

【作者】 权娥麟

【导师】 郑利华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文按照历史发展的基本脉络与文学研究的基本角度,对汉魏晋南北文学中的寓言文学,以专题的形式作了梳理。本文将分六章,主要内容如下:绪论主要介绍本文的研究目的与意义,回顾相关寓言研究现状,参考既有研究,重新界定寓言的范围。第一章是先秦寓言的概述。第二、三章是汉魏晋南北朝寓言概述,着眼于寓言的时代性,思想、价值观的变迁对寓言文学的影响,对先秦寓言的发生及其特点,汉魏晋南北朝寓言的继承与发展,汉魏晋南北朝寓言的分期与阶段发展,进行较具体的、系统性的研究。并且通过汉魏晋南北朝寓言的存在样态,先细致梳理描述那些现存史料中存在比较多的寓言的时代、真伪、分类性质等等,然后再与先秦比较,指出其同与异。第四章到六章是从形象、结构、语言等方面分层阐述寓言本身的文学价值和特征。第四章是汉魏晋南北朝寓言的寓意与形象。寓言的形象是作者通过对历史和现实的认识而塑造出来的,所以我们可以透过寓言的类型化形象,了解作者反映的生活和所表现的思想感情。汉魏晋南北朝寓言的思想内容与形象的共同点是多样化倾向,比以前的寓言作品功利性因素减弱,表现的内涵更为深化,而且形象之间的关系更复杂化,形象的角色也有所不同。通过分析一个个形象的意味与形象之间的关系,确认汉魏晋南北朝寓言的丰富多彩性。第五章,汉魏晋南北朝寓言的最突出的特点是虚构性的故事与作者寓意的阐述并存,本章通过显示这种单元在寓言结构中的作用,发现结构的一般特征,总结多种主旨呈现方式以及这些主旨呈现方式在寓言结构中的作用。第六章则是汉魏晋南北朝寓言的语言特征分析,从语言角度来细致、准确地揭示汉魏晋南北寓言的内涵,通过作品里的词语、句子上的分析,探求怎样提高故事的整体性,怎样经营内容与形式的调合,以帮助读者对寓言的深刻理解。

【Abstract】 This is the first paper which studies on Allegoric Tales from Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.This paper is composed of six chapters as following:In the introduction, present previous researches on Allegoric Tales. And introduce the purpose and meaning of this paper. To confine my research scope, make definition for Allegoric Tales.At the Chapter 1, describe the Development and characteristic of Allegoric Tales in pre-Qin Dynasty. Since Allegoric Tales had been formed its basic structure in this period, focus on the relation between Allegoric Tales and the class of the authors.At the Chapter 2 and 3, give an outline of the Development of Allegoric Tales from Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties according to historical description methods.From Chapter 4 to Chapter 6, I state the meanings of Allegoric Tales in the aspects of image, narrative structure and language.In Allegoric Tales, since the image is a character presenting the authors’ viewpoint, the typical image could help us to understand the purpose of the author.In the process of overcoming Allegoric Tales’public interest, a wide range of persons’images are depicted in a various ways. It is interesting that the depiction is not only simple description of the images but also description of relation between the images.Another significant characteristic of Allegoric Tales is that the stories and the subjects what the author wants to say are stated at the same place. Therefore, Allegoric Tales have a unique narrative structure. find characteristic of Allegoric Tales by analysis of this narrative structure of Allegoric Tales.According to these proofs, find that the Allegoric Tales from Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties did not succeed to achievements of Pre-Qin Dynasty’s Allegoric Tales simply. This has characteristics of the times and its unique expression method based on the rule of the internal development of literatures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】I207.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】744

