

【作者】 吴洁倩

【导师】 黄丽华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 信任问题一直是电子商务领域学术界和实业界关注的课题。近年来,我国电子商务取得了长足发展,网络购物增长趋势明显,但是我国网民网络购物使用率只达到英美、日韩等发达国家一半的水平,网络购物交易额占社会消费品零售总额的比例也远低于英美国家水平。其中重要的原因之一就在于风险和信任的缺失继续阻碍着电子商务网络购物应用的发展。当前,以淘宝网为代表的平台类购物网站的兴起和快速发展对我国网络购物市场的发展和繁荣起了非常大的培育和促进作用,是网络购物市场非常重要和不可缺少的组成部分。以C2C拍卖模式起家的此类网站,随着网站上网络卖家形态的变化,网站的性质已经发生了改变,通过此类网站进行的购物交易已经具有了明显的B2C模式特征,但与传统B2C电子商务之间又存在差别。然而在现有电子商务信任研究中,研究较多关注B2C模式下的消费者信任问题,有关平台类购物网站信任的研究也主要参考B2C模式关注消费者对于网络卖家的信任,极少关注消费者对平台类购物网站本身的信任。信任研究表明,交互是信任产生的重要条件和关键因素,然而现有电子商务信任研究虽有对交互性的影响进行过分析,却很少单独考察交互性对于消费者信任的影响。因此,鉴于信任对于电子商务网络购物应用的重要意义和目前学术界在平台类购物网站信任及交互性因素影响研究方面的不足,本论文以以往电子商务信任研究的丰富成果为基础,在通过理论分析提出研究假设和构建研究模型的基础上,以淘宝网用户作为具体研究对象,通过问卷调研方式收集数据并分三个子问题对研究假设进行了实证。其中,研究一探讨了网站交互性对于消费者对平台类购物网站信任的影响及其作用机理;研究二基于以往电子商务信任研究关于信任影响因素的分类,在研究一的基础上加入信任主体因素个体信任倾向和环境因素制度信任,较为系统地考察了各类因素对于消费者对平台类购物网站信任的影响;研究三则对影响消费者平台购物行为表现的因素及其作用机理进行了分析和实证。实证研究结果表明,网站交互性、消费者个体信任倾向以及制度信任对平台类购物网站的信任均存在显著正向影响。其中交互性因素除直接影响消费者对平台类购物网站的信任外,还通过影响感知控制进而影响制度信任,最终影响到消费者对平台类购物网站的信任。信任倾向则通过制度信任影响了消费者对平台类购物网站的信任。另外,本文有关消费者平台购物行为的研究结论则表明,对平台类购物网站的信任对于消费者在平台类购物网站上的购物行为无显著影响,而网站交互性则在制度信任水平较高时对消费者在平台类购物网站上的最高购物价格具有正向影响。本论文研究表明,交互性影响感知控制进而影响制度信任的结论与平台类购物网站作为交易第三方和市场管理者的特点相吻合;消费者对平台类购物网站的信任对于其在平台类购物网站上的购物行为表现并无显著影响这一结论则表明,在平台类购物网站环境下,购物网站与网站上的卖家发生了分离,消费者对购物网站的信任无法使消费者产生有效的购物意图,也无法有效传递给平台类购物网站上的卖家,而这些也都源于平台类购物网站作为交易第三方的特点。本论文界定了平台类购物网站的概念,并在此基础上通过理论分析和实证研究,探讨并验证了影响消费者平台类购物网站信任以及消费者平台购物行为的因素及其作用机理,是对现有电子商务信任研究领域的拓展;论文重点关注了网站交互性因素的作用影响,进一步丰富和发展了电子商务信任影响因素;而论文关注消费者在平台类购物网站上的实际购物行为表现则一定程度上弥补了以往电子商务信任行为实证研究的不足,以信任行为作为结果变量也使研究结论更具实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 Trust is a hot topic in e-commerce research field both for academic and commercial world. In recent years, electronic commerce has made a great progress in China, and online transaction grows quickly. However, online purchase conversion rate in China today is still much lower than developed countries such as America, Britain, Japan and Korea. The percentage of online transaction amount in total social consumer goods sales is relatively low as well. One important reason of this phenomenon lies in risk and lack of trust and it continues to hinder electronic commerce’s development especially for online transactions.Recently, Online-transaction Platforms such as Taobao.com is fast growing. These kind of Web sites have played a critical role and helped breed and promote online transactions in China, and now they are very important and indispensable part in the online purchase market. With the versification of seller, the C2C auction model of these platforms has been changed. Athought transactions through these platforms today are sinliar with B2C transactions, the platform is quite different from traditional B2C e-commerce Web site. However, in e-commerce trust research filed most studies have given their attention to consumers’ trust to the sellers on B2C Web site, and very few studies concerned consumer trust to the platform itself.Previous researches have found interactivity is a key factor and important condition to trust building, however few existing e-commerce trust studies have considered the influence of interactivity. Therefore, considering the importance of trust in online transaction and the lack of academic attention on consumer trust to online transaction platforms, this paper discussed factors that affect consumer trust to online transaction platforms. Through theoretical analysis this paper developed hypothesis and research model, and three empirical studies were conducted based on these hypothesis. The first study explored the effect of interactivity to consumers’trust in platform; the second study validated the influences of three kinds of trust antecedents including interactivity to consumers’trust in platform based on previous classification; and the third study paid attention to consumers’ purchase behavior on online transaction platforms.Data were collected through online survey. Based on a two-wave collection, we got 408 usable questionnaires. All respondents are Taobao.com users. SPSS and AMOS were used to analyze data. Results showed all of the three antecedents have significantly positive association with consumers’ trust in platform. Interactivity had both direct and indirect influence on consumers’trust in platforms. Specifically, regarding the indirect effect, interactivity first affected consumers’ perceived control, then perceived control affected institutional trust, and finally institutional trust affected consumers’ trust in platform. Trust propensity also had an indirect impact on consumer trust in platform through institutional trust. Consumer trust in platforms had no significant influence on customers’ purchase behaviors on platforms. Interactivity had a positive effect on customers’highest purchase price only when institutional trust is high.To sum up, this paper focused on the antecedents of customers’ trust to platform and purchase behavior, and emphased on the influences of interactivity. The findings demonstrated customer’s trust in platforms was different from trust to traditional B2C Web sites. Based on these findings this paper also gave some practical advices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F724.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】2835
  • 攻读期成果

