

【作者】 石力月

【导师】 吕新雨;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文以“公共性”为轴线考察了中英两国广电业与电信业从分营到融合的历史过程。之所以以“公共性”为轴线是因为主流叙述对于这段历史脉络尤其是其融合发展阶段的解读常常是行业本位和经济本位的,而相比之下,对于接受者一方作为公民角色(而不仅仅是消费者)的公共考量却比较有限。从历史上看,英国是一个有着公共服务传统的国家,这不仅仅表现在BBC上,也表现整个广电业与电信业的行业理念上。然而到了20世纪70年代以后,市场化的加剧在很大程度上使得公共服务的推行变得愈加困难,不过即便如此,公共服务的理念也并未被全然消解,而是徘徊中有坚持。英国的情况对于中国来说是个很重要的参照。如何在中国的情境中看待“公共性”是一个十分复杂的问题。本文通过历史的考察,认为无论是对于广电业还是电信业而言,公共性其历史表现都与英国并不相同。而问题的关键在于如何去看待这种不同,以及评估它们及其和今天的关联?后来,几乎是与英国同时期(即20世纪70年代以后),不断深入的市场化成为了改变中国社会最重要的力量,从这个意义上说,中英两国在此之后呈现出了某种相似性。然而,与英国在加速市场化的条件下对公共性所作的反思和争取相比,中国的市场化来得更为激进一些,这在很大程度上也使得反思我们对于公共性的理解变得尤为困难但也尤为必要。同时,这种情境的复杂性已经超出了民族国家内部及其之间的视野所能解释,因而,所有的问题也需要放置于信息资本主义全球化的情境之中来看待。第一章导论不仅仅是行文的一个总体准备,也是全文逻辑的一个集中表述。当下进行中的媒介融合现实是本文问题意识的重要来源,但对于它的认识与公共性的切入却不能仅就当下而言,而需要追溯至广电业与电信业发展的最初,这样才能从历史演变的过程中、从两国的比较中找到我们反思公共性的依据。第二章主要研究20世纪70年代以前的英国广电业与电信业的公共服务。对于英国广电业来说,公共服务理念确立于BBC,但却不仅仅是BBC一家机构的事情。对于英国电信业来说,其普遍服务理念是一种类公共服务理念。而在这一阶段,对二者来说,国家都在其公共性的体现当中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。第三章主要研究20世纪70年代末以前的中国广电业与电信业的公共性。虽然在此阶段中国并没有建立像英国BBC那样的公共服务广播机构,但是并不等于这阶段广电业的实践不具有公共性的意涵。而对于电信业来说,在此阶段真正称得上公共服务的行为很少,但也并不等于其公共性无可体现。与英国相似的是,在此过程中,国家的角色都很重要,虽然其角色内涵及行为方式并不完全相同。关键的问题在于如何看待和理解此阶段国家与公共性之间的关系。第四章研究20世纪70年代以后的英国广电业与电信业。伴随着新自由主义的实践,市场化呈加速之势,由此带来的是对国家角色和对公共服务的重新理解,而也因为如此,公共服务的生存空间受到了极大的挑战。尤其到了媒介融合的阶段,公共服务的生存形势变得更加严峻。但尽管如此,英国社会对于公共利益的倡导和公共服务的争取也并没有消失,反而一直有所坚持。这对同处相似情境的中国来说具有现实参照性。第五章研究20世纪70年代末以后的中国广电业与电信业。与英国相似的是新自由主义与市场化相互伴随着而来,并且在较为短期的时间之内就使中国社会发生了巨大的变化。然而,与英国相比,广电业与电信业的市场化发展,尤其是后来走到三网融合的阶段,所带来的一系列后果并没有得到足够的反思,对于公共性的考量还比较欠缺。这在很大程度上也是催生本文写作的现实动因。第六章作为本文的结语,将问题本身及比较研究的框架整体地放置于信息资本主义全球化的背景之中来探讨。因为公共性在国家与市场的关系之中变化并不是仅仅在民族国家的内部或者民族国家之间就能够得到足够解释的。通过与全球化、新自由主义以及现代性等问题的连接,追问公共性的意义能够得到更为全面的呈现。

【Abstract】 This thesis, focusing on the perspective of publicness, studies the history of the broadcasting and the telecommunications industry in China and the UK, from operating separately to convergedly. This history, especially the phase of convergence, was studied based on the economic interest in most previous researches. In contrast, the public interest was paid less attention. This is the main reason of choosing the perspective of publicness in the thesis.There is a tradition of public service in the history of the UK, which was not only represented by BBC, but also obeyed by the whole broadcasting and the telecommunications industry. After 1970s, however, public service faded out because of the marketization but didn’t fade away.How to think about publicness is a complicated problem in China. Publicness in the area of broadcasting and telecommunications in China was represented and presented differently from the UK.The key point lies in how to evaluate it and the relationship between history and nowadays. After 1970s, almost at the same time as the UK, marketization gradually became the most important power in changing the Chinese society, which, to some degree, meant something similar in the context between the two countries. China, however, was more radical comparatively, which made it more difficult and necessary to rethink publicness. In addition, it’s not only need to set all the problems inner the perspective of nation state, but also set in the context of globalization of information capitalism.Chapterl is not only ready for the whole narrative of the thesis, but also a summary of the entire logic of it. The ongoing media convergence is one of the important causes of the thesis, but it’s not enough to talk about itself. It could only be possible for us to find the way to rethink publicness in the history of China and the UK.Chapter2 is mainly about the public service in the broadcasting and the telecommunications industry in UK before 1970s.In the area of broadcasting, the principle of public service was set up by BBC, but it was not only BBC’s business. In the telecommunications industry, the universal service was quasi-public service. In this phase, the state played a key role in the presentation of publicness.Chapter3 is mainly about the publicness of broadcasting and telecommunications in China before 1970s.There was not any broadcasting of Chinese broadcasting. Also did the telecommunications in China. Similarly, the role of the state was very important although the meaning and actions of it were different between the two countries. The key point is how to think about the relationship between the state and publicness in this phase.Chapter4 studies the broadcasting and the telecommunications in the UK after1970s.With the practice of Neoliberalism, marketization was developing quickly and deeply, which caused the re-understanding and re-explanation of the role of the state and publicness. Public service was threatened due to this situation, even worse after the emergence of media convergence. However, public interest was still sticked to and fought for by the British society, and never ended.Chapter5 studies the broadcasting and the telecommunications in China after 1970.Neoliberalism and marketization came together, which was similar with the UK. Marketization changed Chinese society a lot, which left little space for rethinking the outcome and the missing publicness. This is the main cause of the thesis.Chapter6,as the ending of the thesis, set the entire comparative frame in the context of the globalization of information capitalism. The significance of publicness could be presented more clearly through connecting with the problems of globalization, Neoliberalism and modernity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】433

