

【作者】 赵春清

【导师】 陈学明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文认为,罗莎·卢森堡的思想主张是个有机的整体,这个整体的核心概念便是:社会革命。要理解和评价卢森堡的某些具体的主张,必须把它们放在其整个思想体系之中,否则便会出现诸如将她的资本积累理论等同于“自动崩溃论”,将她的自发性理论等同于必然性理论等情况。我对卢森堡的革命理论的研究正是基于对她的理论的整体性理解之上进行的。通过对革命之鹰的理论的探讨,发现了这种理论本身所具有的现实性。它对我们把握历史的发展趋势、认识无产阶级的革命运动具有重要的现实意义。本文的具体论述分五章展开。导论从卢森堡思想的形成和发展的角度对她的生平进行了介绍,并指出了她何以能够成为如此坚韧不拔的革命家的原因。同时介绍了国内外研究的历史和现状。第一章明确阐明卢森堡的社会革命思想的理论基础——马克思主义。在对马克思主义做了基本介绍之后,专门对卢森堡的《马克思主义的停滞与进步》与《卡尔·马克思》两篇文章进行梳理,从而指出卢森堡对马克思主义的理解的独特内涵在于:马克思主义是无产阶级革命的思想武器。在第三节中,对卢森堡的社会革命的思想在与改良思想的对比中,在目的与手段的两个层面上加以阐释,凸显社会革命对于社会阶级关系中所发生的深刻内部变化的强调,以区别于简单的暴力和夺取政权。第二章围绕着在革命实践中卢森堡着力进行解决的几个现实问题展开。实践和理论紧密相连,从三个角度探讨卢森堡具体的革命主张以及背后的理论支撑,这三个角度分别是:历史的偶然性和必然性;群众的自发性和党的领导,探讨党和群众运动的关系问题,无产阶级的阶级意识的生成问题;理论和实践,主要从两个方面:对考茨基的“疲劳战略”的批判以及对俄国十月革命的具体施政纲领的批判进行。第三章探讨革命的必然性保证,即卢森堡的资本积累理论。在对她的《资本积累论》这部著作的详细梳理的基础上,从她对资本主义生产的历史、运行的机制和发展的趋势等角度把握资本主义的现状并探讨了它的未来,资本主义作为第一个无法自足的生产形态必将面临其存在和发展的界限。第四节对卢森堡的资本积累理论的现实意义进行阐发。正因为资本主义本身的特点保证着它必将成为一个历史性的存在,而如何真正超越这个阶段,进入到下一个发展环节则需要人们不断为之奋斗。第四章:卢森堡的理论是一个有机的整体,只有在对这个整体进行把握的基础上才能够更好的理解她的具体理论主张。前三章我试图以社会革命作为切入点将她的理论的整体性呈现出来。这一章作为结论就不仅要明确点明这种理论的整体性,将她的政治哲学和经济理论结合起来,并且要对她的社会革命的思想做出回应,社会革命并不等同于政治革命,它比政治革命具有更多的内涵,借助于马克思的《论犹太人问题》,明确社会革命的真正内涵,它直指人的解放。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation,the author holds that Rosa Luxemburg’s social revolution thought is the kernel of all her works. To some extend, Luxemburg never produced a comprehensive or even logically cohesive system, casting her ideas almost invariably in the form of criticism and polemics, but what unity there was to her thought came from her revolutionary conviction, from her total identification with the idea of revolution.The specific content of this dissertation develops in five chapters.In the first chapter,the author gives an introduction to Luxemburg’s life from the perspective of the forming and developing of her revolution thought.Based on this, the author then pointed out the main resource for Luxemburg’s revolution thought is Marxism.Following that, the author introduces the research states about Luxemburg’s theory at home and aboard.In the second chapter, the author points out that Luxemburg’s works is a part of a large project on the history of global communism.She provided a vision of a participatory socialism that echoed the humanism of the early Marx. Therefore,if we want to understand her theory better,we should look back Marx’s main contributions for the philosophy history and the tensions come from the development of Marxism. Based on that,the author pays most attention to introducing Luxemburg’s social revolution thought. Luxemburg felt that by questioning the final aim of revolution Bernstein was destroying the need for any proletarian class consciousness. Emphasis on the subjective factor meant the rejection of any passive trust in evolution. It meant the need for the Social Democratic movement to energize the class consciousness of the working class.In the third chapter, during the 1905 Revolution in Russia, Luxemburg found inspiration in the mass activism of Russian and Polish workers, which led her to develop further her incisive critique of bureaucratism in the German and international socialist movement.Luxemburg argued that not party directives, but the spontaneous actions of workers,culminating in the mass strike and revolution, would serve as the means of political transformation. Politics for Luxemburg always aimed auf das Ganze,she continually promoted mass activism in demonstrations and strikes both as a tactic for accomplishing the tradition from capitalism to socialism and as the substance of democracy.In the forth chapter, the author points out that the major theme of Luxemburg’s book The Accumulation of Capital is the solution of a problem which arises in the second volume of Marx’s Capital and which, in Luxemburg’s judgement, he had failed to solve. It was this:in an economy composed only of capitalists (and their parasites)and workers, who would purchase the increase in output of consumer or producer goods which would become available from one period to the next if the stock of capital were to accumulate? Luxemburg seted out her own thesis:the surplus value of a dynamic capitalist economy can be realized only by social organisations of a non-capitalist type. To stay alive capitalism invades the non-capitalist world. The boundary between the two worlds is conceptual, not geographic.Capitalism needs pre-capitalist societies as a market for its surplus value,as a source of supply for its means of production and as a reservoir of labour power, which will become the limit to development of capitalism, and supply the guarantee for social revolution.In the last chapter, not only German Revolution but also 1917 Russian Revolution, it concerned Luxemburg only as a first step to the more complete revolution, a politics of revolution was just a way to complete revolution. The actualization of the world-historical tasks of the proletariat was always her main goal. It meant the need for helping prepare the workers for the revolution to come, only it would bring salvation to suffering mankind.Seen as a whole,Luxemburg’s revolution thought is of great relevance to us.It can not only help us to understand the crisis of capitalism,but have posited a new way to future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】B03
  • 【下载频次】407

