

Study on Monitoring and Controlling System for the Environment of Delivery Sow House in Northern Cold Region of China

【作者】 李立峰

【导师】 武佩;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业电气化与自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 猪舍环境对猪的健康、生长及遗传潜力的发挥等有重要影响,随着设施、规模化、集约化养殖的迅猛发展,对猪舍环境进行监控、创造一个适宜的生长环境,是目前养猪业的发展方向。本文针对北方寒冷地区的特点,综合计算机技术、自动控制技术、传感器技术、模糊控制技术及解耦控制技术,研究分娩母猪舍环境监控系统,提出了智能控制方法。旨在实现舍内环境的自动监控,以改善分娩母猪舍的环境质量,提高养殖效益。主要研究内容和结果如下:⑴组建分娩母猪舍环境监控系统选取分娩母猪舍内最主要的环境影响因素:舍内环境温度、相对湿度和氨气浓度作为监控对象,自行研发了猪舍环境监控系统,包括硬件系统和软件系统,实现了猪舍环境的自动监测和控制。⑵通过对模糊控制理论的学习研究,构建适合本监控系统的模糊控制器根据各个参数的实际要求确定了系统语言变量(包括输入变量和输出变量),选定了各个语言变量的模糊语言集,根据专家经验确定了模糊控制规则,生成了控制规则查询表,完成了模糊控制器的设计,并利用KingView中报表方法在线实现模糊控制算法。⑶通过试验研究分析猪舍环境控制系统的耦合问题并提出解耦控制方法通过试验分析机械通风系统对分娩母猪舍内温度、相对湿度和氨气浓度影响的交互性和耦合性,发现当通风系统在降低相对湿度和氨气浓度的同时,也导致温度降低。为了保持温度的稳定,需要利用水暖系统对舍内提供热量来补偿这一损失。本文提出了通过在水暖系统中叠加补偿系数K的方法,对舍内温度、相对湿度和氨气浓度进行解耦,最终实现舍内环境的精确控制。⑷通过监控系统的实施和试验,验证了系统的可行性和实用性本系统在内蒙古农牧业科技园区的分娩母猪舍进行了实施和试验,试验结果表明,采用本文研究设计的环境监控系统控制效果较为理想,在保证舍内所需温度基本恒定的条件下,能使舍内相对湿度和氨气浓度保持在适宜范围内,证实了系统的可行性和实用性。

【Abstract】 The piggery environment has a great effect on health, growth and production of pigs. With the rapid development of piggery facilities and improvement of goingtoscale and intensification, it will be an important direction of animal husbandry in looking for pig’s suitable living condition by monitoring and controlling piggery environment.The paper presents a research on environmental monitoring and controlling system of delivery sow house suitable for northern cold area of china, which involves computer technology, automatic control technology, sensor technology, fuzzy control technology and decoupling control technology. It aims to improve the internal environmental quality of pigs and increase the breeding benefit by monitoring and controlling the environment of pig house automatically. The main contents and results are as follows:⑴Establishment of internal environment monitoring and controlling system in delivery sow house.By taking the internal temperature, relative humidity and ammonia concentration of pig house as the main factors, a monitoring and controlling system of enviroment in delivery sow house has been developed, including hardware and software systems, realized the automatic monitoring and controlling of environmentin delivery sow house.⑵Research on fuzzy control theory and realization of fuzzy controller of environmental controlBased on the fuzzy control theory, a fuzzy control system was constructed, controlling the temperature, relative humidity and ammonia concentration. According to the actual needs of various parameters, the system language variables (including input variables and the output variables) were determined. The fuzzy language set for each language variable was selected, the fuzzy control rules were determined according to expert experience, and the lookup control rules were generated.⑶By analyzing the coupling problem of environmental control system a decoupling control method was proposedThe analysis of the experiments showed that there were coupling problems in the mechanical ventilation system, affecting the temperature, relative humidity and ammonia of concentration. When the ventilation system was used to lower the relative humidity and ammonia concentration, the temperature also was lowered. In order to keep the temperature steady, it needs to give calories to compensate the heat loss by using the hot water system. A superposition compensating coefficient K was used to achieve the precise control of temperature, relative humidity and ammonia concentration.⑷Validation on the feasibility of this system by implementation and experimententsThe implementation place of the system was Inner Mongolia agricultural science and technology park, located in northern cold region of China. The results of experimentents showed that the system was capable of making the relative humidity and ammonia concentration within the scope of the case and also ensured the temperature invarible. The system is feasibile and practical.


