

Study on Key Technology of Mining Design and Production Planning Based on 3D Visualization System

【作者】 谭正华

【导师】 王李管; 毕林;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的迅速发展,信息技术愈来愈广泛地应用于社会各个领域,传统产业的信息化改造与提升成为大势所趋。对于古老的采矿业而言更是如此,采矿业的创新发展—数字采矿成为必然趋势。矿山采矿工程设计作为矿山建设非常重要的一个环节,是一切工作的基础。设计方案的优劣将直接影响到建设项目的工期、成本、生产能力和整体经济效益。矿山是一个真三维地理/地质环境,要真正实现数字采矿设计,那也应是真三维的,即必须以三维地质体和人造工程模拟为基础。三维可视化技术的发展以及各种建模技术的出现,为真三维环境下的采矿设计提供了一个很好的平台。一方面,在三维环境下,露天、地下各种采掘工程的空间形态及其空间分布变得十分清晰明了;另一方面,三维块段模型为地质体属性,如品位,岩性等,提供了多尺度描述方法,这样在采矿设计中可以方便地查询和利用这些信息。采矿设计的对象是地质体,需要完成的设计任务是各种井巷施工、采场爆破、生产计划等工程图表,在这过程中需要进行诸如井巷设计、采场设计、爆破设计、露天境界优化、工程验收等各种复杂的计算,而这种计算与采矿设计是紧密结合的。因此,以地质体模型为基础,将各种复杂的计算与开采设计集成起来,无论对于提高设计效率还是设计质量都具有非常重要的作用。本文从采矿设计的具体需求出发,着重对上述关键技术展开研究,主要内容包含以下几个方面:(1)三维采矿设计实体模型的选择。采矿设计的核心对象是复杂地质体,而混合模型难以满足采矿设计的需要,从数据存储、实用性等角度出发,确定采用基于TIN的表面模型表示复杂矿体的边界、地表、人工工程等,采用基于八叉树的块段模型表示复杂地质体内部品位属性。同时,提出了一种基于平面隐函数的实体切割思想和区域自动识别技术的地质体剖面图生成方法。(2)地下井巷设计关键技术。包括井巷断面设计、支护设计、岔道口设计;给出了两种井巷实体三维建模方案:局部建模和整体建模;提出了基于中心线的双线巷道自动生成算法。上述算法为虚拟漫游、采掘量估算和施工图设计提供了新的快捷方法。(3)地下开采设计关键技术。包括采场设计、底部结构设计以及爆破设计;给出了基于TriCut算法的三维实体任意切割算法;提出了开口、封闭三维实体的特征轮廓线提取算法,根据提取的轮廓线,实现了地质体投影图的自动生成。(4)对露天开采优化设计所涉及到的模型与关键算法进行了深入研究。提出了一种改进的几何约束新模型,基于该模型,提出了一种新的露天境界优化算法,为解决复杂地质条件下的多边坡角露天境界优化问题提供了一种新的有效方法;提出了一种基于成本流的开采锥模型,采用图论的方法将正价值块与其开采锥内相关负价值块聚合,大大减少了混合整数规划模型中的变量个数,极大地降低了计算复杂度,从而使解决实际的大规模露天矿生产计划编制问题变成可能;提出了基于KD树的露天矿采场示坡线自动生成方法,提高了露天矿采场示坡线的绘制效率和精度。(5)提出实测地表、实测露天矿坑及实测巷道的建模方法。针对露天矿坑散乱点多、手工操作繁杂等问题,提出基于Voronoi图和三角剖分的曲线重建算法,实现露天矿边坡线的自动生成;提出了一种基于巷道底板边界线的巷道实体分层建模方法,解决了同一中段边界线任意复杂情况下的实测巷道三维建模。提出了步距法、断面法和腰线法下的巷道实体建模算法,解决了手工建模效率低、精度不高的问题。(6)分析了地下采掘生产计划编制的基本依据、计划编制的目标以及各种约束条件,在此基础上给出了生产计划编制的技术路线和设计流程,对生产计划编制所涉及三维实体检测、任务排序优化技术、生产路径搜索优化技术进行了研究。本文的研究成果解决了三维采矿设计和生产规划过程中存在的关键技术和难点问题,为系统性地实现三维环境下数字采矿提供了技术支持。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information technology, it has been widely applied in all fields of society. Therefore, the informatization and improvement of traditional industries as well as the mining industry become the general trend. It is inevitable that digital mining is the innovation and development of mining industry.As a very important part of mine construction, the design of Mining Engineering is the basis for all work. The quality of the design will directly affect the schedule, cost, productivity and overall economic efficiency of the construction project. Mine is a true three-dimensional geographical/geological environment, so digital mining should be designed based on three-dimensional geological body and manual project modeling.The development of three-dimensional visualization technology and modeling technologies offer a favorable environment for mining design. In three-dimensional environment, the spatial distribution and spatial relation of open-pit mine and underground excavation projects will be perspicuous. In addition, three-dimensional geological block model can provide a rapid calculation model for volume and reserves calculation, engineering diagrams, which include laneway construction、stope blasting and production planning, are the task of mining design. In the process, mining design is closely associated with various complicated calculations, such as laneway design, stope design, blasting design, open-pit mine optimization and project acceptance. Therefore, the integration of complicated calculations and mining design improve thed design efficiency and quality based on the geologic body model.According to the specific requirement of mining design, this paper focused on the key technologies above-mentioned; the principle contents are described as follows:(1)The selection of 3D entity model for mining design. The core object of mining design is the complicated geologic body, but a mixed model can not meet the needs of mining design. Therefore, from the perspectives of data storage and practicability, this paper adopted the surface model based on TIN to represent the boundary, surface, artificial engineering; and used block model based on octree to represent the property of geologic body. Meanwhile, this paper put forward an algorithm for generation of profile based on the idea of entity cutting based on plane implicit function and regional reorganization technology.(2)The key technologies of laneway design contain section design、support design and fork design; This paper put forward partial modeling method and entire modeling method for laneway, and proposed an algorithm for generation of double-line laneway automatically based on media line. The realization of methods mentioned above provided new methods for virtual walkthrough the volumn estimation of excavation projects and construction diagrams.(3)The key technologies of underground mining design contain stope design、bottom structure design and blasting design; This paper proposed arbitrary cutting algorithm for 3D entity based on the TriCut algorithm and presented an algorithm for the contour extraction of open and closed 3D entity. According to the extraction of contour, the projection of geologic body was automatically generated.(4)The model and key algorithm of optimization for open-pit mine has been studied. Based on a newly improved geometric constraint model, this paper proposed a new optimization algorithm of open-pit limit, which provides an effective way for solving the problems of open-pit limit optimization of polygonal slope angle under complex geological condition. This paper presented a cost flow based mining cone model, which assembles the positive value blocks and the negative value blocks in the mining cone by adopting the method of graph theory, making it is possible to solve the problems of production planning of large scale open-pit mining by greatly decreasing the number of variables in the mixed-integer programming model and lower the computational complexity. In order to improve the precision and the efficiency for plotting slope line for open-pit mine, a method for automatic generation of slope line was presented according to the characteristics of open-pit mine data.(5)Algotirhm for reconstruction of surface、open-pit mine and laneway were propsed. In order to resolve the proplem of complicated operation on curve reconstruction of open-pit mine, a method for generation of curves of open-pit mine was put forward based on the Vorni diagram and Triangulation. A hierarchical modeling method for laneway entities based on boundary lines was proposed. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy, algorithms for generation of laneway were put forward by adopting the methods of drawing pace, section and waist line.(6) According to the basic principles of mine production and the trait of the system of production plan scheduling, technology route and esign flow of production planning was pointed out. Technologies for 3D entity detection the optimization technique for task sequencing and production path search were put forward.The achievements stated in this paper have solved key technologies and difficult issues of 3D mining designing and production planning, and provided technocial support for digital mining on 3D environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】TD802;TP391.41;O242.1
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】852
  • 攻读期成果

