

【作者】 韩巍

【导师】 邱柏生;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国正处于转型过程中,作为后发国家它能够较快地享用最新的技术,同时它的制度、组织、文化等又需要在短时间内完成现代化的转型,在这个过程中矛盾是不可避免。新媒体和政治整合是其中两个重要的关键词。本文力图以新媒体为背景,以政治整合为重点来探讨政治整合方式的变化以及新媒体因素对政治整合的影响。通常政治整合有两种研究视角,一是关注国际层面的问题,二是关注国家自身发展的问题。前者是一种传统的研究视角,而随着发展中国家的兴起,后者引起了越来越多的关注。本文对于政治整合的研究属于后一种视角。在当下中国,政治整合的内容从微观来说是个体行为,从中观来说是制度设计,从宏观来说是价值体系。新媒体环境所产生的影响是兼有正反两方面。一方面,它增加了政治整合的难度,降低了整合的有效性以及效果的持续度,给政治整合带来风险;另一方面,它又为政治整合提供了丰富的途径和多样化的手段。对于新媒体影响的应对要在充分认识到风险并做好预防的基础上,去进行积极的尝试。本文共分两部分。第一章和第二章构成第一部分,分别就政治整合和新媒体两个要素进行了探讨。第三章和第四章构成第二部分,探讨了新媒体在政治整合中的运用以及运用中风险的预防。导言,老问题与新挑战:新媒体环境中的政治整合。以新媒体对社会的影响为切入点引出两者的关系,并通过对研究背景和研究现状的分析,指出新媒体环境中的政治整合是老问题遇到的新挑战。文章将着力解决政治整合结构和方式以及新媒体背景下的政治整合所受的影响以及相应变化两大问题。第一章,政治整合的结构、过程及其转变。这是从结构功能角度展开的分析。将政治整合的主体分为推行者和参与者,将其客体分为固定客体和流变客体,将其所依赖的途径分为思想途径、组织途径、活动途径与制度途径,并区分了政治整合的输入过程、政治整合的输出过程以及政治整合的决策过程。进而探讨政治整合的方式,从载体、显现度、针对性、持续度和主体身份区分了不同的表现形式,以及这些形式的功能和相关组合,为政治整合的概念勾勒出结构功能的框架。第二章,新媒体:政治整合的新环境。本章首先分析了媒体对于政治的影响,主要是基于传统媒体的讨论,展现了媒体在对于个体政治社会化过程,对于组织形象的塑造,对于公共领域的构建等方面的影响。进而探讨了新媒体所带来的新生活相对于传统媒体影响的深入、拓展与突破。最后讨论了新媒体环境对于政治整合的影响,特别是整合方式的变化,认为新媒体的发展也是社会转型的一个方面,它也影响着社会的面貌,有时它强化转型时期对于整合形式的某些需求,有时则从其他方向发出拉力,令整合方式呈现独特面貌。第三章,从特例到常态:新媒体在政治整合中的运用。本章的重点是新媒体在政治整合中的运用。从结构的角度出发,分别讨论了新媒体在政治整合输入和输出过程的表现。在关注新媒体积极作用的同时也关注它的局限性。在输入过程中,新媒体拓展了信息传递的渠道,但是过度依赖新媒体会导致单一路径的困境。在输出过程中,新媒体增强了整合的力量,但同时也增强了来自被整合者的反作用力,中间可能会引发新的冲突。最后本章认为,虽然有着局限,但是新媒体在政治整合中的应用正从特例向常态过度,这是整合方式的拓展与丰富。第四章,新媒体运用在政治整合中的风险预防。本章则是在关注新媒体积极作用的基础上探讨其对于政治整合可能存在的风险以及对这些风险的预防。由于新媒体自身的特性使之在运用中不可避免地存在着一些风险,会使整合的主体发生变化,整合方式失灵等。对于风险的应对不仅要诉诸新媒体本身,更要从其他方面寻求帮助,特别是政府理念的转变和核心价值体系的构建。只有在对于新媒体运用风险有了认识并能对之做出恰当预防的基础上,才能真正加强政治整合,推动整体政治的民主进程。全文在现实关照与批判分析的基础上,寻求新媒体背景下政治整合的变化路径。新媒体并不意味着全新的整合方式,而是原有方式的丰富与拓展。处理新媒体与政治整合之间的问题,也需要从一个更广的政治理念和价值体系的角度加以思考,两者是相互促进的。而最终随着新媒体背景下政治整合的发展,社会也会变得更加成熟和民主。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is to study the political integration in new media background. As a developing country, China is undergoing a transformation. It can share the world’s technological development, meanwhile there’re some shortcomings in institution, culture etc. This leads to certain conflict. "Political integration" and "new media" are two key words to the conflict and the transformation.There are two perspectives of political integration study. One is studying the relations within different countries. Another is studying the internal problems of one state. The first perspective is a traditional perspective. The second one is due to the rise of developing countries. The perspective of this paper is the second one. It concerned with internal problems of the country. The behavior integration is the micro-level of political integration of China today. Institutional designing is the meso-level. And construction of value system is the Macro-level of the political integration.The impact of new media was shown as two sides of the coin. It brings risks to political integration, makes integration more difficult and reduces the effect of integration. It also affects the sustainability of integration. Meanwhile, new media provides new meanings of integration. It injects more power to the political integration. The trial of more ways of using new media should be emphasized, based on the understanding of the risk with the new media and thus, prevention is on the agenda.This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part mainly probes into the basic conception, political integration and new media, chapter one and chapter two included. The second part analyzes the use of new media in political integration and risk prevention of it, chapter three and chapter four included.Exordium:Old problem and new challenge:the political integration in new media background. Beginning with the impact of new media to the society, it shows the studying background and related research. The political integration is an old problem. The emerging of new media brings up new challenge. This dissertation will answer two questions, what is the political integration and how new media influences it. Chapter One:Structure, process and conversion of political integration. This chapter is focus on structure studying. The subject of political integration includes integration sender and integration partner. The object of political integration includes fixed object and changing object. There are four ways of doing political integration, such as thoughts, organizations, institutions and activities. The process of integration includes input process, output process, decision-making process and feedback process. This chapter also exposes the forms of political integration and their function. They can be distinguished with five criterions, such as carrier, sustainability and the role of integration sender.Chapter Two:new media:the new environment to political integration. This chapter is focus on the features of new media. Firstly, it shows the relations between politics and media, especially the traditional media. Media contributes to political socialization. It shapes the image of the organization. It helps to construct public sphere. Secondly, it reveals the impacts of new media. It intensifies the influence of the traditional media in some way. And it surpasses the traditional media in another way. Finally, the discussion of the impacts of new media to the form of political integration is also mentioned. It enables integration form in more diverse ways.Chapter Three:From special cases to common things:the use of new media in political integration. This chapter is focus on the use of new media and its active effects. However, these active effects also include negative influence. In the input process of political integration, new media makes the channels of information more and wider. But Over-reliance on new media will cause the dilemma of unitary way. In the output process of political integration, new media makes the integration more powerful and more effective. But it also makes reaction stronger. Although there are some limits, the use of new media in political integration is changing from a special case to a common thing. This could mean the development of political integration.Chapter Four:the risk prevention to the use of new media in political integration. This chapter is focus on the risk of new media and its prevention. Because of the features of new media, risk is inevitable. It may change the role of the partner to political integration; meanwhile it may make the form of integration into a failure. To deal with the risk, we should not only make effort in finding the solutions from new media itself, but also seek help from other way. The changes of government’s mentality and the construction of core value system are crucial. Based on good understanding of the risk of new media and appropriate prevention to the risk, the political integration would be enhanced and developed. Furthermore, the whole political process will be more democratic.On the basis of attention on practice and critical analysis, the whole dissertation is in effort to find out the changing path and logic of political integration with the existence of new media. New media does not mean a brand new form of political integration, but an increased and the expanded version of the existing methods. To deal with the problems between new media and political integration, we need a broader perspective, like political ideas and value system. New media and political integration are mutually reinforcing. And eventually, with the development of political integration in new media era, the society will be more mature and democratic.

【关键词】 政治整合新媒体民主社会转型风险
【Key words】 political integrationnew mediademocracysocial transformationrisk
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】D630;G206
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1656

