

The Research on Corporate Social Responsibility of Automotuive Vehicle Manufacturers

【作者】 邓子纲

【导师】 章辉美;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 汽车企业作为我国制造业的核心,其竞争力的快速提升对加快我国汽车产业发展、促进国民经济的发展、提高家庭生活水平有着深远的影响。而汽车企业社会责任研究则是汽车企业研究领域的一个重要组成部分,因为科学合理的评价指标既反映社会的期望,又引领着企业的努力方向,甚至可能影响未来企业和社会的发展。在后金融危机的背景下,企业利益与社会利益矛盾的凸显和社会期望的提升,使汽车企业社会责任问题在中国变得日益紧迫。本文以社会责任问题为研究对象,在已有研究的基础上,运用规范研究和实证研究方法,以汽车企业为实例,通过对影响我国汽车企业承担社会责任的因素、汽车企业社会责任与企业业绩相关性、汽车企业社会责任绩效评价及汽车企业承担社会责任提升分析,引领我们更加清晰和全面地理解汽车企业社会责任的深刻内涵,具有重要的理论及现实意义。首先,本文从对汽车企业社会责任的一般认识及及实质出发,论述了汽车企业社会责任理论、利益相关者理论、信号显示理论和国家干预理论,这些理论为影响我国汽车企业承担社会责任的因素、汽车企业社会责任与企业业绩相关性、汽车企业社会责任绩效评价等研究提供了强有力的理论支撑。第二,本文从我国汽车企业承担社会责任的现状、汽车企业社会责任指数、公众对汽车企业社会责任反应进行了探讨。如汽车企业在社会责任方面的表现,除却明显的重大事件特征、行业特色外,还有以下特点:汽车企业社会责任与企业实力密切相关;汽车企业社会责任与企业历史及文化相关;在推动企业加快承担社会责任方面,消费者力量越来越大等特点。此外,就全部汽车企业社会责任指数TOP10而言,“大众汽车”和“一汽”作为外资品牌汽车企业和自主品牌汽车企业,分别列在汽车企业社会责任指数排序的前两位,并远远超过其他汽车企业,构成了TOP10的第一梯队。奇瑞、宝马、丰田、一汽大众的汽车企业社会责任处于TOP10的第二梯队。奔驰、上海通用、本田和上海大众的汽车企业社会责任处于TOP10的第三梯队。接着,本文通过问卷的调查,在逐级挑选指标的基础上,最后确定了18个影响汽车企业承担社会责任的指标。其中,政治法律因素5个、文化因素有5个、经济因素4个和汽车企业社会责任观因素4个。在此基础上,利用FAHP法,结合我国汽车企业承担社会责任的现状,对影响我国汽车企业承担社会责任的因素进行了进行了分析。第三,本文选取汽车整车制造业上市公司或以整车制造业为主营业务的上市公司作为研究样本,沪深两市相应的上市汽车企业18家作为样本,以企业绩效作为研究的被解释变量,以环境责任、人力资源责任、技术责任和声誉责任,这四类汽车企业社会责任表现指标构成本文的解释变量来研究汽车企业社会责任与企业业绩相关性。第四,根据汽车企业对员工、消费者、债权人、供应商、政府、社区等六类利益相关者的利益要求,结合企业的经营绩效,建立汽车企业社会责任绩效评价指标体系,分别从员工、消费者、债权人、供应商、政府、社区角度构建企业汽车社会责任绩效评级指标对汽车企业社会责任绩效进行了评价。最后,本文构建了以政府、社会、汽车企业为主体的三方动态博弈模型,对汽车企业社会责任监管进行博弈进行了分析,在此基础上,从政府、社会、企业三个方面探讨了汽车企业社会责任效应的提升机制。

【Abstract】 Automotive vehicle manufacturers is the core of China’s manufacturing.The rapid increase of their competitiveness is to accelerate the development of China’s automobile industry, which can promote the development of national economy and improve living standards of families. The research on social responsibility of the vehicle of corporate is an important field, because the scientific evaluation indicator is not only reflecting the expectations of society, but also the direction to lead the efforts of enterprises, which may even affect the future business and social development. In the context of the global financial crisis, business and community interests have highlighted the contradictions and social expectations of improved corporate social responsibility to make cars which is becoming increasingly urgent in China.This paper is the study of social responsibility as a object, based on previous research, and empirical research using standardized methods to Automotive vehicle manufacturers as an example, through the influence of corporate social responsibility vehicle factors, automobile corporate social responsibility and corporate performance relevance, performance evaluation of corporate social responsibility vehicle and vehicle to enhance corporate social responsibility analysis, lead us to a more clear and comprehensive understanding of the vehicle the profound meaning of corporate social responsibility, has important theoretical and practical significance. Firstly, the car business from the general awareness and social responsibility and real, this paper discusses the theory of corporate social responsibility, stakeholder theory, signal theory shows the theory and theory of state intervention, the theory of corporate social responsibility in China auto factors, auto corporate social responsibility and corporate performance-related, automotive performance evaluation of corporate social responsibility studies provide strong theoretical support.Secondly, the public reaction to the car of corporate social responsibility is discussed from corporate social responsibility of our car the status and corporate social responsibility automotive automotive industry index. If car companies in social responsibility performance, except for obvious characteristics of the major events is industry characteristics, there are the following features:auto corporate social responsibility and business strength are closely related; car companies and corporate social responsibility related to the history and culture; in the promotion of enterprise speed up the commitment to social responsibility, more and more consumer power and so on. In addition, all vehicles TOP 10 Index of corporate social responsibility, the "Volkswagen" and "steam" as a foreign brand car companies and self-brand car companies, Automotive vehicle manufacturers are listed in order of the first two indices of social responsibility, and far more than other Automotive vehicle manufacturers, constitute the first echelon TOP 10. Chery, BMW, Toyota, Volkswagen cars corporate social responsibility in the TOP 10 in the second echelon. Mercedes-Benz, Shanghai GM, Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Honda and corporate social responsibility in the TOP 10 in the third echelon.Then, the paper has questionnaire survey, in the selection of indicators, based on step by step, finally the paper has determine the impact of vehicles 24 indicators of corporate social responsibility. Among them, the political and legal factors are 6,7 and cultural factors, economic factors are 7 and the concept of corporate social responsibility factors 4. On this basis, the use of FAHP method, combined with our car the status of corporate social responsibility, on the impact of corporate social responsibility in China’s automobile factors were analyzed.Secondly, the paper has select the automobile industry or listed companies for the main business of vehicle manufacturing industry as a research sample of listed companies.listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen corresponding Automotive vehicle manufacturers is as a sample of 18 to study corporate performance is interpreted as variables to environmental responsibility. These four categories of performance indicators of human responsibility, technical responsibility and reputation of responsibility, is for corporate social responsibility vehicle constitutes an explanatory variable in this study which was to study the vehicle performance of corporate social responsibility and business relevance.Again, we is combined with corporate performance, corporate social responsibility to establish vehicle performance evaluation system, according to the interests of the six requirements of employees, consumers, creditors, suppliers, governments, communities and other stakeholders of Automotive vehicle manufacturers. Respectively, the paper is to build enterprise car on car performance rating of corporate social responsibility indicators of performance which were evaluated from point of view of social responsibility of employees,consumers, creditors, suppliers, government, community.Finally, we have constructed the main dynamic game model of corporate social responsibility of monitoring the auto game based on the three aspects of the government, society, Automotive vehicle manufacturers. On this basis, it is necessary to enhance the mechanism of effect of social responsibility from three aspects of the government, society, business enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期
  • 【分类号】F270;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1379
  • 攻读期成果

