

【作者】 曹斌

【导师】 李自如;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以两型农业的评价研究为主线,初步回答了如何对两型农业发展状况和生产效率进行评价的问题。为此,本研究主要解决了两大问题:一是建立了评价两型农业发展状况的指导性指标体系,以之作为普遍适用的评价指标,可以对我国两型农业发展状况进行评价;二是对省市县村四级行政区域的两型农业生产效率进行了评价,其评价经验有较好的借鉴意义。具体研究内容如下:一是对我国两型农业发展的方向性思路进行了研究。在对国外的循环农业、生态农业、集约农业、精确农业、有机农业等两型农业的近似形态进行分析、对比与综合分析的基础上,进一步辨析了我国农业的概念内涵、本质、特征、功能、发展原则等问题,廓清了两型农业范畴的分歧所在,梳理了两型农业理论的研究进展,使国内两型农业的理论源流呈现出清晰的状况。初步勾勒了我国两型农业的理论框架,得出了我国两型农业发展的方向性思路,即:要创造性地继承和发展欧美国家近似的两型农业建设经验,要立足于具有我国特色、结合区域特点和各地农业传统,在此前提和背景下发展我国两型农业。二是建立了评价两型农业发展状况的指导性指标体系。分析了两型农业综合评价指标体系构建的基本原理与方法,在考虑两型农业评价指标体系复杂性基础上,构建了评价指标体系的基本框架,对指导性评价指标的三大来源,即生态农业综合效益子系统评价指标、循环农业发展水平子系统评价指标、农业可持续发展能力子系统评价指标进行了详细分析,得出两型农业评价指标系统由3大目标层、10个准则层和80个评价指标组成的评价指标体系。这个指导性的评价指标框架和指导性评价指标体系,为全国各地不同资源不同条件的两型农业发展状况的评价,发挥框架性的指导作用。三是评价了我国31个省市两型农业发展水平。在两型农业的指导性评价指标体系的基础上,对我国31个省市两型农业发展水平进行了比较研究。在收集了全国31个省市2007年度的相关80个指标值数据后,选择了熵值法与灰色关联度分析法、因子分析法两种评价方法,进行评价。评价结果表明,我国两型农业综合发展指数呈现出明显的3个阶梯分布,第一阶梯由上海、北京、江苏等前11名的省市组成,第二阶梯由河南、内蒙古等16个省市组成,贵州、青海等4个省市为第三阶梯。两型农业综合发展指数依据地理位置,由东向西逐级递减;处于第三阶梯的省市与东南沿海省份发展差异较大,同一阶梯内各省市发展程度也存在显著差异。造成这一现象的原因既有各省市先天的资源环境因素,也有生态农业发展过程中的后天影响。四是评定了我国省市县村四级区域的两型农业生产效率。运用DEA评价模型,结合实际事例,对省市县村四级区域的两型农业生产效率进行了评价。在对我国31个省市的评价中,为了单独测算内部管理效率这一内生因素对生产效率的具体作用,通过构建DEA三阶段模型,消除了外部环境效应和随机误差这两个外生因素对技术效率值的影响,从而有效测算了两型农业生产的综合效率。在对湖南省各市州两型农业生产效率进行评价后,得出长沙等4个地区的农业生产效率相对有效,农业产出已达到最优水平,衡阳等10地区农业生产效率较低,处于规模效益递减状态等评价结果。,提出湖南省发展两型社会的地区区域对策。在对衡阳县的县域两型农业生产效率评价时,更多地考虑到衡阳县农业生产的资源环境条件等要素,在指导性评价指标的整体框架内,为了贴近评价对象而取舍了一些指标,评价结果符合现实。在两型农业建设的村级基层单位中,因为村与村之间情况变化较大,评价指标的选取就相差甚大,本文选取的我国农村较为普遍的粮猪型村为评价实例。按照粮猪型村的特点,根据粮猪型村发展两型农业的生产条件,从发展两型农业的角度出发,建立了一套适合于粮猪型村两型农业评价的指标体系和评价方法,并以此对衡阳县高炉村进行两型农业的评价,得出该村两型农业发展处于初级两型农业发展阶段的结论。五是对现行的传统农业与两型农业的桥接及其对策进行了探讨。首先分析了两型农业发展的抗阻因素,这些因素包括:落后生产方式的内源缺匮,传统经营观念的生态缺乏,科技体系的匹配缺失,政策制度政府失灵的先天不足等。然后提出通过发展循环农业、提高农民经营素质、构建两型农业科技支撑体系和政策支持体系等措施,来实现现行的传统农业向两型农业的跃迁。紧接着阐释了跃迁机理与路径,得出湖南省域内存在率先促就两型农业生产跃迁情势的结论,在长株潭城市群两型社会建设实验区背景下擘划了桥接进路。最后提出了建设两型农业生产的关键是推动情势触发的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The problem of two-oriented agriculture in Chinese rural area affects the life and living quality of Chinese farmers and the sustainable development of Chinese people. China has made many instructions about this issue in which he demands that the rural two-oriented agriculture should be premoted as an inseparate part of the overall national strategy for two-oriented agriculture and protection. Owing to the dispersed range of environmental pollution in Chinese rural area,it is unrealistic and uneconomical to implement protection measures in accordance with the current traditional government two-oriented agriculture pattern and mechanism.This research proposes that village two-oriented agriculture and protection mechanism should be established and implemented,making the village two-oriented agriculture and protection in rural area a common action for the millions of farmers and a common cause for the whole society. Starting with the history of the environmental pollution in Chinese rural area,through combing the environmental deterioration process of agricultural ecology in the ancient and modern China and rural industrialization in the modern and contemporary China,from the perspective of climate change,vegetation desertification,unchecked land reclamation,excessive land carrying due to rapid population growth,soil salinization as a result of heavy irrigation,ceaseless war and killing,double-edged sword effect of technology,this research explores the reasons of the environmental deterioration in Chinese rural area. In the view of the traditional government policies,laws and regulations,and management system on two-oriented agriculture,this research analyzes the uncompatibility of the traditional government two-oriented agriculture and protection pattern and mechanism and the two-oriented agriculture and protection in Chinese rural area.Based on the practice of the two-oriented agriculture and protection mechanism in rural area in advanced countries from American rural environmental movements and environmental technology,public participant two-oriented agriculture and protection rights and rural strategy in European Union,to the pubic participation and the creativity of the rural in Japan,this research puts forward the idea of selecting and fostering of village administration mechanism for Chinese rural two-oriented agriculture and protection. It also makes arguments about seven subsystems on the fostering modern eco-civilized persons,promoting rural development to replace traditional agricultural customs,establishing two-oriented agriculture and protection committee,cultivating rural two-oriented agriculture and protection volunteers,encouraging the first rich persons to make contribution to rural two-oriented agriculture and protection,emphasizing women’s special function in rural two-oriented agriculture and protection and raising the new generation’s awareness in two-oriented agriculture and protection in Chinese rural area.By adoption of entropy, grey incidence and factor analysis method, this paper constructs evaluation indices system of two-oriented Agricultural production setup. And on the basis of this theoretic comprehensive appraisal method, it employs empirical analysis to evaluate the development degree of thirty-one provinces or cities in our country. At the same time, it proposes political policies, which according to the aftermath of this experiment, to benefit the upgrade of Agriculture.This paper employs DEA theory to evaluate agricultural production efficiency of 14 cities in Hunan province in 2008 based on an index system of evaluation of regional agriculture development status on resource-conserving and environment-friendly. Via empirical study on input-output data of agricultural production, this paper concludes that Changsha and four other cities have reached the optimal scale of agricultural production and their investment structure is effective as well; Due to investment-in agricultural production structure is not reasonable, Changsha and ten other cities are still relatively low in agricultural productivity. Overall,two-oriented society agriculture degree of agricultural production in Hunan province is not very high, scale efficiency and technical efficiency need to be improved,to further increase investment in agricultural technology and modernization.Two-oriented agriculture is a complex organism involving production, economics, society and ecology. Its development process is affected by various factors such as producers, nature, society, etc, and so is the agricultural production efficiency. In order to overcome the measurement error of traditional data envelopment analysis caused by ignoring the random factors, this paper employed the three-stage data envelopment analysis model to remove environmental factors and random effects. On the foundation of this model, it estimated the two-oriented agriculture comprehensive production efficiency of 31 14 cities in Hunan Province, and brought forth the corresponding policy proposals to promote agricultural development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

