

Study on C.G.Jung’s Theories of Morality Integration

【作者】 叶湘虹

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人类进入现代社会以来,理性主义带来理性与物质的高度繁荣,人类享受了文明的辉煌成果,但同时也陷入了危机:精神分裂,道德沦丧,灵魂失落。现代人的精神分裂靠什么拯救、道德与人性的分离出路在何方、失落的幸福如何找寻?卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格作为一个分析心理学家靠什么在现代性危机的解救过程中担当重任?道德整合思想是荣格给出的一个重要答案。现代人患有普遍的神经症,荣格认为神经症的治疗最终不是一个技术问题,而是一个道德问题。所谓道德整合,是一种道德观念,它通过顺应人类德性的自然之道,契合人类心灵的自然秩序,反对善压抑恶、倡导善整合恶,通过创造“对立面的合一”的第三立场,变恶的破坏力为生命的创造力,获得道德完满、心灵和谐。道德整合思想是荣格站在后现代主义立场对现代性危机的解救,针对人类的精神分裂与道德沦丧,在其分析心理学中建构的道德心理学思想体系,其主旨是从“分裂”走向“整合”。论文的写作分为三个部分。第一部分为第一章导论,论述了什么是道德整合,为什么要研究荣格道德整合思想,并对该思想的研究做了综述。荣格没有对“道德整合”明确命名,但该思想散见于其大量著作中,至今没有学者明确提出和系统论述过。论文写作的出发点是提炼出荣格道德整合思想,并尝试从道德心理学视角对该思想进行研究,假荣格之力为精神与道德承受双重痛苦的现代人探寻一条出路。第二部分为荣格道德整合思想的思想渊源,包括第二章道德整合思想的分析心理学源头和第三章理论渊源。道德整合思想与荣格的分析心理学水乳交融,要深刻理解道德整合思想必须先了解荣格分析心理学。论文介绍了关注人类精神整体性的分析心理学是对“没有心理的心理学”的超越与创新,它主要包括人格结构、原型理论、心理动力、人格类型和心理治疗等。荣格道德整合思想有三个重要的理论渊源:一是《太乙金华宗旨》中的道家内丹思想和炼金术中“对立面的合一”,二是深邃的佛教智慧和曼荼罗关于完满的启迪,三是诺斯替思想及四位一体所表达的万物追求整合的思想。综合三者,荣格主张人的精神世界具有高度的统一性,道德整合就是对善恶进行对立面的合一,让人的道德复归于道。第三部分从荣格道德整合思想来关照分析心理学主要内容,探讨道德整合思想如何可以拯救现代人的灵魂,为人们走出现代性危机能提供哪些方法与思路。包括第四章至第六章,道德整合视野下的心理动力学、道德整合视野下的原型和道德整合视野下的心理治疗。荣格的心理动力学认为心灵发展的动力来源于人内在的心理能量。当心理能量运行畅通时心理便是和谐的,当心理能量运行不畅时心理便是冲突的。道德整合视野下的心理能量运行,要通过心理能量的超越与整合方式使心理能量和谐有序。道德整合视野下的原型,论文选取了三个重要原型进行分析:人格面具、阴影和自性。原型在道德生活中常常遭遇曲解,人格面具因过度发展导致虚假道德人格;阴影一直为传统道德所压抑导致邪恶的反扑;自性即人精神的完整性,在理性主义的客观分析下导致了精神的分裂。用荣格道德整合思想来处理原型,创造了构建整体人格、阴影整合以及个性化等方法,致力于让人复归整体人格、道德和谐、实现自性。荣格道德整合视野下的心理治疗,通过“精神的分析”来实现“精神的综合”,通过倾诉、解释、教育和变形的过程促进精神的完整。通过整合意识与无意识,从“自我实现”转向“自性实现”,从“我—它”关系转向“我—你”关系,最终实现精神的转化与道德的整合。这部分是论文的重点,揭示了道德整合视野下现代人灵魂拯救的一些具体方法与思路。最后的结语部分对荣格道德整合思想作了理论评价。虽然受制于学科视角和特定的历史时代,荣格并未对传统的分裂道德做出彻底的解构,也没有象马克思哲学一样提出革命性的解决办法,只是从第三立场提出“对立面合一”的道德整合思路,仍然是对精神分裂和道德沦丧的现代人进行拯救的有益探索。总而言之,荣格道德整合思想是立足于后现代对现代性危机解救的一剂良药。

【Abstract】 In modern society, as the highly flourishing of nationality and material created by rationalism, which made people enjoy civilization’s great achievement, at the same time had to be suffered from the crisis of modernity, such as mental dissociation, decay of morals and lose of soul. The conflict of spirit and the difficult morality problem brought modern people into mental disorder generally. How to save the mental disorder of modern people, find the solutions to the separation problem between morality and personality, and seek back the lost happiness. Carl. Gustav. Jung, as an Analytical psychologist, what could be relying on to shoulder great responsibility of delivering people from modern crisis? He considered that it was not a skill problem but a moral problem to cure mental disorder. What’s the morality integration? It was a viewpoint on morality to support the goodness integrating the evil instead of inhibiting, advocate the goodness to reorganize and consolidate the evil, and transform the evil’s destructive power to creativity of life, then to get harmonious on morality and soul finally by take advantage of the third stand of "union of the opposites". The thought of morality integration was an ideological system on morality psychology of morality integration proposed by C. G. Jung from the standpoint of postmodernism, and according to modernity crisis of split personality and moral depravity, for the purpose of achieving integration from dissociation.This paper consists of three parts:First, the 1st chapters was the introduction to discuss the concept of the morality integration, the reason to investigate C.G. Jung’s thought of morality integration, at the same time give a summary of the thought research. However, C. G. Jung never gave a clear and defective name of "morality integration", which was divided among his enormous writing. As a result, so far no scholars could have given out the explicit name and systemic description. By studying C. G. Jung’s theory of morality integration and soul’s salvation, the main objective of this paper was to find the way of achieving the human perfection and morality harmony, and made it possible for modern people to get rid of the great affliction of both spirit and morality. The second, the analytical psychology, as to the source of the theories of C. G. Jung’s morality integration was discussed in the 2st chapters, as well as the theory’s source in 3st chapters. The thought of Jung’s morality integration and analytical psychology were in perfect harmony. In order to get a deeper understanding of Jung’s theory of morality integration, the first thing is to know the background and main contents of analytical psychology. This paper regarded the analytical psychology, which gave great concern over the whole mentality of human as innovation and exceed to the "psychology without mentality". Analytical psychology included personality structure, archetype theory, psychodynamics and psychology treatment etc. The origins of the C. G. Jung’s thought of morality integration were derived from three resources, one was the Taoism of nei-tan and the thought of "unity of opposites" in the book of "The Secret of the Golden Flower"; the second was a profound intelligence of Buddhism and the satisfactory enlightenment of Mandala; the last one was the thought of everything in pursuit of integration based on "four in one" of Gnosticism. Based on the three sources, C. G. Jung advocated that the human’s spirit world having high unity, mental growth was a process that people’s original nature followed the reversion of "Tao", morality integration was in a search for the perfection of morality by the "unity of opposites", and the satisfactory of virtue.The third, from 4st chapters to 6st chapters, which was the importment parts of this paper, discussed the mains to relate the main contents of analytical psychology from the standpoint of Jung’s thought of morality integration, how to rescue the soul of modern people, and find ways for people to break away from modern crisis. The psycho-dynamics under the viewpoint of C. G. Jung’s theories, which regard human’s soul as a relatively closed spiritual system, and the dynamics of soul development came from one’s inner mental energy. The mentality was harmonious when mental energy ran smoothly; otherwise, they would draw into conflict. Morality integration, from standpoints of mental energy operating, was to solve the psychology conflict and move the mentality energy harmoniously by the Third Road. The archetypes depended on the C. G. Jung’s morality integration were described in the 5st chapters, three archetypes, persona、shadow and the Self, which closed to the morality integration were selected to investigate. The over-development of persona could give rise to mendacious recognition of moral, the shadow oppression has brought about the repeated counterattacks of evil, and meanwhile, the Self mean the complete of the people spirit, the objective analysis of human’s spirit by rationalism could led to the losing of soul. As a result, using C. G. Jung’s thought to deal with archetypes, try to find out the ways to construct whole personality、shadow integration, individuation, and make people go back to whole personality, morality in perfect harmony, realize personality. The 6st chapters, psychology treatment based on the C. G. Jung’s morality integration, in order to fulfill "spiritual synthesize" through "spiritual analysis", and promote the completeness of spirit by the ways of confession、elucidation、education and transformation. By combining consciousness and unconsciousness, transform from self-realization to "individuation", and change the relationship of "I-It" to "I-Thou", so achieve the deformation of character and the integration of moral ultimately.In the results chapter, this paper made an objective theory judgment on the C.G.Jung’s thought of morality integration. Although bound to the perspective of the subjects and the specific historical era, although C. G. Jung couldn’t deconstruct the traditional broken up morality thoroughly, and also not proposed any revolutionary solutions just like Marxist philosophy, only put forward the train of thought to the morality integration of "unity of opposites" based on moral psychology, which was a most important favorable exploration to saving the modern people suffering schizophrenia and morality bankruptcy. In brief, Jung’s theories of morality integration were a good medicine to rescue the modernity crisis from the standpoint of post-modernity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

