

【作者】 房正

【导师】 戴鞍钢;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究对象为中国工程师学会。中国工程师学会成立于1912年,结束于1950年,历时近四十年,基本贯穿了整个中华民国时期;学会结束时有会员一万六千余人、团体会员一百多个、各地分会五十个以上,是中国近代人数最多、规模最大的科学技术团体;学会由詹天佑、颜德庆等中国最早的职业工程师创立,并长期接受凌鸿勋、茅以升等著名工程师的领导,是近代职业工程师的集合,发挥着工程师“民间领袖”的功能;学会组织工程师开展学术交流、技术合作,为中国近代工程学术的发展和工程技术的进步做出了重要贡献。本文在充分掌握中国工程师学会原始档案和相关资料的前提下,力图对学会进行了全面、深入的研究。首先,挖掘中国工程师学会创立的历史背景:一方面追溯近代“工程学”知识与技术在西方的产生及传入中国的过程,另一方面重现“职业工程师”在近代中国的诞生及其群体的壮大过程。其次,梳理中国工程师学会的历史沿革:按照“中华工程师学会时期”、“中国工程学会时期”、“中国工程师学会统一时期”、“抗战时期及战后的中国工程师学会”的顺序重新梳理学会复杂的历史沿革,展现学会曲折的发展历程和独特的历史轨迹。再次,分析中国工程师学会的组织与运作:通过对学会的“组织架构”、“会员资格”、“领导群体”等要素的研究,分析学会的组织与制度演变及其对学会发展的影响;通过对“制约学会发展的经费问题”的讨论,了解学会在实际运作过程中所受到的制约及解决途径;通过对学会历届“年会”的梳理,归纳“年会”演变特点,讨论学会社会功能发挥的实际效果。最后,总结中国工程师学会的历史贡献:主要从“工程学研究与工程知识普及”、“工程教育与工程人才培养”、“工程学术与技术规范明确”以及“工业材料试验”四个方面进行概括,这四项工作实际上包含在学会各时期确立的“宗旨”里,也是学会在发展过程中始终坚持的。这些工作为中国近代工程事业的起步和发展打下了坚实的基础。在结论部分,笔者对“中国工程师学会与政府的关系”、“中国工程师学会与其他专门工程学会的关系”、“中国工程师学会与工程师群体的关系”三种关系进行讨论,将学会放置在其所处的社会关系网络中,以形成对学会社会角色的客观定位。作为近代产生最早、人数最多、影响最大的综合性工程学术团体,中国工程师学会为中国近代工程事业的起步和发展做出了重要贡献,其历史地位和历史意义不容忽视。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly studies the Chinese Institute of Engineers(C.I.E). Founded in 1912, the C.I.E lasted for nearly 40 years, almost throughout the historical period of the Republic of China. It was the largest science and technology group in modern China, with more than 16,000 individual members, more than 100 group members and more than 50 local branches. It was set up by China’s earliest modern engineers such as Zhan Tianyou and Yan Deqing, and for a long period leaded by famous engineers in modern China like Ling Hongxun and Mao Yisheng. It was a gather of modern professional engineers, functioned as a "civilian leader" among engineer group. Through organizing activities such as academic communication and technical cooperation, the C.I.E made an important contribution to the development of modern china’s engineering academic and technology.Based on fully grasp of the original files and related materials, the author made a comprehensive and in-depth research on the Chinese Institute of Engineers.First, dig into the history background:On the one hand, trace back to the process when knowledge and technology of modern "engineering" generated in the west and the introduction into China; on the other hand, focus on the birth of modern "professional engineer" in China as well as its growing process as a group.Secondly, comb the historical evolution of Society: The author conducts the combing work according to an order from the "period of the Chinese Institute of Engineers(earlier)" to "period of the Chinese Engineering Society"," period of the C.I.E(mixed)", "period of Anti-Japanese War and postwar Chinese engineers", showing a tortuous development and unique historical trajectory of the Chinese Institute of Engineers.Thirdly, analyze the organization and operation of the C.I.E:Based on the research on elements of the C.I.E such as" Organizational structure", "membership", "group of leaders", to analyze the evolution of organization and system as well as its affect; Through the discussion on "restricting funding problems", to understand the restrictions in operation process and seek for solutions; based on the studies on all previous annual meetings of C.I.E, to sum up characteristics of annual meeting, and to explore the actual effect of its social function.Finally, summarize the historical contributions of C.I.E:The Summary work was mainly conducted from the following four aspects:"engineering research and engineering knowledge popularization", "engineering education and engineering personnel training", "engineering academic and technical specifications clear" and "industrial material experiment". These four tasks are the ones which C.I.E resolved to finish at beginning, and they were indeed adhered during its development process. What’s more, they lay a solid foundation for chinese modern engineering to start and develop its business.In conclusion part, the author explored three relationships, "the Society and government", "the Society and other special engineering society" as well as"the Society and engineers group". By putting the C.I.E back to its social network, the author restarted the role positioning for it.As the earliest comprehensive engineering academic group, the Chinese Institute of Engineers had the largest number of members and the biggest influence. It made an important contribution to China’s modern engineering career, and its historical significance should never be ignored.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K265.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】555

