

【作者】 黄健美

【导师】 熊月之;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 李平书是上海近代史上的重要人物,也是中国近代史上知名人物。他生活在衰败的清朝与动荡的民国时期,其时中西碰撞、外患内忧、新旧递嬗。李平书是许多历史事件参与者,甚至是代表性人物,包括参与遂溪界务、领导上海地方自治、参加上海辛亥光复。他生在上海,长在上海,主要活动在上海,涉足官界、商界、学界。通过对李平书生平活动、思想的剖析,可以更好地理解他所经历的那段中国历史,更加深入地了解近代上海社会,深入理解一个亦官、亦商、亦儒的社会转型时期士绅的复杂生活。全文分为四章:第一章龙门书院时期的李平书,简述李平书作为龙门书院弟子所学、所行以及家庭背景等内容,勾勒出其传统士绅的形象。第二章广东十年,通过李平书在广东担任过陆丰、新宁、遂溪三任县令时留下的一百多个文牍,解读其活动。在这个阶段,他秉持原则,实现了早年的一些想法,加上周致、慎密、圆融的办事作风,与官、绅、民各方的关系都算融洽,初步展现出“办事才”的特点,其行政成绩得到多方肯定。第三章地方自治时期的李平书,通过阐述李平书与地方自治的关系,肯定其开创性的功绩。地方自治运动是上海这个特殊城市的时代产物,汇聚了天时、地利、人和各项条件,李平书是这一运动的主要领导者。1907年,李平书创办自治机关报——《上海周报》,他的发刊词《论过去之上海、论今日之上海、论未来之上海》绘制出一幅自治的蓝图,十年期满,实现者十之八九。1923至1927年是上海地方自治的恢复时期,李平书于1924年2月接任市公所总董,直至去世。除了规划自治进程,他的知人善任、统筹协调,且于市政工程、中医药行业等,均显成绩。其间,他参与辛亥革命与“二次革命”,上海光复是同盟会与地方势力之间一次成功的合作,同盟会追求的革命目标和地方势力追求的地方平稳过渡,两者获得均衡发展。在这次合作中,李平书以地方自治机构总董、商团武装会长、预备立宪公会会董等身份成为地方势力的首席代表,成为中部同盟会“沟通士绅,联络商团”光复方针的关键。革命派与地方势力的联合是时势使然,但是,在反清目标推进的过程中,两派始终有各自的利益和立场需要坚守。上海建立沪军都督府后,陈其美出任都督时,对都督职责作了公开的自我限定,这是两派合作与博弈的内在张力的体现,也反衬出地方势力强势的一面。李平书出任沪军都督府民政总长、江苏省民政司司长,同时被陈其美委任为江南制造总局总理,约经半年,淡出各项政务。1913年,李平书仍旧支持革命党反击袁世凯,后因革命失败避走日本。就革命目标而言,在辛亥革命的合作中,革命派起着主导作用。地方势力在1913年显现出保守地方利益而抛弃革命的一面,然而就保守地方利益,追求社会稳定的目标而言,他们的立场是1911年的延续。第四章书画鉴藏,李平书是民国时期著名书画鉴藏家,本章论述李平书在组织书画鉴赏活动、弘扬国粹等方面的贡献。他曾会同书画界友人联合倡议反对鉴藏者秘而不宣,组织展览、集会与交流。出于同样的目的,1913年赴日本参加东京书画赛会,还多次请柯罗版技师印刷字画,以饗同好。他晚年构筑的昆山梅园成为延续书画交流的极好载体,每当梅花盛开,友朋雅集,他们既共赏美景,还可以欣赏李平书的收藏。鉴藏与筑园,两者在精神、思维、情感等方面具有同构性,反映出李平书不凡的审美修养、生活情趣与道德追求。最后是结语,通过比较来综述作为上海地方士绅的李平书的特点。

【Abstract】 Li Pingshu was an important character in Shanghai modern history, and also well-known in Chinese modern history. He lived in the late Qing dynasty and the early years of the Republic of China. At that time there is full of collision, conflict and amalgamation between sino-foreign in China. Li PingShu participated in many historical events, even could be regarded as a representative and key character in those events. He participated in the boundary demarcation event of SuiXi county in Guangdong province, leading Shanghai local autonomy and involved in the Shanghai Xinhai Revolution. He was born and grew up in Shanghai. His main activities were also in Shanghai. He stepped into the officialdom, the business circles and the academia. Based on the analysis of Li PingShu’s thought and activities, we can better understand the times he lived in, and make deep understanding of modern Shanghai society and a gentry’s complex life in this social transformation period.This dissertation was divided into four chapters:The first chapter is on "Li PingShu in Longmen Academy". Longmen Academy was a college for classical learning, which was founded in 1862 by Ding Richang, who was a local government official at that time. Li Pingshu had been a student in this famous academy in 1874-1885. This experience in Longmen Academy had deeply effect on his life. This chapter also elaborated his family background to outline the image of a traditional gentry.The second chapter is on "the ten years in Guangdong province". In 1894-1896, Li Pingshu had been the magistrate of Lufeng and Xinning counties of Guangdong province. In 1899-1900, he was recommend to the head of Suixi county. In Lufeng county, he had been rewarded by the emperor for his diligent work, and in the time in Guangdong province he earned his reputation as an able person. But he was dismissed the magistrate in SuiXi county in 1900, for he had tried to protect the local villages from being attacked by French invaders, which called the boundary demarcation event of SuiXi.The third chapter is on "Li Pingshu in the local autonomy period". While Li Pingshu returned to shanghai in 1903, he started the local autonomy movement which was a era outcomes in such a special city of Shanghai supported and gathered by various conditions, such as good opportunity, favorable geographical location and supported from local people. Li pingshu was a key leader in this movement. Through expounding the relationship between local autonomy and Li pingshu, this chapter affirms his pioneering achievements in the movement. Shanghai weekly, a mouthpiece of local autonomy, was established by Li PingShu in 1907.In foreword to the periodical, "about the past of Shanghai, today’s Shanghai, and the future of Shanghai", Li pingshu mapped out a figure of blueprint, which were achieved about 90 percents in next ten years. When Shanghai recovered local autonomy in 1923-1927, Li PingShu returned as a leader of the city administration from February 1924 to December 1927 till his death. Generally, beside his master plan on local autonomy, he was also good at discovering able people and selecting them at suitable position. He had good coordination capability as well. All of above helped him made the remarkable achievements in municipal engineering, municipal facilities and traditional Chinese medicine. At the same time, he was an officer in famous Jiangnan General Manufacturing Bureau. T’ung-meng Hui was a Bourgeois Revolutionary Party founded by Sun Yatsen in Tokyo in August of 1905. Chen Qimei was a key leader of the Central Section of T’ung-meng Hui. After the Wuchang Uprising on 10th October in 1911, Chen successful persuaded Li Pingshu to be his copartners. Shanghai recovery was quite successful because of the good cooperation between shanghai local authorities represented by Li pingshu and revolutionary parties represented by Chen Qimei. The alliance of both was drived by the condition and the times, although both of them had own position and interest. T’ung-meng Hui pursued objective of revolutionary and local authorities pursued local smooth transition in the revolutionary.After Shanghai recovery, Chen Qimei, as the governor of shanghai temporary military government, released a statement that his duties was limited in military and the local autonomy institution as the administrative organization was responsible for local civil affair. This was the result of cooperation and game playing between local authorities and revolutionary party, which also revealed revolutionary party respected the strength of the local influence. Li Pingshu was nominated as the chief officer of Bureau of Civil Affairs in Shanghai military government and the premier of Jiangnan General Manufacturing Bureau by ChenQimei. He was also selected as the chief officer of Secretary for Civil Affairs in JiangSu province. He dropped out these duties in half a year. In 1913, Li PingShu still supported Chen Qimei’s revolutionary party to counterattack Yuan Shikai. Because of the defeat of the revolution, Li Pingshu refuged in Japan in 1913-1916.Because of the revolutionary goals, revolutionary party obviously act as the leading role of the cooperation in 1911. Although local authorities displayed their conservatived interests and abandoned revolution to some extent in 1913, as the goal of protecting the local interests for social stability was concerned, their choice was succession as in 1911. After 1917 Li Pingshu lived in Wintersweet Garden in Kunshan county, which was designed by himself.The fourth chapter is on "Collection and Appreciation of painting and calligraphy ". Li PingShu was famous for his collection and appreciation of painting and calligraphy in the Republic of China. This chapter discussed his contribution to organize activities in appreciation of painting and calligraphy, and to carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture.Li Pingshu objected to keep secret of the works of painting and calligraphy. He promoted to organize exhibition and communication of the works of painting and calligraphy in conjunction with his artist friends. For the same purpose, he went to Tokyo to attend the exhibition for painting and calligraphy in 1913. He also invited technicians to print painting and calligraphy in Miro style for several times. He spent his last years in plum garden he built himself in Kun Shan to continue to communication the works of painting and calligraphy. When plum blooming, many artist friends gathered in plum garden to enjoy the beauty of the plum and his collection. Both of them revealed his extraordinary aesthetic accomplishment, life interest and moral pursuit.Finally, through the comparison the dissertation summarize the characteristics of the Shanghai gentry, Li pingshu.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K257
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】416

