

【作者】 郑亚楠

【导师】 李良荣;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 一向以报道改革为己任的新闻媒体自身也在改革的范畴中,从新闻理念到实际操作,三十年来从未间断过。2002年,国家提出文化体制改革的战略思想后,地市级媒体作为新闻传媒业微观主体的改革进入到了转企改制阶段,成为文化产业发展的重要组成部分。本文选取了牡丹江新闻传媒集团作为地市级媒体改革的样本,通过对它十几年改革历程的追溯、调查、考证和剖析,认识媒体改革的实质,即要建立什么样的与社会主义市场经济相适应的媒体?如何建立这种媒体?认识媒体与市场的关系;媒体与国家的关系。处于转型时期的中国媒体既不能选择西方私有私营的管理体制,也不能囿于只做宣传工具的政党体制,而是要探索出一条适合中国国情的改革之路。经过三十年的改革历练,对于媒体来说已经不是改不改的问题,而是怎么改的问题。为此,牡丹江新闻传媒集团抓住媒体产业化的契机,把发展作为压倒一切的首要任务,以转企改制为根本,尝试着回答了如下问题:改变从业人员国有事业、公务员身份,选择国有企业性质。从业人员作为新闻传媒集团公司的一员获取岗位薪酬,集团为广大员工提供发挥自身价值的平台,改革成果与员工利益休戚相关。政企分开、政事分开,体制改革不搞“翻牌”,而是“洗牌”;机制转换既“换汤”也“换药”。集团公司作为国有实体明晰产权,作为国有资产产权归国资委所有,由国资委派驻的监事会负责监察,行使国有资产运行监督功能。由此,集团获得了自主经营、自负盈亏、自我管理、自我发展的“四自”权利。按照现代公司治理结构明确法人职责,完善董事会、党委会和监事会相互制衡的机制,完善扁平化管理结构,减少中间层次,降低管理成本,提高管理效率。把“国家支持、优劣全包、不计成本、只生不死”的局面转变为“独立核算、自负盈亏、财政断奶、照章纳税”的新局面。集团公司将宣传与经营分开。在宣传上加大舆论引导力度,建立严格的宣传纪律,任何时候,都要自觉地把党管媒体和社会效益放在首位。保证企业性质的集团公司不但不会削弱党对媒体的领导,而且还会通过新闻精品战略强化宣传的效果和影响。在经营上不断地培育市场经济主体。将所属产业划分为本源产业、延伸产业和关联性产业,实施项目牵动,锻炼经营人才‘,提高经营素质。抓好产业扩张和资本扩张,不断地进行跨媒体、跨区域的重组,在重组中调整产业结构、强化自生能力。让属于宣传的归宣传,属于产业的归产业,这一切,均指向媒体改革的终极目标:建立覆盖面广、传输快捷、有竞争力的传媒体系。地市级媒体在中国金字塔式的媒体格局中时常面临着尴尬的处境,虽然它们数量很多,但在市场上竞争的实力却很有限。现在,牡丹江新闻传媒集团为地市级媒体改革趟出了一条从人力到财力、从体制到结构的改革路线图。它所要证明的是来自基层的媒体变革愿望一旦与国家的政策层面相对接,就会演变为巨大的内驱性力量,吸引着媒体不断地创新,寻求自身的完善和发展;尽管改革的过程不乏艰难,但这种碎步前行的探索路径却在昭示着一种勇气,一种进步,一种趋势,一种文明。

【Abstract】 Chinese media which take reporting reform as responsibilities are also experiencing reform per se. Media reform has never stopped during the last three decades in both the field of journalistic ideas and the field of journalistic practices. In the year 2002, China proposed a strategic idea of taking cultural system reform. As a micro subject in China’s media industry, municipal media came into a transforming stage from institution to enterprise, which constitutes an important part of the development of culture industry in China.The thesis takes Mudanjiang Media Group (MMG) in Heilongjiang province as a sample. By analysing MMG’s more than ten years’reform history through textual analysis, interviews and archive analysis. The thesis aims to understand the nature of media reform in China by raising and answering these crucial questions:(1) what kind of media system is compatible with the market economic system in a socialism country? (2) How to change the old media system into a new compatible media system through reform? (3) How to understand the new relations between media and market, media and state?Media reform in China can neither follow the privatization of media system in western societies, nor can it confine media’s function as propaganda machine only. It is urgent to explore a way of reform that suits China’s special national conditions. After experiencing a thirty-year reform, for Chinese media, taking reform or not is not a question anymore. The main problem now is how to take reform. Therefore, MMG grasped the opportunity to realize its demutualisation. During the process of demutualisation, MMG tests to answer the following questions.Firstly, MMG took reform in personnel system. All working staff in MMG changed their identities from a civil servant in public service unit to an employee in corporation. As a member of MMG, all people are paid according their contributions to the corporation. MMG provides platform for all the staff to realize ultimately their own values. It successfully separated the administrative functions from enterprise management. The system reform is not’turn over the cards’but’shuffle the cards’. The mechanism transformation is not to’change the soup’but to ’change the medicine’.Secondly, MMG made clear its ownership. As state-owned assets, the property right of MMG belongs to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). SASAC assigns board of supervisors to MMG to supervise how it operates the state-owned assets. Therefore, MMG obtains’four autonomy’rights:self-operation, self-responsibility for its own profit and loss, self-management and self-development. According to the modern management in corporations, MMG clarifies the duty of the legal representative and balances the relations among the boards of directors, the Party committee and the board of supervisors. By reducing hierarchies and cost in management and enhancing efficiency in management, MMG broke down the old discipline of media management in China and created a new way for media management.Thirdly, MMG separated propaganda from operation. It keeps enhancing its the capacity to lead the direction of propaganda, strictly following the discipline of propaganda and putting ahead the leadership of Party and the social effect of media. The nature of corporation does not weaken the leadership of the Party. Moreover, it improves the effect and influence of propaganda through producing quality news programs.Fourthly, MMG consistently improves its competence in market economy environment. It divided its industry into original industry, extension industry and connection industry. Through developing multi-industries, MMG practices its personnel and improves its operational capacity. MMG also tested cross-media and cross-area regrouping in order to expand its industry and capitals. Through regrouping, MMG continuously adjusts its structure and enhances its competitive power.Separating the propaganda function of media from its corporation nature aims to realize the ultimate goal of media reform, that is, to establish an extensively-covering, fast-communicating and competitive media system.Municipal media live in an awkward situation in China’s pyramid-structured media system. They have very limited competitive power in media market. MMG, as one of the municipal media has found a successful reform model, ranging from personnel system to financial system, media system to media structure. MMG’s media reform proves that once the desire to take reform from below corresponds with the policy reform from above, an enormous reforming power will be generated. It is this reforming power that attracts media consistently to innovate, improve and develop. Although the way to (on) the reform is not smooth, these small steps show a spirit, an improvement, a tendency and a civilization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】G211
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】726

