

【作者】 陈明华

【导师】 冯筱才;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 十九世纪末的欧美社会出现了大量新兴的宗教团体,且在二十世纪六十年代以后发展成了一场声势浩大的新宗教运动。在中国,类似的情况发生于二十世纪二十年代初,当时产生了不少新的宗教团体,它们以扶乩作为主要的宗教仪式。其中,一些团体发展迅速,并吸引了大量官员、士绅和商人的加入。那么,这些新宗教团体为何能够取得如此快速的发展?它们发展出了一套怎样的教团制度呢?为解答以上问题,笔者将以民国时期规模最大的新宗教团体——世界红卍字会道院为个案,以西方新宗教的发展过程为参照,探讨民国时期中国新宗教发展的内在理路。同时,本文将以世界红卍字会道院的发展为主线,讨论四个问题,即红卍字会兴起的原因、扶乩仪式制度化、跨区域慈善救济网络构建及其与党国政体的关系。在本文中,笔者认为民国初年一些新宗教的勃兴与北洋官绅维护社会秩序的意愿密切相关。一批官绅试图将新宗教团体作为教化民众的组织基础,因而大力支持和参与各类宗教团体,而大批的精英加入到新宗教团体中来也加速了新宗教的制度化,不过,由于当时的政治环境以及政府汲取社会资源能力的有限,这种制度化并不完全。

【Abstract】 There was an emergence of many new religious groups in Europe and America at the end of the 19th century. It then has become a New Religious Movement by the 1960s. Similar development occurred in the early 1920s in China. The rise of a large number of new religious groups with Fuji activities was observed in the early 1920s. Some of them had rapid development attracting a multitude of government officials, gentries and merchants. We must ask why those new religious groups expand so quickly? Moreover, what institution have they formed in practice?To solve the above problems, one religious group named World Red Swastika Society was selected for a case study. The Red Swastika Society was the largest new religious group of its time. By reference to the development of the new religious groups in the western countries, the author wants to-(explore?) the inner logic among the development of the new religious groups in the period of the Republic of China. Moreover, four issues will be examined in the history of the Red Swastika Society:the origin of the society, the institutionalization of Fuji activities, the establishment of the trans-regional network of its charity activities and the relationship between the single-party government and the society.In this article, the author argues that there was a close relationship between the rise of the new religious groups and the wish of the ruling class at the beginning of the Republic of China. In order to maintain social stability, the Bei Yang government officials and gentries supported and actively participated in the religious groups. They made use of those groups to educate the masses. The participation of the elites also resulted in the institutionalization of the new religious groups. However, the institutionalization process was not completed due to the then political climate and the limited capability of the government to deploy social resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】B957
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】464

