

Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer in the South and East of China

【作者】 钟朝晖

【导师】 赵晓昆;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 泌尿外科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在欧美国家,已有的关于体力活动与前列腺癌发病相关性的研究,其研究结论不尽相同。中国人群体力活动的习惯及方式与西方国家存在差异,且前列腺癌的发病率也比西方国家低,生活方式如体力活动等对前列腺癌发病率的影响尚不确定。本文拟针对中国东南部地区人群的体力活动情况与本地区人群前列腺癌发病率之相关性进行探讨。本研究由英国伯明翰大学流行病学系牵头,选择了中国东南部地区的4家医院,对其住院患者进行了前列腺癌发病率与体力活动相关性的病例-对照研究。其中前列腺癌患者共268例,对照组患者共353例。调查对象的体力活动信息通过问卷调查表的形式进行收集并加以评估,调查内容包括体力活动的类别、频率以及活动的持续时间等,根据各个不同体力活动及其相应的代谢当量(MET)与个体每周活动小时数,将个体之体力活动划分为少量、中等量、大量体力活动。前列腺癌的发病风险采用随机效应Logistic回归模型进行评估。虽然整体分析未能显示前列腺癌患者与对照组人群的总体力活动与前列腺癌发病风险之间的相关性,但在67.7岁以上的亚组人群中,体力活动与前列腺癌发病风险之间存在负相关(OR=0.46;95%CI=0.22-0.93);而且,在中等量的体力活动亚组人群中,两者之间也存在负相关性(ORmediu vs low=0.39 (0.23-0.66); ORhigh vs low=0.54(0.32-0.93)。而进行剧烈运动或低强度体力活动(如散步)的亚组人群中,则未发现上述的相关性。本项研究提示,在中国老年男性人群中,体力活动和前列腺癌发病风险之间存在负相关性。中国老年男性进行适度体力活动,而非剧烈运动或过低强度体力活动,有助于预防前列腺癌的发生。本研究结论尚需更大样本量的研究以进行重复验证。

【Abstract】 The relation between physical activity and prostate cancer has been investigated in numerous studies in the USA and Europe, but an inverse association has inconsistently been suggested. We investigated this association in China, where habitual physical activity may be different and prostate cancer incidence is much lower than in Western countries.A hospital-based case-control study was conducted in four hospitals in the East and South of China including 268 incident prostate cancer cases and 353 frequency-matched controls. Physical activity was measured by interviewer-administered questionnaires including questions on type, frequency, and duration of activity, and subsequently classified as low, medium or high physical activity according to metabolic equivalent (MET) hours per week. Prostate cancer risk was estimated by random effects logistic regression.Although total physical activity was not associated with prostate cancer risk in overall analyses, there was an inverse association among men>67.7 years of age (OR=0.46; 95%CI=0.22-0.93). In addition, we observed inverse associations among individuals with increased moderate physical activity (ORmedium vs low=0.39 (0.23-0.66); ORhigh vs low=0.54 (0.32-0.93), but not for vigorous physical activity or walking.This study suggests that an inverse association between physical activity and prostate cancer risk may be more pronounced among older Chinese men, and that moderate physical activity, rather than vigorous physical activity or walking, contributes to preventing prostate cancer. However, replication in (larger population-based) studies among Chinese men with similarly detailed measurements of physical activity is recommendable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期

