

On Jiyun’s Ethical Idea

【作者】 张国立

【导师】 吕耀怀;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在前人研究的基础上,本人以“纪昀伦理思想研究”作为自己的博士论文选题。本文尝试从五个方面展开本选题的研究。这五个方面是:导论;纪昀伦理思想的社会背景与渊源;纪昀的官德思想;纪昀的女性伦理思想;纪昀德福一致的伦理信仰及其启示。有人说纪昀宣扬的是封建时代的伦理道德。这虽然是必然存在的历史局限性,但道德是有继承性的,一切道德最根本的是人心的善恶和人情的真伪,亦即是否符合百姓的意愿和利益。纪昀的伦理思想是在地域文化、家族传统、清朝政治文化统治和社会思潮的影响下形成的。纪昀伦理思想的基础、核心和实现方式都渊源于儒家伦理道德思想。“站在传统的立场上以修正传统和完善传统为宗旨”。纪昀人性论思想源于古代气本论,将人性的基础建立在“诚”上,目的在于彰显人。通过神道设教落实并实现道德教化的目的,纯净人心,纯厚社会。官员纪昀,重视官德建设。他以救世之心,恪守“为政以德”的官德原则。力主“明德”、“民本”、“身正”、“善策”、“任能而后刑”的官德规范。根据自己为官多年的经验,提出忠君爱国,以民为本,修德务实,秉公去私,死而后已,修身正己,明理察情,科学断案的官德标准。男权统治社会下的纪昀,关注女性。他主张女性应该遵循从男和贞节的伦理原则,应遵守尽孝、知礼、忌淫、慈幼的行为规范。面对伦理规范对女性的要求在现实中遭遇困惑时,纪昀更多地从人性角度,关心、支持、鼓励女性,为后人提出了如何使女性可以更合人道、更合人性地生存发展,延伸出如何辩证地看待道德体系在人类发展进程中的价值和作用。社会人纪昀,希望人人都能自觉履行道德责任,追求和实现德福一致的伦理信仰。他始终相信善有善报,恶有恶报。他宣扬善恶因果报应,阐述人的生死、天命观,强调人在天命面前,要做到明知不可为而为之,将其深深地嵌入人们的心灵,要求人们在日常行为中求善去恶,积善成德。又终因无法解决生活中的德福冲突而陷入矛盾中,但纪昀提出在任何情况下,人们都应完成自己的道德责任,给现代人们留下了深刻的启示:要积极培育德福一致的社会环境;理解德福一致的道德权利与道德义务关系;遵循义利统一的德福一致的基本原则,充分调动社会全体成员积极性、主动性、创造性,德福一致的实现必将成为和谐社会健康发展的重要条件和保证。

【Abstract】 Based on other people’s research, this paper tried to talk about "JiYun’s ethical values research" from five respects such as background and the original idea; its official virtue; female ethics; social ethics and virtue in accord with happiness.Some people said Jiyun promoted feudal ethics and values. But we should have a clear idea that viture has succession characteristics. The essence for virtue is the problem related with human and favor. It’s also related with people’s interest. Jiyun’s ethical value was influenced by reginal culture, traditinal family, and political ruler. The core value of Jiyun’s idea is from confucian values:"established on the tradition and percted them". Jiyun’s idea about human is from "Qi" ontologism. The purpose of "The Instructing according to the Sacred Way" is to promote the virture, perfect the society.Jiyun emphsizes the value of life and current achievement. He always shows mercy on people’s suffering and shows anger on other people’s bad behaviors. So he always promotes virture, justice and good. He has a very strict principles for officials such as justice, people-orientedness and equality. From the female ethics, he has strict ethical thought for the female. He thinks that female should have some good viture such as filial, good and virtuous. But when he has troubles in female values, he thought that female should have more opportunities and more freedom for their development. Jiyun tried to establish the brief under the confucian ideas. He promotes the idea that good is rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but he cannot break away from this practical contradictory. So he thinks that people should take the responsibility at any time. This value releases many meaningful information such as promoting the environment of virtue in accord with happiness; understand the relationship between rights and obligations; follow the principle of achieve the unity of moral principles and profits. These ideas promote the people’s enthusiasm and initiative. The achievements of virture in accord with happiness will provide many good ideas for the harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

