

【作者】 王淑华

【导师】 刘士国;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 民商法, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 长期以来,我国以所有制为基础形成了城乡分割的土地市场,集体建设用地原则上禁止自由流转,只能先征收为国有土地后出让国有土地使用权用于城市建设,国家垄断了集体土地的买方和卖方市场,农民集体不能自主决定自有土地的流转与利用,集体土地权利的处分权能和收益权能严重受限,无法与国有土地上的相应权利获得立法平等对待,限制了农民以土地资本分享城市化收益。同时,集体土地不能经由市场交易自由流转,导致城乡之间建设用地的结构性短缺矛盾尤为突出,城市存量土地无法满足需求,而大量集体建设用地低效利用甚至闲置。集体土地权利自由与限制的限度关系到土地资源的合理配置与可持续利用,现实亟需以集体建设用地的市场化改革为前提,推动以城乡建设用地统一流转为核心的建设用地制度改革。因此,以集体土地权利自由与限制为视角,研究我国城乡建设用地统一流转的法律制度构建,具有现实意义和理论指导价值。本论文由绪论、正文五章和结论三部分组成,主要内容如下:第一章:我国城乡建设用地流转制度梳理与反思。梳理城乡土地权利的权能差异和城乡建设用地使用权流转限制的立法变迁,提出:城乡建设用地使用权“同地不同权”的立法,限制了集体土地的财产权与开发权,导致农民无法以土地资本分享城市化和工业化的成果;土地“身份”不应是集体建设用地被限制流转的原因,应以集体建设用地使用权的市场化与平等化为立足点推动城乡建设用地使用权统一流转;城乡建设用地使用权统一流转法律制度构建的理论基础是物权平等理论、产权理论、土地开发权理论和马克思主义地租理论。第二章:集体土地征收规范化改革。检讨我国现行集体土地征收制度对城乡建设用地流转的障碍,提出:遵循产权的财产权规则和责任规则分别对集体土地实行征收与征购;“公共利益”范围决定着集体土地自由流转与限制的界限,将征收限定在公益用地范围之内,为非公益性用地的市场化流转保留通道;确立与市场价格接轨的合理补偿标准,保障集体土地权利的置换利益,并防止经济利益驱使下的征收权滥用,以此协调建设用地供应的征收与征购路径;建立完善的协议先行、听证和撤销程序,保障集体土地入市通道的畅通。第三章:集体土地流转市场化改革。分析我国集体土地入市流转的基本模式,提出:集体土地的市场化流转区分城市规划区内外而实施不同的流转制度,规划区内的集体土地,可实行政府购买的方式,转权为国有土地后出让土地使用权,而规划区外的集体土地,在符合土地利用规划的前提下,可以集体建设用地使用权直接入市交易,其中,集体建设用地使用权的市场化流转是农民以集体土地资本参与城市化建设的主要方式;集体建设用地使用权流转的方式既包括出让、转让、抵押、出租、入股等传统方式,也包括建设用地指标流转等特有方式;集体建设用地使用权流转范围包括主体范围、客体范围、地域范围和用途范围;集体建设用地使用权流转收益分配,应按照“首次分配基于产权、二次分配基于贡献”的原则,在土地所有权人、使用权人和国家之间合理分配。第四章:集体土地开发权独立化改革。介绍英美土地开发权制度,并提出:土地开发权的缺失影响集体土地权利的完整性和城乡建设用地统一流转,我国创设独立的集体土地开发权有其必要性与可行性;借鉴美国土地开发权模式构建我国土地开发权移转制度,建立以权利运行为基础的农地非农化与农地保持制度;土地开发权具有物权的一般特征,可在我国土地权利体系中增设独立的集体土地开发权,通过实现开发权或开发权移转获得收益而保持农用地和建设用地权利人的经济利益均衡,防止大量农地非农化,推动城乡建设用地合理流转,同时以土地开发权的独立财产权作为征收补偿、流转收益分配的依据。第五章:城乡建设用地使用权统一流转法律制度构建。提出:立法应统一城乡建设用地使用权的内涵、性质和流转限制,奠定统一流转的立法基础;保障集体土地权利自由,推动城乡建设用地使用权接轨,统一规范城乡建设用地使用权的设立方式、流转方式、流转程序、流转期限、流转登记等,实现“同地、同权”的统一流转;完善城乡建设用地使用权统一流转的立法,处理好土地政策与法律制度衔接、公私立法分工权限的衔接,以共同规制城乡建设用地流转,并对《宪法》、《土地管理法》和《物权法》的立法完善提供建议;完善我国城乡建设用地使用权统一流转的配套法律制度,包括土地用途管制、土地储备、流转收益分配、流转价格管理、社会保障等。综上所述,论文通过对集体土地征收规范化、集体土地流转市场化、集体土地开发权独立化改革的制度构建,推动集体建设用地使用权的平等化与市场化立法,完善城乡建设用地使用权统一流转的立法规范,为城乡建设用地统一流转提供法律支持。

【Abstract】 The land market in China has long been formed on the basis of the ownership system which segments the urban and rural land. The free circulation of Collective land for construction is in principle forbidden. The land, therefore, should be collected by the country as national owned land and be used for city construction after its usage right being remised. In this way the country monopolized both the buyer’s and seller’s market. The farmer collective cannot decide the circulation and use of their own land. The powers and function of disposition and gaining interest of the collective land is seriously limited and is not treated equally on legislation with the relative rights of the national owned land. As a result, the farmers are restricted from sharing the urbanized interest with the land capital.On the other hand, the fact that collective land cannot be freely circulated through market trade results in the structural shortage of construction land between urban and rural area, i.e., the urban storage land cannot satisfy the needs while large amount of collective construction land is used inefficiently or even left unused. The degree of the freedom and limitation of the rights of collective land is of great significance to the reasonable allocation and sustainable use of land resource. It’s highly demanded to reform of the construction land system with the core of unified circulation of both urban and rural construction land on the premise of market reform of the collective construction land.This thesis consists of three parts, i.e., introduction, content and conclusion.The content mainly discussed the following issues:Part One:The analysis and reflections on the circulation system of the urban and rural construction land in China. This part analyzes the difference of the powers and functions between urban and rural land rights and the legislation transition of the restrictions of the circulation system of urban and rural construction usage rights. The legislation that the same land of urban and rural construction land enjoys different rights limited the property and development rights of collective land and leads to the result that farmers cannot share the achievement of urbanization and industrialization with the land capital. The identity of the land should not be considered as the reason to limit the circulation of collective construction land. Urban and rural construction land should be circulated generally on the premise that the usage rights of collective construction land be treated equally and allocated by the market. The theory of equal property rights, the theory of equity rights, the theory of development rights of land and Marx’s theory of land rent formed the theoretical basis of the system that the usage rights of urban and rural construction land be circulated generally.Part Two:The standardized reform of law of collective land requisition. This part analyzes the current collection system of collective land and its harm to the circulation of urban and rural construction land and raises the idea that the collective land be collected and requisitioned according to the property rights principle and responsibility principle of the equity rights. The range of public interest decides the limitation of the free circulation and restrictions of collective land and limits the collection into the range of usage for public interest. Meanwhile it keeps the channel for circulation of land used for non-public interest. The above measures protect the exchange interest of collective land rights and prevent the misuse of collection rights driven by economic interest by setting up the standard of reasonable compensation coherent to the price in market and generalize the pathway of collection and requisition of construction land. Complete procedures of agreement, hearing and quashing should be established to protect the entry of collective land into the market.Part Three:The reform of law on market oriented circulation of collective land. This part analyzes the basic pattern of collective land circulation in China and holds that different circulation system should be implemented for the market oriented circulation of collective land within and outside the urban planning area. To be specific, the collective land inside the urban planning area may be purchased by the government and transferred to national owned land and then the usage rights could be remised. The usage rights of collective land outside the programming area could be circulated in the market on the basis that the circulation obeys the programming of the land use. The market oriented circulation of the usage rights of collective land is the main type of farmers taking part in the urbanization construction with collective land capital. The patterns of circulation of usage rights of collective construction land mainly include traditional ways as remising, transferring, mortgage, renting and buying shares and also unique ways as the circulation of quota. The range of usage rights of collective construction land covers the subject range, object range, regional range and usage range. The interest of the circulation of usage rights of collective construction land should be distributed among the owners, users and the country according to the principle that the first distribution based on property rights and second distribution based on contribution. Part Four:The reform of law of independent development rights of collective land. This part introduces the development rights system in UK and U.S.A and holds that the absence of development rights of land affects the completeness of rights of collective land and the integrated circulation of urban and rural construction land. It’s necessary to establish independent development rights of collective land. The non-agricultural system and agricultural land sustain system based on the rights operation should be established by drawing lessons from the land development rights system of U.S.A. Since the development rights of land has the common characteristics of property rights, independent development rights of collective land can be added into the rights system of land in china. Then the balance. of economic interest of the obligees of farmland and construction land through the circulation of development rights could be achieved. In this way, large amount of farmland would be prevented from becoming non-agricultural land. The reasonable circulation of urban and rural construction land would be promoted. Meanwhile, the independent property rights of the development rights of land should be considered when deciding the compensation of collection and distributing the interest of circulation.Part five:The establishment of law on the integrated circulation of usage rights of urban and rural construction land. This part raises that the legislation should unify the concept, nature and circulation limitations of the usage rights of urban and rural construction land and form the legislate basis of integrated circulation. The freedom of rights of collective land should be protected. The usage rights of urban and rural construction land should be unified. The pattern of setting up and circulation, the procedure and time limit and registration of circulation of urban and rural construction land should be unified to realize the general circulation of the same land and same rights. The legislation of integrated circulation of usage rights of urban and rural construction land should be completed. The land policy should be coherent to the law system. The extent of the rights of public and private legislation should be connected. Therefore, the circulation of urban and rural construction land could be generally programmed. It will also provide suggestions to the perfection of the Constitution, the Land Management Law, and the Real Right Law. The mating law system should be completed such as the control on the use of land, the storage of land, the distribution of the circulation interest, the management of the price of circulation, social security, etc.In conclusion, this thesis discusses the standardization of collection of collective land, the market orientation of circulation of collective land, the establishment of system of reforming teh independent development rights of collective land, the equalized and market oriented legislation of the usage rights of collective land, the perfection of legislation on circulation of usage rights of collective construction land, and provide law support to the integrated circulation of urban and rural construction land.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D922.3;F301
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】3191
  • 攻读期成果

