

【作者】 杨满仁

【导师】 戴燕;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 沈约是南北朝时期一位十分重要的文人,他一生经历宋、齐、梁三代,年寿既长,官位又高,在文学、史学等领域均有突出成就。文学方面,他是永明新体的倡导者之一,其文学主张和创作实践领导了时代的风气,是著名的文坛领袖,一代词宗。史学方面,他撰有《晋书》、《宋书》、《齐纪》、《梁武纪》等四代历史,今存《宋书》为二十四史之一。此外,他在经学、子学、音韵学、乐学等方面都比较精通,道教、佛教等方面的知识也很丰富,史家称他“该悉旧章,博物洽闻,当世取则”。现当代关于沈约研究的成果已经比较丰富,各方面问题均有所涉及。但其中也存在一些问题,比如,对其文学和史学等方面的研究有所割裂,统合性、整体性研究不多;对其具体作品,特别是有关道教、佛教方面的作品深入分析不够;对日本、美国等国外研究的成果关注不足等。本论文即尝试从思想研究的角度,在深入分析沈约文学与史学等具体作品的基础上,统合现有有关研究成果,重点考察沈约思想发展的内在理路和历史环境对其的外在影响,从而还原其作为一个历史人物的比较完整的形象。本论文共设绪论、正文四章、附录等六部分。绪论为学术史回顾,对百年来沈约研究的相关成果予以综述与评价。第一章为沈约的家世与生平研究。在学界已有成果基础上,进一步理清沈约家世的情况以及沈约生平的主要经历,重点分析沈约在其家族向士族进阶过程中的实际作用和地位。第二章为沈约的智识世界研究。揭示了南朝知识主义兴起这一学风新变的时代背景,结合沈约的著述分析了其知识体系的构成,分析了《宋书》成书的过程。在此基础上,重点分析沈约所著关于历史、政治和宗教等方面的文本,探讨了沈约的智识观与其社会思想、历史与政治思想、宗教思想。第三章为沈约的情感世界研究。主要围绕其文学作品,结合时代的情感观分析沈约以情感和美感为基础的文学观。重点从公共性情感、个人化创作的情感两方面分析沈约文学创作的情感世界。第四章为沈约文史书写策略的研究。分析了沈约史学作品中蕴藏的诗心和文学作品中含有的史笔。附录为沈约年谱简编。

【Abstract】 ShenYue, a very noticeable and long-lived scholar of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, whose lifetime spanned three dynasties Song, Qi and Liang, outstood in the field of literature and history. In literature, as one of advocators of the Yong-Ming new style, his literary ideas and creative works, somehow, became the example of literature in his time. Thus he was considered as a literary leader and a master of Ci, a form of Chinese classical poetry. In history, he composed four history books-History of the Jin Dynasties, History of the Song Dynasties, History of the Qi Dynasties and History of the Emporer Liangwu, among which, History of the Song Dynasties Besides mastering in Confucian classics, Philosophy Classics and Phonology, he knew well about Taoism, Buddhism,either. It is no wonder that he was praised by historiographer with the verse "he is a typical example in his time for being adept in history and knowledgeable".Contemporarily, the research achievements about ShenYue are abundant in various aspects. Still, some problems are worthwhile more insightful study. For example, connections bridged his literature works and history masterpieces could be a more comprehensive and integral research; on his practical works, there is still room to carry some more insightful study on his works of Taoism and Buddhism; also, the relevant foreign research achievements,eg, Japan, and the United States could be introduced in a complete study. With the help of existed research fruits, the dissertation attempted to probe the development of his inner thought and the outside influence on him from the angle of thinking research, to rebuild ShenYue a relatively complete historical image.The dissertation consists of six parts as the introduction, four chapters of body part and appendix.Introduction, also a review, mainly summarized and commented relevant academic research achievements for about 100 years.The first chapter studied ShenYue’s ancestry and his study experience. Based on the previous academic research, the dissertation made a systematic study of ShenYue" family and his own experience, as well as his influence during the process of rank his family to the aristocracy class.The second chapter is about his research on intellectualism world. Considering the rise of intellectualism in Southern Dynast and what Shen Yue created, especially his History of the Song Dynasties,the dissertation analyzed how he developed his intellectualism system. With emphasis placed on his texts of history, politics and religion, the dissertation discussed his social values, history and politics thoughts and religion thought which embodied in.The third chapter revealed Shen Yue’s inner world. Applying the modern approaches, the dissertation analyzed his feeling and aesthetics implied in his literal works from the perspectives mass feelings and personal feelings.The fourth chapter briefly studied Shen Yue’s historiography strategies only to find that his talents for literature penetrated from history works; meanwhile his competence of historiography were indicated in his literature works.Appendix collected the concise chronology of Shen Yue.

【关键词】 沈约智识情感思想世界
【Key words】 ShenYueintellectualismfeelingthe world of thought
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】489

