

【作者】 范矿生

【导师】 朱荫贵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 对近代中国企业而言,盈利与安全是它们面临的两大问题。对它们来说,无论是谋求利润还是确保资金及企业本身安全,都需要一整套保护产权的制度来加以保障。然而在近代中国,私人企业产权很难得到制度方面的保障。无论是军事报效,还是临时性勒捐,抑或是其他强制性手段干预,都使得近代企业产权受到损害。对于近代企业而言,如何寻求保护自身的各种社会力量支持,就成为关系到企业本身生存乃至发展的重大问题。在各方制度并不完善的旧中国,近代企业面临着政权的频繁更迭、政策的不断变动,要想在这一过程中处于较为有利的地位,只有同各种社会力量之间建构起持久稳定的合作关系。在这种合作关系中,双方互为扶持,共同发展,彼此让利而又相互收利,且不会轻易受到外界因素的影响。在学界,我们称这种联系为企业的社会关系网。通过种种手段的施展,近代企业逐渐建构起利于自身生存与发展的各种社会关系网。这种社会关系网亦可以从“资本”的角度加以理解。根据西方社会学家布迪厄等人的观点,“资本”一词不仅局限于金钱,亦可以扩大到荣誉、地位。同理,“资本”也可以是一种社会关系。对于企业的社会关系网,我们可以把关系网的建构过程比作向整个社会进行关系投资的过程。在此基础上,企业建构关系就是进行投资,各种社会关系也因此成为一种资本或言凭借,这种资本能为企业的生存和发展带来实惠。而近代企业在向社会投放这些社会关系时,总是期望有所回报的,期望从这一过程中能够得到经济利益之类的物质实惠。“社会资本”这一概念的引入就是在这样的背景下进行的。相较以往各种社会关系网研究,“社会资本”更加突出关系网背后隐藏的利益及期待回报的心理。二十世纪八十年代以来,社会学、政治学、经济学关于社会资本研究逐渐掀起热潮并取得不俗业绩,这也使得将这一概念引入历史研究领域变为可能。而近代企业所面临的具体社会环境,又在很大程度上与这一概念诞生的土壤相符,亦使得这种概念移植成为现实。社会关系网在近代中国历史上事例比比皆是,个案的考察变得很有必要。在此基础上,我们以山东峄县中兴煤矿为例,通过对具体个案的考察,来探究社会关系网对近代企业生存及发展所起到的巨大作用,进而揭示社会关系网背后隐藏的利益诉求及其具体建构过程。

【Abstract】 Profits and Security are both important to the enterprises in Modern China. Regulations on the protection of the property are needed,either to pursue profit s or protect the capital of the enterprises or just themselves.Howerever, the pro perty of enterprises can not be guaranteed indeed.It is destroyed by military ba oxiao,abupt extortion and powerful intervene in the management.So searching f or help from society is an important problem that will affect the survival and development of the enterprises.In sum,surrounded by the environment under def ective regulations,the varied governments and policies,the enterprises have to co nstruct a kind of continuous relationship with subjects in society.During They h elp each other,and make progress together,.They yield to each other,and get pro fits from this relationship.And this relationship can not be affected by the othe r factors.Scholars consider this phenomenon as the Social Networks of the ente rprises.The enterprises construct social networks for the aim of profits and secu rity by means of different ways.According to views of Sociologist as Pierre Bourdieu,the word "capital" c onsists of not only money,but also honor and status.Meanwhile the capital can also be regarded as a kind of social network.We can regard the construction of the social network as a course of investment.And the construction is equal to i nvestment indeed.From this aspect,all kinds of social networks become a kind of capital that the enterprises can get profits from. When the enterprises constr uct this kind of relationship,they are expecting repayments from it,such as inter ests,and so on. The word "Social Capital" is introduced in this situation.It pays more attention on interests and expections for repayment that hide behind the social networks. Studies about the Social Capital make great progre ss in the field of sociology,politics and economics from 1980s.All such things are ready for the introduction of this word to History.And the environment th at enterprises in modern China are surrounded by are similar to the environme nt that the word "Social Capital" were born in.Based on this,we will explore t he huge effects that the social capital has on the enterprises.Furthermore,we wil 1 reveal the process of the construction of the social capital.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F279.29;K25
  • 【下载频次】552

