

【作者】 潘艳

【导师】 陈淳;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 论文尝试以长江三角洲与钱塘江流域距今10000至6000年间(包括上山文化、跨湖桥文化、河姆渡文化与马家浜文化)的考古材料为研究对象,以植物考古学方法为主,结合古环境复原和聚落形态分析,从人类生态的角度剖析该地区早期农业发生的过程。研究目的有两个:(1)为探讨长江下游和钱塘江流域距今10000至6000年农业经济的发展水平与性质提供一个理论框架;(2)通过长江下游和钱塘江流域的实例研究来反思与商榷近十年来欧美学者提出的有关农业起源的新视角与理论。围绕人类生态位构建的核心概念,古环境、植物与聚落形态提供了从物种到区域不同水平上人类进行环境改造和资源管理的生态信息。研究结果显示,该时空范畴内的人类生计形态属于“资源生产”,农业的形式已经萌芽并有相当的发展。人类对物种和环境主动而持久的干涉(共同进化的过程)是导致物种驯化、农业发生的主动力因素。在此基础上,社群外部物质性压力、社会内部结构性压力和能动性等多种因素作为动力机制变量作用于农业发生的强度可以得到初步的合理评估。

【Abstract】 This thesis attempts to analyze the process of early agricultural emergence in the Yangzi Delta and Qiantang Drainage during 10000-6000 BP in terms of human ecology. The research combines palaeoecological and anthropogenic implications based on palaeoethnobatany, palaeoclimate, and settlement patterns of Shangshan, Kuahuqiao, Hemudu, and Majiabang cultures. The human niche construction effort is seen on a broad scale from study area. It on one hand provides a theoretical framework of understanding the character and level of agricultural development of Yangzi Delta and Qiantang Drainage in the early and middle Holocene and, on another hand, leads to substantial reconsideration from a East Asian perspective of new theories concerning agricultural origin suggested by American scholars.The results indicate that the subsistence pattern of the Yangzi Delta and Qiantang Drainage during 10000-6000 can be attributed to "resource production". Agricultural forms or agroecology has been extraordinarily developed. Human intervenes in life cycles of other species and their habitats are the vital force resulting in domestication and agricultural origin. On this base, the macro-evolutionary causal explanations such as external stress, internal socio-economic forces, and social agency can be evaluated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】K872
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】983

