

Comprehensive Remote Sensing Interpretation of Structure and Petroleum in Cuoqin and Biru Basin, Tibet Area

【作者】 汤子余

【导师】 郭建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 西藏地区一直被认为是我国二十一世纪战略能源的接替区,但是由于地理条件、交通条件的制约,其勘探程度一直都很低,因此还有大量的工作有待于进一步实施。常规的油气勘探方法不能克服地理条件、交通条件的限制,无法实施详细勘探,也就不能满足勘探开发的需要,而遥感找油技术能够克服这一困难,其主要是利用遥感影像信息提取技术挖掘构造、烃类微渗漏信息,圈定或预测油气有利区。遥感找油技术是一种非侵入式勘探技术,具有经济、安全、高效等方面的优势。综上所述,利用遥感找油技术对西藏地区进行勘探是可行的,也是十分必要的。本文以西藏地区措勤和比如盆地作为研究对象,针对岩性、地层、构造和油气微渗漏等遥感解译的难点,制定了多学科综合研究技术路线。通过对野外踏勘路线上岩性、地层和线性构造的观察,归纳出不同岩性、地层和线性构造在遥感影像图上的特征,建立了岩性、地层和线性构造解译标志,完成了措勤和比如盆地岩性、地层、线性构造和环形构造解译。针对油气检测这一目标,本文系统总结了烃类微渗漏现象及其引起的地表蚀变异常。通过对措勤和比如盆地不同位置油气点不同波段进行比值分析,提出了研究区烃类微渗漏遥感指示标志,并采用比值法、融合法、主成分分析法(羟基/铁质)及热惯量计算法提取措勤和比如盆地已知油气点和伦坡拉盆地油藏区上方的烃类微渗漏异常信息,分析油气异常信息与已知油气点和油藏的关系。依据遥感解译结果圈定油气非异常区,在此基础上,结合石油地质资料预测勘探有利区。论文主要结论和创新点如下:①根据不同岩性、地层的遥感影像特征,建立了措勤和比如盆地岩性、地层解译标志,修编了措勤和比如盆地的地质图。碎屑岩色彩呈浅灰色、浅黄色、浅紫色等,显层理;碳酸盐岩色彩呈淡黄色、浅灰黄色、棕红色等,色调均匀,显层理;火山碎屑岩色彩呈浅灰绿色、浅红色、棕色等,色调不均,呈粗斑状影纹图案;岩体色彩呈淡黄色、浅褐黄色、淡黄色等,呈斑状或圆形影纹图案。②通过措勤和比如盆地构造遥感解译,发现长度大于50km的断层46条、30~50km的断层193条;环形梅造120个,其中措勤盆地73个,比如盆地47个。③通过对措勤和比如盆地不同位置油气点不同波段进行比值分析,查明了不同位置油气点TM1/TM3、TM2/TM3和TM5/TM7的值变化不大,提出了研究区烃类微渗漏遥感指示标志为碳酸盐矿化、粘土矿化和红层褪色。④采用比值法、融合法、热惯量计算法及去干扰主成分法(羟基/铁质)提取已知油气点和伦坡拉盆地已知油气藏区遥感油气异常信息,通过对比分析,遴选出去干扰主成分法(羟基/铁质)的提取结果可靠性最高。⑤通过遥感技术与传统的石油地质方法,指出了油气勘探有利区。利用遥感技术圈定面积超过1000km2重点一级非异常区5处,结合措勤和比如盆地烃源岩、储层、盖层和圈闭等成油气地质条件,指出比如—伯列蝉—许巴—边坝、矢哪荣勒—白比定勒—顿巴所圈定的区域为一类油气勘探有利区。

【Abstract】 Tibet area has been considered to be the most important base of energy strategic in China in the 21th century, but the exploration degree is every low because of the formidable natural conditions such as geographic condition and unconveninet traffic. So there are a lot of works to be done in the furture. The conventional method of petroleum exploration can not overcome the limits of the geographic condition and traffic condition to do detailed exploration, so it can not meet the need of exploratory development. But utilizing remote sensing technology to explore oil & gas reservior can overcome the difficulty, which extact structure or hydrocarbon microseepage information from remote sensing images by information extraction techniques mainly. It is a non-invasive technology among the technologies of the exploring oil & gas reservior. It is economical, safe, effective and promising. In conclusion, it is feasible and necessary to apply this technology to explore Tibet area.This paper focuses on Cuoqin basin and Biru Basin. Comprehensive technological routes integrated with multidisciplines have been made aimed at the difficulties of remote sensing interpretation about lithology, strata, linear structure and hydrocarbon microseepage. By the observation of different lithology, strata, linear structure on the field reconnalssance route, the feature of lithology, strata, linear structure in the remote sensing images are reduced. On the basis of it, the interpretation key of lithology, strata, linear structure, is presented. According to interpretation key, the lithology, strata, linear structure and circular structure of whole study erea is interpreted. Aimed at oil & and gas detection, this paper systcmatically sums up hydrocarbon microseepage phenomenon and ground surface corrosion caused by it. By analysis of the ratio of different band of the different oil & and gas microseepage, the remote sensing indicating symbols of oil & and gas microseepage are presented, which are redbed bleaching, clay minerals alteration, carbonate minerals. Oil & and gas microseepage information of remote sensing images over known the oil & gas microseepage in Cuoqin and Biru basin or reservoirs in Lunpola basin is extracted by the method of band ratio composite, principal component analysis (hydroxyl/iron), fusion of band ratio and thermal compute.The relationship between oil & gas abnormal information and oil & gas microseepage or reservoir is analysised. According to the result of extraction, oil & gas normal blocks is defined, on the basis of which, some new perspective areas are submited for oil & gas exploration combinated with oil & gas geological information.The main conclusions and creative ideas are as follows:①The key of interpretation of lithology and strata is presented according to the featur of remote sensing images of different lithology and strata in Cuoqin basin and Biru basin. And then geological mapping of lithology and strata of Cuoqin and Biru basin is modified. The color of clastic rocks is light gray, buff, light purple and so on, which is occurrence in beds. The color of carbonatite is light yellow, beige, brownish red and so on, of which tonality is homogeneous. Carbonatite is occurrence in beds. The color of volcaniclastic rock is celandine green, light red, brow and so on, of which tonality is not homogeneous. The image pattern of volcaniclastic rock is magnophyric. The color of terrain is fulvid, buff, pupplebrown and so on, of which image pattern is pophyritic or circularity.②Through the Remote Sensing Interpretation of Structure in Cuoqin and Biru basin, forty six faults exceed fifty kilometer long and one hundred and ninety three faults between thirty and fifty kilometer long are found. In addition, one hundred and twenty circular structures are found, Seventy three circulars structure in Cuoqin basin, the other in Biru basin.③By analysis of the ratio of different band of the different oil & and gas microseepage, it is shown that ratio of TM1/TM3, TM2/TM3 and TM5/TM7 changes a little. On the basis of it, the remote sensing indicating symbols of oil & and gas microseepage are presented, which are redbed bleaching, clay minerals alteration, carbonate minerals.④Oil and gas information of remote sensing image over the known oil & gas microseepage in Cuoqin and Biru basin and reseriors in Lunpola basin is extracted by different methods such as band ratio, tone abnormity on the basis of fusion of band, thermal compute and PCA (hydroxyl/iron) without interference. The research shows that the resultof PC A ((hydroxyl/iron) without interference is the most reliable.⑤The oil & gas beneficial exploration areas are presented byremote sensing technology and conventional petroleum geology method.Five fisrt class key normal blocks have been defined in study area by theremote sensing technics, the area of which exceeds one thousand squarekilometer. Analyzing with the reservoir-forming geological conditionssuch as source rock, reservoir, caprock and trap, The area enclosed byBiru—Boliechan—Xuba—Bianba and the area enclosed by Shinarule—Baibidingle—Dunba are considered to be the first class oil & gasbeneficial exploration areas. KEY WORDS:Remote Sensing interpretation; oil & gasmicroseepage; linear structure; circular structure; beneficial explorationarea; Cuoqin Basin; Biru Basin

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

