

Propereties of Canopy and Root of Super-high Yield Maize and Regulating Effect of Potassium

【作者】 张玉芹

【导师】 高聚林; 杨恒山;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在玉米消费持续增长,玉米种植面积增加有限的形势下,要保障玉米的供需平衡,只能依靠进一步提高单产来实现。超高产技术的研究对进一步提升玉米单产水平具有重要的推动作用。2009年至2010年,在内蒙古玉米主产区西辽河平原灌区选用金山27为供试材料,以普通高产栽培为对照(CK),系统地研究了超高产栽培(SHY)下春玉米的根冠结构、功能特性和钾素养分的调控效应。主要结果如下:1.超高产栽培实现了春玉米群体结构与个体功能的协同增益。超高产春玉米群体叶面积指数最大值为7.42(2009)和7.87(2010);在棒三叶及棒三叶以上叶增幅明显,较对照增加了26.4 %(2009)和21.6 %(2010);LAI≥5的持续天数较对照延长12d,达72d(2009)和74d(2010)。超高产栽培下春玉米较对照叶倾角小,叶向值大,尤以棒三叶及其以上叶明显,群体受光态势良好。在吐丝后40d内,SOD和POD活性高于对照,MDA含量低于低,叶片衰老缓慢,单株净光合速率较高。群体光合势在吐丝期-乳熟期较对照增加20.7%(2009)和12.0%(2010),乳熟期-完熟期增加34.2%(2009)和34.3%(2010)。2.超高产栽培提高了春玉米物质积累能力,尤以吐丝后明显,促进物质积累与分配相互协调。超高产春玉米干物质积累速率较对照提高10.7%(2009)和11.1%(2010),最大积累速率持续的时间较对照长2-4d。吐丝后干物质积累量较对照提高14.4%(2009)和11.2%(2010),吐丝后物质积累对子粒贡献率较对照提高2.9%(2009)和3.1%(2010)。超高产春玉米叶转运率较对照低2.4%(2009)和5.9%(2010);茎转运率较对照低3.2%(2009)和3.6%(2010),但成熟期子粒分配比例较对照高,经济系数达0.54。3.超高产栽培促进春玉米下层根系发生,生育后期保持较高的生理活性。超高产春玉米0~20 cm土层根重所占比例低于对照,40 cm以下各土层根重所占比例均高于对照,最大根幅下移,下层土壤根条数增加,且随土层深度增加明显。吐丝期40cm以下土层根系活力均高于对照,乳熟期0~20 cm土层根系活力与对照接近,20cm以下各土层根系活力均高于对照。根系SOD和POD酶活性在吐丝期和乳熟期各土层超高产栽培均高于对照,而MDA酶活性低于对照。4.超高产栽培增强了吐丝后养分吸收和转运能力。超高产春玉米吐丝后N吸收量占生育期总吸收量的比例较对照高11.5%(2009)和11.6%(2010),P吸收量的比例较对照高15.9%(2009)和16.7%(2010),K吸收量的比例较对照高16.5%(2009)和10.0%(2010)。吐丝后N积累对子粒贡献率较对照高25.6%(2009)和11.4 %(2010),P较对照高25.6 %(2009)和8.4 %(2010),K较对照高10.9%(2009)和10.0%(2010)。超高产栽培N茎叶总转运率较对照高17.3%(2009)和13.5%(2010),P茎叶总转运率较对照高4.0%(2009)和8.3%(2010),K茎叶总转运率较对照高2.2%(2009)和4.0%(2010),N、P、K的收获指数均高于对照。5.超高产条件下,增加钾肥用量和钾肥后移对产量影响未达显著水平,对春玉米增强抗倒性和延缓衰老有促进作用。增施钾肥可提高吐丝后干物质对产量的贡献和茎转运量,促进植株养分吸收和茎中养分转运。钾肥后移较不后移吐丝后物质积累及转运率均下降。

【Abstract】 The consumption of corn grew continued, while corn acreage increased limited, we had to rely on improving the yield per unit area further to protect the balance of corn suppling and demanding. Technology of super high has an important role in promoting to further enhance the level of maize yield. The Jinshan 27 was grown under super-high-yield cultivation (SHY) and normal high-yield cultivation (CK) condition in 2009 and 2010, to study canopy and root structure, functional characteristics and regulating effect of potassium, the main results were as follows:1. Spring maize community structure and individual function got cooperative gain in super-high-yield cultivation. The maximum LAI of super- high yield spring maize was 7.42 in 2009 and 7.87 in 2010, and the increasing of LAI in above three-ear leaves and three-ear leaves was obvious, it increased by 26.4% in 2009 and 21.6% in 2010. Periods of LAI≥5 were 72 days and 74 days in 2009 and 2010, 12 days more than the control. The super-high yield spring maize had smaller leaf angle and higher leaf direction value, and above three-ear leaves and three-ear leaves was obvious, light distribution of population were reasonable. From the silking to 40 days after silking, SOD and POD activities were higher than control and MDA content lower than control, net photosynthetic rate was higher. The photosynthetic potential was higher by 20.7% in 2009 and 12.0% in 2010 than that of the control during silking-milking stages, and higher by 34.2% and 34.3% in 2009 and 2010 during the milking-maturity stage.2. Spring maize has higher ability to accumulate material in high yield cultivation, especially significant after silking, promote coordination of accumulation and distribution. The max acccumulation rate of super higher spring maize was higher by 10.7% in 2009 and 11.1% in 2010. The highest increased rate sustained longer 2~4 days than control. The dry material after silking were higher by14.4% in 2009 and 11.2% in 2010 than control, and contribution rate to grain were higher by 2.9% in 2009 and 3.1% in 2010. Transfer rate of leaf was lower by 2.4% in 2009 and 5.9% in 2010, and transfer rate of stalk was lower by 3.2% in 2009 and 3.6% in 2010. The ratio of grain in maturity was higher than control, and economic coefficient was 0.54.3. Roots in deep soil were well-developed and keep them a high physiological activity at late growth stage. The percentage of root weight (0-20 cm soil layer) was lower obviously than the control, and which (>40 cm) was more than the control. The biggest root width tended to go down, the number of root per plant in deep soil layer increased under super high-yield maize, and the difference enlarged with the increase of the soil depth compared with the control. In silking, root vigor (>40 cm) was higher than that of control; in milking, root vigor (0-20 cm soil layer) was similar with control, root vigor (>20 cm) was higher than that of control. The activity of SOD&POD of root system per soil layer were higher than the control at silking and milking stage under super high-yield maize, but MDA activity was reverse.4. The capacity of nutrient absorption and transfer were increased in super high spring maize. The ratio of N absorption of total absorption under super-yield cultivation was higher by11.5% in 2009 and 11.6% in 2010 than that of control after silking stage, and the ratio of P absorption was higher by 15.9% in 2009and 16.7% in 2010, and the ratio of K absorption was higher by 16.5% in 2009 and 10.0% in 2010. Contribution rate of accumulate N after silking stage to grain was higher by 25.6% in 2009 and 11.4 % in 2010, and contribution rate of accumulate P to grain was higher 25.6% in 2009 and 8.4 % in 2010, and contribution rate of accumulate K to grain was higher by 10.9% in 2009 and 10.0 % in 2010. Transfer rate of N of leaf and stalk was higher by 17.3% in 2009 and 13.5% in 2010, transfer rate of P of leaf and stalk was higher by 4.0% in 2009 and 8.3% in 2010, transfer rate of K of leaf and stalk was higher by 2.2% in 2009 and 4.0% in 2010, economic coefficient of N, P and K were higher than control.5. Effect of amount fertilizing K and postponing K application on yield of super high spring maize was not significant, but which could increase lodging resistance and delay leaf senescence. Dry matter to contribution rate to grain and transfer rate of stalk were increased, nutrient absorption and transfer of stalk were promoted. accumulation and transfer of material went down by postponing K application.


