

The Study of WangYangming’s Politcal Ethics

【作者】 王中原

【导师】 吕锡琛;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 王阳明是历史上少有的“立德、立言、立功”三不朽人物。作为政治家,阳明既继承了传统儒家的政治伦理精华又不乏创新性;他创立的“良知”学说为封建统治注入了一剂强心针,既切中时弊、又救治人心,有效维护了封建统治。在为政活动中,阳明秉承儒家基本的为政理念,自觉坚守政治家的“良知”。首先他继承陆九渊等的君臣观,主张既要维护君王的权威,又重视协调君主与臣民的关系;其次,他坚持以仁为基础、以礼为基本手段的德治思想,注重民生与道德教化的亲民思想,提出了人格平等和职业平等的主张,试图从根本上稳定为政的基础;再者,阳明特别重视内圣外王,强调人格精神的伟大力量。在政治理想上,阳明希冀建立理想社会模型。这种模型由两个层面构成:在社会个体人格层面,期待“满大街都是圣人”。阳明认为理想国的社会治理不仅需依靠圣王,更要依靠广大民众的自觉成圣。在社会模型上,阳明强调恢复“三代之治”。他认为,“三代之治”就是“风气日开、文采日胜”因时致治的美好社会。在官德思想中,阳明推崇廉洁、谦虚、忠诚、勤政和勇于负责的为官之德;阳明还根据“知行合一”理论总结了官德修养理论,主要有立志、改过、静坐与事上磨炼等。阳明还是自己政治伦理的忠实践行者。他重视把学校、家庭与社会看作有机联系的整体,把教育与政治贯通、力求知识与德性同步发展,这种教育为政治服务的观念是王阳明亦儒亦仕双重身份的必然产物。总之,从整体看,阳明不愧为一代政治家。但作为封建官僚的代言人,他对民众的关心并非出于对人民的真爱,也不懂得通过解决农民的土地问题来化解社会矛盾。因此,阳明的政治伦理思想是阳明阶级立场的产物,需要采取历史唯物主义的态度辩证地看待。

【Abstract】 Wang Yangming is the uncommon immortal figure of "virtue, saying and merit " in the history. As a politician, he inherited the traditional confucian political ethics and had his own innovation. The conscience theory of Yangming effectively safeguard the feudal rule, because it not only revealed the social abuse but also healed the people thought.On his governance idea, Yangming followed the ideas that a traditional politician should sticked to. Firstly, he inherited the concept of LuJiuyuan:maintaining the authority of the kings, meanwhile keeping the harmony relations between sovereign and people; Secondly, he insisted on the "rule of virtue" of the pre-qin dynasty Confucian school, which regard "benevolence"as the basical theory and "courtesy" the basical means. He also focused on basic means of ideological and moral cultivation, having the thought of people-centered; Thirdly, he promoted the equality of personality and occupation, trying to stable the foundation of feudal governance; Lastly, he specially emphasized the"inside saint and outside king"idea, and the great power of the supreme personality.On his Political ideals, Yangming hoped to establish a model society. This model society was made up by two levels. Firstly, the individual moral personhood level——"saint" full of main street. He sticked that social governance not only relied on the saint king, but also on the broad masses being saint. Secondly, the social model level:recovery to the" Three generations". He thought three generations was a perfect society.On his ideal about the virtues of officers, he was advocated to the good character of probity, modest, loyalty, diligence and responsibility; Yangming also summed up a series of theory based on "knowledge and action in one", such as aspiration, amendation, sitting meditation and experience through the action.Yangming was a loyalty practicer of his own political ethics. He attached the view that schools, families and society regarded as an organic link between overall, the education served for politics, which seeked an coordinated and balanced program of development between intellectual and moral. The practice of the education served for politics was an inevitable result of Yangming, because he was an Confucian and an officer in the meaning while.In short, Yangming was indeed a politician from overall. But as a feudal spokesman, his interest to the public was not from his true love and he didn’t know how to calm the social contradictions through solving the land demand. Thus, his political ethics thought was a product of his class stand and should be scanned with a dialectical view of the historical materialism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

