

Study on Tunnel Grouting Reinforcement Theory and Its Application in Fractured Rock

【作者】 黄戡

【导师】 刘宝琛; 彭建国;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 对裂隙岩体中的隧道进行注浆加固是保证隧道工程成功建设和安全运营的关键问题,也是一个具有挑战性的研究课题。这将有助于丰富和发展隧道力学理论,解决岩溶、断层破碎带地区隧道工程技术难题以及建立相关规范与标准提供理论依据和技术支持;并将为隧道工程建设提供参考,扩大其在铁路隧道、地铁及地下工程的应用范围。本文以注浆理论研究为基础,首先通过对几种经典渗透注浆理论的分析研究,建立了渗透注浆流体模型,推导了注浆过程中浆液流量、注浆压力和渗透系数的解析解及相互影响,并对各种流体在岩土体中渗透和劈裂注浆力学机理进行了分析;然后通过劈裂注浆机理模型实验研究,对注浆实验参数进行了设计、对注浆机理进行了分析、并对注浆效果进行了检测;最后将注浆量验收标准和注浆质量检测方法以及上述研究成果成功应用于实际工程中。本文通过理论分析、实验验证和工程实例分析取得了如下主要研究成果:(1)根据渗透注浆理论建立了渗透注浆流体模型,推导了注浆过程中浆液流量、注浆压力和渗透系数的解析解;深入研究了多孔同时注浆的相互影响,得出了多孔同时注浆时在某点的注浆压力值等于单孔各自注浆时注浆压力在该点的叠加和圆形布置注浆孔时圆心位置的加固效果最差;推导了在控制注浆压力下等间距布孔时最优注浆孔的数量。(2)推导了浆液压缩土体的弹塑性区解析解和塑性区半径及最终注浆压力公式;采用能量耗散分析方法研究裂隙岩体劈裂注浆压力设计计算,并对影响注浆压力设计计算的各参数进行了敏感性分析。(3)通过劈裂注浆机理模型实验研究,得出了注浆压力时程曲线、注浆速率时程曲线和劈裂注浆的一般规律;分析了水泥注入量、注浆过程的力学机理和浆液加固岩土体的效果;并将实验成果成功应用于实际工程中,验证了本文理论研究的准确性和可行性。(4)通过对注浆量控制理论的研究,提出了一种注浆量验收的控制方法,并制定一套注浆控制标准及其适用范围。(5)对现有的注浆加固检测方法的工作原理、基本特点、应用范围和检测效果进行了综合分析研究;结合岩土体注浆加固的特点,提出一种以钻孔取芯、注浆流量和压力控制为主要手段,以水泥注入量分析鉴定、探坑开挖、钻孔取芯试验和地质雷达探测为辅助手段的隧道围岩注浆加固综合质量检测方法。(6)通过注浆加固工程实例分析,按照劈裂注浆机理模型实验得出的研究成果设计注浆参数是行之有效的;从而验证了本文注浆理论研究和注浆机理分析的准确性,为同类工程注浆加固技术应用提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 As a challenging research topic, reinforcement for fractured rock through grouting plays an important and key role in construction successful and operation safety of tunnel engineering. Researches in this domain can promote the development of mechanical theory, as well as propose solutions for tunnel construction in karst region and fracture zone. Standards and criterions can be built on the principles and technical supports obtained from these researches. These researches can also support tunnel constructions, as well as expand the scope of application in railway tunnel, subway, and other underground engineering. This paper is based on grouting theory. At the first stage, a fluid model for percolation grouting is built on the analysis of several classic percolation grouting theories. Relationships among parameters as well as their solutions of flow rate of grout, grouting pressure and permeability coefficient are deduced in the grouting procedure. The analyses of mechanical mechanism are carried out for percolation grouting and fracturing grouting. After that, testing parameters are set based on the analysis of grouting mechanism model. Grouting mechanism is studied, and the grouting effects are tested at the same time. Finally, the acceptance criteria of grouting volume, testing approaches for grouting quality, and results from this research are applied in practical engineering. Contributions of this research can be summarized as follows:(1) A fluid model for percolation grouting is built on percolation grouting theory. Solutions of flow rate of grout, grouting pressure and permeability coefficient are deduced in the process of grouting. The relationships in the process of multi-hole grouting are studied. It can be concluded that:a) For a given point, in the process of multi-hole grouting, its grouting pressure equals the superimposed value of single-hole grouting; b) When grouting holes are in circular distribution, the center of the circle can get the worst effect for reinforcement. Optimal quantity of grouting holes for uniform distribution is deduced in condition that the grouting pressure is under control.(2) Solutions for elastic-plastic zone caused by fluid compressing soil, the formula of radius in plastic zone, as well as final formula for grouting pressure calculation, are deduced.The energy dissipation method is employed to calculate the pressure of fracturing grouting in fractured rock. And a simultaneous sensitivity analysis is carried out for the impact parameters related to the design of grouting pressure.(3) The time travel curves of grouting pressure, time travel curves of grouting rate, as well as general laws for fracturing grouting are obtained from the study of fracturing grouting mechanical model experiment. Injection rate of cement, mechanical mechanism of grouting, and effects of reinforcement in rock and soil are analyzed. Results are successfully applied in practical engineering. Thus, the veracity and reliability of this research are validated.(4) A control testing method for grouting quality is presented through studying in grouting volume control theory. A grouting control standard and its applicable scope are set.(5) Analysis is carried out for the principle of existing testing approaches, general features, applicable scopes, and detection effects. An improved method is introduced for quality testing of tunnel grouting reinforcement, which is based on boreholing core, grouting volume and pressure control, analysising injection rate of cement, testing of boreholing core and geological radar detection.(6) From the grouting reinforcement case analysis, the design parameters,which obtained from fracturing grouting mechanical model experiment, are effective. Thus, the study of grouting theory and the analytical method of grouting mechanism developed by this research is validated, which can be referenced to other practical applications in the field of grouting reinforcement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 12期

