

【作者】 武春野

【导师】 袁进;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 现代白话文取代文言文是中国文学史上最重大的转变之一。这一转变发生自19世纪中后期,完成于20世纪前期。整个近代都可以观察到这种转变。本文的重心在探讨近代口语对书面语转变的影响。上编描述了中国近代通行的标准口语——“北京官话”的形成历史。“北京官话”之所以能够成为中国通行的标准口语,与三个因素有关。第一是帝国治理以及强化文化认同的需要,第二是北京作为明清两代的首都,其政治经济和文化方面的影响力与日俱增,第三个因素则是19世纪以来中国社会经历的巨大变化促进了社会流动。“北京官话”的流行对近代书面语的转变产生了重大影响。中编讨论了这种影响的具体内容,尤其是在书面语趋于口语——也即“言文一致”的潮流中,通行的标准口语如何进入书面语,并吸收西方语言的若干元素,产生了一些过渡形态的书面语。西方语言的影响通常被称为“欧化”,主要表现在新词、新句法和新的写作技巧上。这是近代翻译活动的结果。近代书面语的转变,很大程度是对口语化和欧化这两种元素的调和。最早在书面语中调和“北京官话”与欧化影响的人,是来华传教士中那些自觉并有经验的作家和语言学家。他们用“北京官话”进行写作和翻译,通过不断“实验和研究”调和这两种影响的方式。经过多年的“实验和研究”,最优秀的传教士掌握了一种稳定成熟的书面语,其代表作是“官话”和合本《圣经》。本文的下编试图说明,迭经19世纪中期以来的种种动荡,语言变革的动力渐渐发生了变化:从皇帝提倡变成社会提倡,推行对象从士大夫阶层变成了全国各地的底层民众,其目的,不在于维持一个家族对帝国的统治,而是要提升民众的素质,从而使民族国家得以在世界上生存立足和发展。传教士逐渐退出舞台中央,中国人开始主导书面语的转变,只是后者始终遵循了前者开辟的道路。

【Abstract】 One of the most significant changes in modern Chinese literary history is Modern Vernacular replaced the classical Chinese. It occurred in the late 19th century, and completed in the early 20th century. This change has always existed in Late Qing Dynasty. This paper discusses the process from spoken language to literary language in Late Qing Dynasty.The upper describes the formation of "Beijing Mandarin"——a widely used spoken language. There are three reasons for making the "Beijing Mandarin" become the prevailing language. The first is the promotion of imperial rule and the need for cultural identity.The second is Beijing the capital of the Ming and Qing dynasties had a lasted influence in political, economic and cultural. The third reason is tremendous changed in society contributed to population movements, since the 19th century. Beijing Mandarin pop up, and then written language has changed.In the middle part of the paper analysis of these effects. Discussed in the written language tends to oral-that is, "Genbun itchi" trend, how the prevailing standard of spoken into the written language. And this written language absorbed some elements of Western languages. The written language is a transitional period of the modern vernacular.Integration of Western language in the Chinese language, which is usually called the "Europeanization". It is mainly reflected in new words, new syntax and new writing skills.is mainly caused by the translation of Western literature.A large extent, harmonic oral and Europeanization can be seen as a driving force for writing language. Missionaries particularly those perceived and experienced, were the first people to do it. They use the "Beijing Mandarin" for writing and translation. Through continuous "experiment and research" to reconcile the two. After years of "experiments and research", the most outstanding missionaries master the written language, and its representativeis The Union Mandarin Bible.The lower part of the paper is discussed who is the Language Revolution leader, since the mid-19th century. The emperor began to promote the language of revolution. Then other people began to promote the revolution. Advocates from around the country gentry became public. Purpose is to improve the quality of the people, not to keep a family on the imperial rule. Missionaries gradually withdraw from center stage, led the Chinese written language began to change. The latter has always followed the trail blazed by the former.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】685

