

【作者】 高鹏

【导师】 石源华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外交学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 朝鲜半岛自10世纪的高丽王朝以降,便一直是个统一的国家,即使在1910年被日本完全吞并以后,仍以一个没有被分割的整体殖民地的面貌出现。但在二战中后期盟国所召开的关涉朝鲜半岛的一系列国际会议中,半岛这块日本的殖民地被笼统空洞地许以战后“相当时期内”的独立地位,但最终却又被强调实行托管制。在打击日本的过程中,美苏两国按照三八线为界,将朝鲜半岛拦腰切断,使得朝鲜半岛开始出现被分裂的征兆;当美苏分占半岛南北时,双方仍在通过外交途径来运筹解决朝鲜问题,而到1948年三八线两侧的美占区和苏占区分别建立主权国家时,则使朝鲜半岛形成了初步分裂。大韩民国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国这两个互相敌视的新建国家之间于1950年6月爆发了朝鲜战争,而新中国和以美国为首的联合国军也卷入其中,至1953年7月战争结束之时,半岛以实际停火线而非三八线为界双方停火,并以停火线为军事分界线,在此基础上双方各自后撤20公里,形成非军事区,自此至今这种疆界未有改变,从而使半岛的分裂固定下来。分析朝鲜半岛分裂进程的三个分裂程度递进的阶段,用“国家利益”尤其是“国家安全利益”、“意识形态”、“冷战”等一系列名词分析皆可。但在国际政治学科内,国际政治结构则可以从理论高度、从整体上将这三个不同阶段统一起来,也就是说每一个阶段都可以抽象统一于国际政治结构的分析框架中。总起来说,这三个阶段都能体现出国际政治结构这一结构之手的塑造作用,只不过是经由美苏这两个结构内的主要行为体来直接完成。通过以国际政治结构的视角分析朝鲜半岛分裂的进程,我们不仅从理论层面上知晓国际政治结构对国际事件的塑造,也可以举一反三从逆向得出:国际事件也有赖于国际政治结构的影响。这对我们形成的启发是,解决朝鲜半岛问题的过程以及中国在朝鲜半岛问题中所应采取的外交政策也应考虑国际政治结构因素。因此作为隐藏在国际行为和事件背后的结构之手,仍值得我们去研究、遵循和发掘。当然这不是说国际政治结构因素是事件的唯一因素,运用国际政治结构分析这种国际事件并不排斥其他的视角或因素对国际问题进行解读。

【Abstract】 The Korean has always been a unified nation since the Goryeo was founded in 10th century. Even afer the nation was annexed by Japan imperialism in 1910, the peninsular was still a colonial country which keep united. At the duration of World II, the nation was promised to be independent in due course after war, but the big powers determined to resort trusteeship to the peninsular at last. U.S.S.R and U.S.A broke the peninsular in two halves along the 38th Parallel North which became a portent of line of nation’s division in order to anti-Japan by military force in August,1945. When U.S.S.R and U.S.A separately rush to seize the North and the South of Korean Peninsular, they did not give up the means of conference until 1948 in which R.O.K and D.P.R.K were successively founded. Hereafter, the Korean Peninsular was formally to come into being two divided regimes. But unevitablely, the two regimes were so antagonistic that a war broke out between them In June,1950. Subsequently, the troops of UN and the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army entered into the Korean War. It’s three years that both sides fought in the peninsula, and at last an immediate cease-fire agreement was reached in July,1953. since the line of cease-fire substituted the 38th Parallel North for the new frontier, the division of the Korean Peninsula stablized till now.It’s applicable to analyze the three stages of division in the perspective of "national security interests", "ideology" and "the Cold War", but none of these perspectives is theoritically and radically to enlighten in International Politices. Fortunately, the concept of "international political structure" provide a analytic framework for the three stages of division, and also theoritically interpret every stage. To be abstractly, The hand of international structure influence, or shape the three stages via principal actors in the structure.In the perspective of international structure to analyze the division process of the Korean Peninsula, not only we are aware of international structure shape the international affairs, but also international affairs conversely influenced by international structure. So it’s necessary to emphasize the factor of international structure in sloving the problem relating to the peninsular and establishing the china’s foreign policy, and at the same time it is necessary to deepen to research the theorical domain. Although international structure is the effective approach to analyzing international affairs, but not the sole approach, international structure do not exclude other perspectives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】D731.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】690

