

【作者】 陈杰

【导师】 殷晓蓉;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 传播学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 从上世纪八十年代开始,经济全球化成为当今世界经济发展不可逆转的趋势,不管是否接受与认同,每一个国家都已卷入其中。经济全球化使各国经济之间的相互依赖程度不断加深,给各国经济发展带来新的机遇。与此同时,它给企业带来最重要的挑战是,企业必须面对日益加剧的全球竞争。在经济全球化的浪潮中,同其他产业的企业一样,美国传媒集团也加快了国际扩张的步伐,遵循利润最大化的原则,在国际市场上抢占市场份额,建立自己的传媒帝国。而相对于美国传媒集团来说,我国传媒集团的国际化经营仍处于初级阶段,究其原因,一方面是因为我国传媒集团的实力仍然不够雄厚;另一方面也因为我国传媒集团进行国际化经营的经验匮乏。本研究以美国传媒集团为研究对象,从美国传媒集团国际化的内外因驱动、国际化阶段、国际市场进入模式、国际化经营战略以及美国传媒集团进入我国的历程和效应等五个方面对美国传媒集团国际化进行研究,对其丰富的国际化经验进行总结和归纳,旨在为我国传媒集团国际化提供借鉴和启示。具体来说,本研究的基本研究框架如下:第一章:绪论。具体介绍本研究的研究背景、研究意义和研究目的、研究思路和研究内容、研究方法和本研究可能的创新。此外,对本研究中的核心概念进行界定。第二章:企业国际化理论及相关研究综述。首先,对企业国际化理论进行综述,为本研究提供理论基础;其次,对美国传媒集团国际化的国内外研究现状进行综述,指出已有研究的不足和需要进一步探讨的问题,从而确立本研究的研究问题和研究所要达到的目标。第三章:美国传媒集团国际化的内外因驱动。本章把美国传媒集团的国际化放在历史及现实的背景下进行考量,分析美国传媒集团国际化的内外因驱动。美国传媒集团国际化的内部原因是美国传媒集团自身进一步发展的需要;外部原因主要是外部环境变化对美国传媒集团国际化的推动。外部环境变化主要从新自由主义的兴起和美国传媒管制政策的放松、传媒技术的发展、经济全球化的宏观背景和非传媒业跨国公司的加速发展以及新兴市场的开放等四个方面进行剖析,试图对推动美国传媒集团国际化加速发展的外部因素进行综合考察第四章:美国传媒集团的国际化历程、国际市场进入模式选择、国际化经营战略以及美国四大传媒集团的经营现状。首先,以时间维度对美国传媒集团国际化历程进行划分,将美国传媒集团国际化历程划分为三个阶段:1945年之前、1945—1980年以及1980年至今;其次,对美国传媒集团国际市场进入模式选择进行分析,发现美国在进入不同的目标东道国市场时,会采取不同的国际市场进入模式;再次,对美国传媒集团国际化经营战略进行分析;最后,对美国四大传媒集团的国际化经营现状进行呈现。第五章:美国传媒集团进入我国的历程及效应分析。首先,从制度变迁理论视角出发对我国外资传媒政策变迁历程进行分析;其次,对美国传媒集团进入我国的历程及特点进行分析;最后,对美国传媒集团进入我国产生的正负效应进行分析,并针对这些效应,提出本研究的政策建议。第六章:结论及启示。首先,在以上各章节研究的基础上,得出本研究的主要结论;其次,对美国传媒集团国际化给我国传媒集团发展带来的启示进行阐述;最后,提出本研究的研究不足及进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Since the 1980s,economic globalization has become an irreversible historical trend in the world economic development.Whether you accept it or not,each country has been involved in.Economic globalization has further deepened their mutual reliance among countries and brought new opportunities for economic development of each country. In the meantime it has also brought challenege for the company that is each company has to face keener and keener global competition.Under the impact of economic globalization,same as companys in other industries, American media groups also accelerate the pace of international expansion.Following the principle of maximize returns,they make a rush for a bigger market share in the world media market and set up their media empires.China media groups are still in their infancy of internationalization in relation to American media groups.The reason is that on the one hand media groups in China are not fully reinforced;on the other hand,media groups in China also lack experience of internationalized management.Aiming at American media groups,this research study internationalization of American media groups from five respects such as internal and external causes of internationalization,stage of internationalization,entry mode,strategy of internationa-lized management,course and effects of American media groups in China to sum up their rich internationalization experience and offer useful enlightment to the development of China media group.Specifically, the basic framework are as follows:The first chapter introduces the background,purpose and significance, steps and content,methods and innovation of this research. And in this chapter it also clarifies several core conceptions.The second chapter first reviews basic and development of internationalization theories to offer basic theory ground to this reaearch;Secondly, this chapter makes a thorough review of research on the internationalization of American media groups at both home and abroad;Finally,it summarizes the deficiencies and some problems to be further discussed,thus establishing the objectives of this research.The third chapter places American media groups into historical and realistic background and analyzes the internal and external causes of the internationalization of American media groups.The internal cause is the requirement of development of themselves;the external causes are due to the change of exterior environment, including the rise of new liberalism and the relaxation of U.S.media policy,the development of media technology,economics globalization and the rapid development of non-media multinational corporation,the opening of emerging markets.This chapter Comprehensively analyzes the external causes that proprell the internationalization of American media groups.The fouth chapter study process of internationalization,entry modes and internationalized management of American media groups.Firstly, this chapter divideds the process of internationalization of American media groups into three stages that is:before 1945,1945-1980 and from 1980 to date;secondly,it analyzes entry mode of American media groups and finds that American media groups choose different entry mode when they enter into different countries;Thirdly, it studys internationalized management of American media groups;Lastly,the chapter describes the present situation of four media groups of America.The fifth chapter analyzes the process and effects of American media groups in china.Based on the theory of institutional vicissitude,this chapter first analyzes the transformation of media policy in China;secondly it discusses the process and characteristic feature of American media groups in china;Lastly, the chapter analyzes the affirmative and negative effects of American media groups in china and puts forward corresponding policy.The sixth chapter firstly draws the conclusion based on the study mentioned above;secondly, it illustrates the instruction from the internationalization of American media groups;Lastly,it puts forward deficiencies in this research and further research direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】G206-F
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1318

