

Yield Formation and Related Agronomical Control Machanism in Sunflower

【作者】 胡树平

【导师】 高聚林;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 内蒙古自治区具有种植向日葵的地域优势和良好的发展前景,对于农牧民增收和调整种植结构具有积极地现实意义,但目前向日葵栽培技术的研究还不够系统和深入,制约着向日葵产业的健康、可持续发展。因此,系统研究不同农艺措施下向日葵物质生产与产量品质形成规律,可为向日葵大面积高产提供理论依据和技术支持。通过2008-2010年连续三年试验,从群体结构与个体功能协同方面,对向日葵品种(系)的抗旱性、密度和播期对产质量的影响、氮磷钾需肥规律、减源疏库对向日葵产质量的影响等进行了较为系统的研究,优化集成了向日葵高产栽培模式,并对集成模式进行了评价,提出了向日葵高产栽培技术指标体系。主要研究结果如下:搜集30个油葵品种(系)、25个食葵品种(系),采用PEG6000进行模拟干旱胁迫处理,测定向日葵叶片REC、RWC、SOD、POD、CAT、Pro,分别运用隶属函数及聚类分析进行分类,将向日葵抗旱性分为强抗(油葵5个,食葵0个)、抗旱(油葵13个,食葵15个)、中抗(油葵9个,食葵8个)、弱抗(油葵3个,食葵2个),两种方法相同程度分别为油葵76.67%、食葵92.00%。合理密植是提高作物产量的途径之一,本研究采用2个食葵品种及5个密度、2个油葵品种及5个密度进行比较研究。结果表明,食葵品种适宜密度为43500-45000株/hm2,油葵适宜密度为61500-63000株/hm2。向日葵开花期如遇高温降雨,将影响授粉,降低结实率。播期适当推迟可使向日葵开花期避开当地降雨集中期,增加了结实率。同时,也减轻了向日葵菌核病的危害。内蒙古向日葵品种适宜播期为5月20日-5月30日。扩库强源使源库关系达到协调增益是实现高产的物质基础。减源疏库对向日葵产质量均产生不同程度的影响,叶源量减少一半,油葵产量降低37.56%、食葵产量降低44.55%;籽实库减少一半,油葵产量降低21.20%、食葵产量降低了23.43%;分层减源中,食葵去倒1-5叶、油葵去倒6-10叶减产最多。研究表明,向日葵属源限制型作物。生产100kg籽实吸收养分量,食葵为N 5.25 kg、P2O5 2.42kg、K2O 5.01kg油葵为N 5.18kg、P2O5 2.23kg、K2O 4.92 kg。依据品种、播期、密度、需肥特性等试验结果进行技术集成,并对其从干物质积累与分配、叶面积消长、光合特性、根系生长特性等群体结构、个体生理功能与农户模式的差异进行比较评价,表现出技术集成模式的群体结构与个体发育更趋协调。结果表明:采用集成模式的油葵、食葵分别较农户模式增产18.58%、23.28%;可见,在当前向日葵生产中,每公顷增加种植密度15000株左右,并适度增加氮磷肥,补施钾肥,是提高向日葵单产的有效途径。向日葵单株及群体干物质积累符合典型的“S”型生长曲线,出苗后54d内为指数增长阶段,54d-75d为直线增长阶段,75d-110d为缓慢增长阶段。集成模式在直线增长期分别多积累133.8g m-2、61.37g m-2。集成模式向日葵群体叶面积指数高于农户模式,食葵LAI峰值为6.50,高出1.29;油葵LAI峰值为7.02,高出0.83。表明集成模式植株叶片在籽实灌浆期保绿性较好,衰老缓慢,能更多的积累光合产物。向日葵根系干重积累符合逻辑斯蒂积累方程,直线增长期为出苗后48-61d,为现蕾期(地上部为开花期),最大速率出现的时间为出苗后51d,苗期为指数增长时期,开花期后为缓慢增长期。两种模式比较,集成模式是通过增加积累速率和延长积累时间实现根系干物质积累的增加。空间结构方面,向日葵根系主要分布在垂直0-20cm范围内,干重占总干重90%左右。由于集成模式密度大,水平方向受限,20cm以下所占比例高于农户模式,具有下扎的趋势,有效地利用了土壤的空间。建立了向日葵高产“群体结构和个体功能协同增益”的理论模式,即通过适当增加密度以补偿群体的结构性增产,通过合理肥水运筹,增强个体的生理功能,达到产量构成因素的协同,由此制定向日葵目标产量4500kg/ hm2基本量化指标体系。群体结构与功能指标:向日葵实现4500kg/hm2的产量,其生物量应大于15000kg/hm2;食葵LAImax应大于6.50,成熟期LAI不小于1.48;油葵LAImax应大于7.02,成熟期不小于1.96。产量构成指标:食葵为有效花盘数45000盘/hm2,结实率65%,单盘饱粒数650粒,单盘粒重100g,百粒重15g以上;油葵为有效花盘数60000盘/hm2,结实率90%,单盘饱粒数1150粒,单盘重75g,百粒重6.5g以上。

【Abstract】 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has the regional advantages and prospect in growing sunflower, as is of great significance in increasing the farmers’income and in adjusting crop planting structure. Currently, the main constrain on healthy and sustainable development of sunflower industry is cultivation technique, which needs to be systematic and detailed. Systematic study on the dry matter production and yield formation in sunflower under different agricultural measures, therefore, is important in providing theoretical basis and technical support for widely and high-yield production.The study was carried out in 2008-2010. The experiments include studies on population structure, drought-resistance differences in sunflower cultivars, the effect on yield of different densities and planting dates, the regulation on fertilizer requirement and the effect of source-sink relationship on yield. This study summarized optimized and integrated high-yield cultivation techniques for sunflower, and presented the results of evaluations on these techniques. The quantity indexes for a high-yield sunflower cultivation system are as follows:In the study, PEG6000 was applied to 30 oil sunflower cultivars and 25 confectionery sunflower cultivars, to test their drought resistance, indicated by leaf REC、RWC、SOD、POD、CAT and Pro. Membership function and cluster analysis showed these cultivars can be classified into three groups: high drought-resistance (13 oil sunflower cultivars and 15 confection sunflower cultivars), medium drought-resistance (9 oil sunflower cultivars and 8 confection sunflower cultivars) and low drought-resistance (3 oil sunflower cultivars and 2 confection sunflower cultivars). These two methods demonstrated similar classification results: 76.67% in oil sunflowers and 92.00% in confection sunflower.Adopting reasonable high planting density is one of the approaches to enhance crop yield. The reasonable density for confection sunflowers is 43500-45000 per hectare, while that for oil sunflowers is 61500-63000 per hectare.Cloudy and rainy days hinder pollination, resulting in a low seed setting percentage in anthesis stage. Delayed planting makes the sunflower avoid local concentrated rainy period, increasing the seed setting percentage and alleviating the damage caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The most suitable planting period in Inner Mongolia is during May 20 - May 30.Coordinating the source-sink relationship by enlarging the source and strengthening the sink is the basis for a higher yield. Reductions in source and sink decrease sunflower yield. When the source reduced by half, oil sunflower yield decreased by 37.56%, and confection sunflower decreased by 44.55%; when sink reduced by half, oil sunflower yield decreased by 21.20%, while confection sunflower decreased by 23.43%. In the experiments of cutting sources of different leaf layer, removal of the last 1-5 leaves of confection sunflower or the last 6-10 leaves of oil sunflower resulted in the largest loss in seed yield. Therefore, sunflowers belong to source limited crops.Fertilizer requirements for 100kg seed production are as follow: 5.25 kg N、2.42kg P2O5 and 5.01kg K2O in confection sunflower;5.18kg N、2.23kg P2O5 and 4.92 kg K2O in oil sunflower.Compared with agronomic techniques adopted by local farmers, the new agronomic system developed in this study, which integrates cultivar selection, planting date arrangement, density choice and fertilizer requirement, showed the advantages of optimizing integration technology, including scientificity in dry matter accumulation and distribution, leaf area dynamics, photosynthetic characteristics and root growth characteristics. Population structure and individual development are more coordinated in the integration production mode.This study established a theory of synchronous improvement of population structure and individual function. That is to increase density properly to build a population of high yield, to rationally arranging irrigation and fertilization to enhance individual physiological function. The sunflower population built under the integrated techniques possesses rational yield components, has the potential of a productivity of 4500kg/hm2.Yield component index, in the case of oil sunflower, include 45000 effective plates per hectare, 65 setting percentage, 650 full kernels per plate, 100 gram kernels per plate, and over 15 gram in 100-kernel-weight; while in the case of confection sunflower, these index are 60000 effective plates per hectare, 90 setting percentage, 1150 kernels per plate, 75 gram kernels per plate, over 6.5 gram in 100-kernel-weight, respectively.


