriented government is outlined. This chapter also explains the intrinsic benefits tension consisting in the construction of service-oriented government.The fifth chapter aims to reveal the primary cause of the construction of service-oriented government in a tight place is hierarchy-based social governance structure induced by the inadequate horizontal differentiation of original social governance structure. This chapter at fist analyzes the process of forming hierarchy-based social governance structure. Then the accumulation of bottleneck factor constraining the construction of service-oriented government in the internal system of government is analyzed. This chapter also explores the practical dilemma of the construction of service-oriented government comprehensively.The sixth chapter analyzes the necessity and point of propelling the transition of social governance structure by the law of the changes of social governance structure. This chapter at fist points out the way of forming equalization social governance structure:on the one hand, the Communist Party of China should balance the relations among different interests through the improvement of social integration function; on the other hand, it is imperative to come up with new ideas for improving the socialist market and cultivating the civil society in new situation. Then it explains the tendencies of service-oriented government and reveals the construction of service-oriented government must aim at reinventing governmental role as service provider from three aspects such as idea, system and operation.All in all, the whole study intends to illustrate two important conclusions of this article:on the one hand, there is a complementary relationship between the change of social governance structure and the transition of governmental mode and the key to surmount many difficulties of the construction of Chinese service-oriented government is to form a equalization social governance structure; on the other hand, the primary prerequisite of the equalization social governance structure is the full use of social integration function of the Communist Party of China and the complete change of municipal government functions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】5023

