

【作者】 宋桔

【导师】 傅杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 文章以19世纪北京官话口语教材《语言自迩集》(Yu-yen Tzu-erh Chi, A progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan department,1867/1886/1903)的文献版本和语法阐释内容为研究对象,汇集了汉语语法、汉语史、中西语言接触、对外汉语教学史和清代史学等各专业领域的研究成果及理论方法。针对现有研究版本调查不足、语法本体研究缺位、评价分析体系混淆的现状,本文在史料钩沉、文本爬梳的基础上,进一步梳理了该书的成书历程、实物流通等文献情况,考据出相关中国协作者的生平行迹;进一步明晰了16—19世纪西人汉语语法研究的整体背景,界定出该书的文献性质并建立起立体多维的评价体系;进一步探究了编写者的语法观、语料观念与《自迩集》内在的西方语法话语体系,完成了该书三版中英文资料的考订比勘。文章分为“绪论”、“版本文献考订”、“语料与语法观念定位”、“语法体系与时代价值整理”、“结语”和“附录”六个部分。各部分之间相互照应、层层推进,具有逻辑关系上的体系性与主题内容上的自足性。兹将各章节安排与内容简述如下:“绪论”部分就《自迩集》所处的历史环境与学术思潮进行了整体回顾,就本领域的研究状况进行了梳理与反思。“绪论”第一部分以16—19世纪西人的汉语语法研究情况为背景,以论著性质、作者情况、叙述语言、出版方式等项目为坐标,准确定位《自迩集》在西人汉语研究文献体系内的位置,还原《自迩集》以真实的历史语境。第二部分综述《自迩集》研究已有成果,探索进一步深入与拓展的可能性与可行性,并从版本调查、语法研究、评价定位几个方面简要交代了本文的观察视角与展开脉络、。第二章是《自迩集》相关其人其书的考据研究,旨在明晰该书的编写背景与各章节、各版本的成书历程。章节第一部分全面梳理了中西编写人员的相关背景与任务分工;围绕威妥玛学习和研究北京官话之经历整理其生平行迹;考据威氏的汉语教师、《自迩集》协作者应龙田的生平背景及其对该书的具体贡献。借此点面结合的模式描绘出一支中西合作、精益求精的编写团队,构建集体性的“编写者”概念。第二部分明确了《自迩集》的藏本与版本概况,细致描摹洋装、线装等各类存世文献的具体形态,并以历史印迹为线索推演出当时的书籍实物流通路径。同时,查考溯源各版本、各章节的撰写背景与成书过程,据此界定出各部分的内容差异和语言特征。第三章以19世纪中期的官话语言背景和《自迩集》的教材的性质为切入点,分析编写者的语料观与语法观,明确该书内部语料之定性。章节第一部分考察了历史背景和文本语言两个维度,调查并证实《自迩集》教学的目标语言是“文雅礼貌的19世纪中期北京官话口语”,进而明确了这一封闭语料作为近代汉语共时资料的性质与价值。第二部分结合威氏的教学理念与《自迩集》的教材特征,以西方的语法研究话语体系为基点,挖掘、分析威氏的汉语语法观念。第三部分以“元语言”理论为工具,厘清威氏心目中汉语特有的那个语法分析体系与其理论话语模式(即西方传统语法体系)间的矛盾与统一,分类归纳了《自迩集》显性与隐性两套汉语语法阐释形式。第四章以《自迩集》的汉语语法阐释内容为核心,以威氏提出的“汉语如何表现西方语言通过屈折变化表达的语义”为线索,挖掘出《自迩集》教材之中浸透着的编写者对汉语本质的认识,对汉语句法的解读,构建起文本之下潜藏的一个以实用性为主导的汉语语法分析体系。该体系涵盖了汉语如何指称和区分事物、列举数目、描述事物的性质和程度,如何体现动作的时体态、性数格等内容。在论述中,我们尤为注重:●全面爬梳:以隐性语法论述整理为重点,版本比对、内容比勘为要旨;●条分缕析:以语法功能为纲整合全书内容,深入个别词汇用法个案;●语料印证:以原书语料和同时代白话语料为语法观点的共时印证材料;●比较评价:以早期西人语法论著与当下近代汉语语法研究为基点建立《自迩集》的立体评价体系,探讨其语法观点与论述方式的继承性、创新性与前瞻性。“结语”部分概述了本文在《自迩集》文献版本和语法阐释方面之所得,总结、评价了本个案的研究方法,从中提取出应用此类早期西人汉语语法文献的经验,以期实现个案与整体的关联。“附录”分为三个部分,包括《自迩集》三版各卷书影、三版“序言”及“出版说明”中译和注释和2002年出版的中译本的校正条目择录。

【Abstract】 The present study focuses on the editions status and grammar contents of Yti-yen Tzu-erh Chi, A progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese, as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan department(1867/1886/1903), which is the Beijing Mandarin text-book published in the late 19th century. As a cross-program, this study contains Multidisciplinary research productions and theoretical methods, such as Historical Chinese Grammar Research, East-West Languages Contact, the History of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Study of Later Qing Dynasty and soon.The problem in nowadays research is the starting point of this paper. There are three key problems:the insufficient investigation of the editions status, the absence of grammar study and the confusion of evaluation system. In this situation, the study pays attention to historical data and textual materials, and obtains achievements in these aspects:A new discovery of information for a Chinese assistant; An initiative comparison among the three editions of Tzu-erh Chi; A more accurate definition of the authors’ concept of grammar and language materials; A more detailed process of the book’s accomplishment and currency; And an attempt for comprehensive evaluation system of Tzu-erh Chi.This paper contains four parts:preface, respective arguments of three chapters, conclusion and appendix. Each part is interrelated, so the whole paper can be both systematic and self-sufficient. The followings are the main contents of these parts:The preface reviews the historical environment and academic thoughts in Yu-yen Tzu-erh Chi’s age, and reflects on the research achievements and problems on this topic.There are two sections in this chapter. The aim of the first section is locating Yu-yen Tzu-erh Chi in the background of the Chinese grammar research by western scholars in 16th to 19th century, by the factors, such as the character of the literature, the background of the author, the mode of publishment and so on. The second section is designed to summarize the research productions on this topic, find out the possibility and feasibility for further study, and briefly introduce the perspectives and lines of investigation in this paper.Chapter II is mainly about the book and the authors, aiming to make clear of the background and preparation process of the book.The first section of this chapter focuses on those authors, who formed an East-west cooperation team. Not only clearing the information and tasks division of every staff in this team, but also having a deep investigation of Wade’s experience with Beijing Mandarin and YING LUNG-T’IEN’s contribution to Tzu-erh Chi. The second section focuses on the book, and traces the background and preparation process of the book’s each version and parts by describing the outline of the three editions and varieties forms survived. The result of this section is pivotal for defining the language features of different contents in Tzu-erh Chi.The breakthrough points of Chapter III are the mid-19th century language background and the characteristic of Tzu-erh Chi’s content.Analysis of the first section of this chapter shows that the target language of Tzu-erh Chi is elegant and courtesy Spoken Beijing Mandarin in mid-19th century, which is a significant contemporary data for Qing Dynasty language study. The second section reveals Wade’s concept of grammar by comparative analysis with Tzu-erh Chi’s teaching style and west grammar and syntax cognitive system. With the theoretical method of Meta-Language, the third section clears the contradiction and unity between the unique concepts of Chinese grammar in Wade’s mind and the Western traditional grammar and syntax cognitive system, and summarizes the dominant and recessive interpretative forms of Tzu-erh Chi.Chapter IV concentrates on the grammar contents of Tzu-erh Chi, and finds out "the equivalents of English parts of speech in Chinese" and "how Chinese produces most of the results affected in English by inflexion", which is in order to reveal the authors’essential understanding about Chinese and the authors’Chinese cognitive system under the text.The system includes many elements, such as how to distinguish, how to describe the nature and extent and how to express the Tense, Moods, Gender, Number and Case in Chinese and so on. The followings are the key points in this Chapter:●Comprehensive collection of information, especially the recessive forms and the differences among the versions.●Careful and detailed analysis, including the whole grammatical function framework and the individual cases.●Contemporary argumentation, using the material from the inner part, Tzu-erh Chi, and outer part, other spoken-language fictions in Later Qing Dynasty. ●Comparative analysis, making a comparison between the production of Chinese grammar from the early western scholars and the research on Chinese grammar from Modern linguists, and revealing Tzu-erh Chi’s innovative and forward-looking.Based on the arguments above, the conclusion summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of Tzu-erh Chi’s Chinese grammar content, and evaluates the research methods in this case. By contacting the overall and individual, experiences of how to analyze and exploit those the early western scholars’productions of Chinese grammar, are drew from the case study of Tzu-erh Chi.As a helpful supplement to the main content, the three appendixes collect and present the chiefly facsims, original data of Tzu-erh Chi, and a part of the corrections for the Chinese translation (2002), all of which will provide a clue for future research in this field.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】G256.22;H146
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1090

