

Research on Treatment Processes of Severely Polluted Urban River Water and on the Effects of Heavy Metals on the Treatment Efficiency

【作者】 王令

【导师】 刘燕;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 河道水的原位处理或旁路处理法,适用于受污染相对较轻的河道水。对于以深圳布吉河为代表的中国南部城市河道水,其污染严重、水量较大,而且富含氮、磷,尤其是C/N比较低,这类河道水的治理适合采用异地处理法。河道水异地处理法的处理效果完全取决于污水处理厂的工艺技术和运行状况。因此,探索适合于河道水处理的新工艺,或比较、选择合理的生物处理工艺并集成其他技术开展河道水的治理研究,是非常有探索价值和现实意义的,这也是本论文的目的之一。本论文探索并优化了HYBAS工艺处理河道水的工作条件。综合河道水处理效果和经济性两方面来考虑,优化后的HYBAS工艺条件为:内回流点位定在A1缺氧段,内回流比200%,外回流比75%~100%,HRT为11h, MLSS为2500~3500mg/L,通过添加甲醇调整C/N为4,首选填料为安能填料。试验结果表明解决河道水脱氮问题的关键在于提高C/N。实验过程中还考察了其它工艺(A2/O工艺、倒置A2/O工艺和A/O工艺)对河道水的处理效果,并对这些工艺的河道水处理效果进行了比较,得到这些工艺对不同污染物去除能力的排序。各反应器脱氮能力的排序为:倒置A2/O反应器>A2/O反应器>HYBAS反应器>A/O反应器;总磷去除能力的排序为:A2/O反应器>倒置A2/O反应器>HYBAS反应器>A/O反应器:COD去除能力的排序为:A/O反应器>倒置A2/O反应器>HYBAS反应器>A2/O反应器;氨氮去除能力的排序为:HYBAS反应器>倒置A2/O反应器>A/O反应器>A2/O反应器。本论文系统地研究了重金属对活性污泥水处理效果的影响。通过间歇试验的方式考察了部分重金属对河道水处理效果的影响,发现它们的短期抑制浓度为:60mg/L Ni2+、70mg/L Cd2+、90mg/L Cr3+、90mg/L Cu2+、80mg/L Pb2+。当重金属浓度高于短期抑制浓度时,间歇试验中的氨氮或COD或两者的去除效果受到明显抑制,短时间内的氨氮或COD浓度不会随着处理时间的延长而降低。向连续运行的HYBAS反应器一次性添加抑制浓度的重金属冲击负荷,或持续添加60mg/LNi2+,氨氮、总氮、COD的去除率初期因受到Ni2+负面影响而出现下降,但此后均能恢复。此外,实验过程中还考察了前期经过Ni2+驯化的活性污泥当再次受到Ni2+冲击时的水处理效果。本实验研究了部分高浓度重金属(Cd2+、Cr3+、Cu2+、Pb2+、Ni2+)作用下的EPS变化情况。在HYBAS反应器进水中添加重金属冲击负荷,活性污泥微生物细胞和填料生物膜微生物细胞分泌的EPS含量均明显升高,升高幅度和所添加的重金属毒性强弱有关,随着运行时间的延长,EPS含量逐渐下降,但是添加冲击负荷530h后仍未降至添加冲击负荷前的水平。在重金属冲击负荷试验中,开始阶段的EPSs百分含量下降较快(相应地,EPSb百分含量上升较快),随着反应时间的延长,EPSs百分含量逐渐趋于稳定;此外,重金属的毒性作用越强,EPSs百分含量下降的幅度越大(相应地,EPSb百分含量的升高幅度越大)。开始阶段的填料生物膜和活性污泥EPS的C/P均快速下降,此后,随着反应时间的延长而趋于稳定。此过程中,活性污泥EPS的C/P下降速度和下降幅度均超过填料生物膜,且重金属的毒性作用越强,这种差距越明显。向连续运行的HYBAS反应器持续添加60mg/L Ni2+,活性污泥微生物细胞和填料生物膜微生物细胞分泌的EPS含量出现相似的变化,二者均在添加Ni2+后短期升高,随后大幅下降,降至低于未添加Ni2+时对应的EPS含量水平,此后随着微生物细胞对Ni2+的适应,二者的EPS含量均恢复至加Ni2+前的水平;填料生物膜EPSs、EPSb受重金属的影响程度小于活性污泥,而且更易恢复。当受Ni2+影响的EPS趋于稳定时,填料生物膜EPSs和活性污泥EPSs的百分含量均较未添加Ni2+时略有下降(相应地,二者EPSb的百分含量较未添加重金属时略有上升)。分析结果还显示,HYBAS反应器好氧池活性污泥的沉降性能和EPS的组成和含量有关。

【Abstract】 Slightly-polluted water of urban river was suitable for adopting bypass treatment or in-situ treatment. However, many urban rivers in China were severely polluted by wastewater due to the deficiencies of wastewater collection or controls of pollution sources, which were suitable for adopting interception and diversion treatment. The dissertation investigated the Buji River whose typical water quality delegated the common existed water quality of urban river in South China, which was appropriate for using interception and diversion treatment.The dissertation focused on the treatment of severely polluted urban river water by the process of Hybrid Actuation System (HYBAS). The process of HYBAS was investigated and improved, and the optimum process conditions were achieved. Further more, other treatment processes were also invested and compared each other in treatment efficiency.Effects of some heavy metals including Ni2+, Cd2+, Cr3+, Cu2+and Pb2+on the wastewater treatment of urban river were investigated via batch tests, and short-term threshold Values of these heavy metals were achieved, which were Ni2+ at 60mg/L, Cd2+ at 70mg/L, Cr3+ at 90mg/L, Cu2+at 90mg/L and Pb2+ at 80mg/L. When the dosaged of heavy metal was higher than its inhibitory concentration in the batch experiment, the removal of ammonia nitrogen and COD was obviously inhibited, and the ammonia nitrogen and COD concentrations couldn’t decrease with time significantly in a short period of time. After the individual addition of shock load or continuously dosage of the inhibitory concentration of heavy metal into the continuously running reactor, the removal of TN and COD decreased at the beginning, but it could recover later. Besides, the effect of Ni2+ on the prior acclimated activated sludge to Ni2+ was also investigated, which mainly focused on its treatment performance.Variations of EPS content and EPS composition under the influence of some heavy metals were investigated. The investigation included shock load test and continuous dosage test. After the individual addition of shock load of some heavy metal including 60mg/L Ni2+,70mg/L Cd2+,90mg/L Cr3+,90mg/L Cu2+ and 80mg/L Pb2+, the EPS contents of both activated sludge and biofilm increased distinctly, and the more poisonous the heavy metal was, the more the EPS content increased. Then, the EPS contents gradually decreased with time, but it didn’t meet the previous level without the addition of heavy metal even at the 530h after the heavy metal addition. The percentage of EPSs decreased quickly at the beginning, and it gradually stabilized with time. During this period, the more poisonous the heavy metal was, the more the percentage of EPSs decreased. Further more, the C/P of activated sludge and biofilm both decreaded queickly at the beginning, and it tended to stabilize with time. The result also indicated that the C/P of activated sludge decreased more quickly and more than that of biofilm, and it would be obvious when the heavy metal was more poisonous. After the continuous dosage of 60mg/L Ni2+ into the HYBAS reactor, the EPS contents of both activated sludge and biofilm increased at the beginning, then, they significantly decreased to a state in which the EPS contents were lower than those before the Ni2+ addition. Hereafter, both of their EPS content recovered when the bacteria gradually adapted to the influence of Ni2+. The EPSs and the EPSb of biofilm were influenced less than those of activated sludge, and were more liable to recover. When the EPSs of both biofilm and activated sludge stabilized, they both became a little smaller than those before the Ni2+ addition. The result also showed that the settleability of activated sludge was severely influenced by the EPS compositions and EPS contents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

