

Research on the Development of County Insurance in the Construction of New Harmonious Rural

【作者】 谢利人

【导师】 岳意定;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国社会已经实现整体小康,但是这种小康还是低水平的、不全面的、发展很不平衡的小康。在此背景下党中央审时度势,提出了建设全面小康社会的战略。而我国13亿人口中将近70%的人口在农村,2/3的家庭也还在农村,农村不达到小康,建设全面小康社会就无从谈起。全面建设小康社会,最艰巨、最繁重的任务在农村,在此形势下,新农村建设就成了必然的题中之议。新农村建设是一项复杂的系统工程,需要方方面面的通力合作,任何一家或一个行业是无法完成这一艰巨任务的。作为国民经济的神经中枢——金融业来说,在新农村建设中同样发挥着至关重要的作用。这也是被众多学者的研究所证实了的。现在这方面的研究已经深入到如何有效地发挥农村金融在新农村建设中的作用这一层次了。但作为金融的重要组成部分在保险业在新农村建设中发挥什么样的作用,这还是一个陌生的领域,需要人们去探索、研究。保险作为金融的重要组成部分,是否和农村信贷等其他金融形式一样通过支持农村经济的发展来支持新农村建设?这也是本文研究的内容之一。另外,保险这一金融形式和传统的信贷金融形式有着根本的区别:那就是保险还是社会保障的重要组成部分。县域保险的发展能否促进社会公平、农村社会和谐,这是本文研究的另一重要内容。如果答案是肯定的,那么当前县域保险发展的状况如何,未来市场发展前景如何,如何优化县域保险发展生态环境,促进县域保险的发展,就成了本文研究的逻辑选择。作为以确保经济生活的安定为主要目的的经济补偿制度,作为风险的转移机制,市场化的互助机制,后备基金管理机制,保险制度的性质和功能现新农村建设目标具有内在的一致性。农村保险通过促进农村经济增长、收入分配公平来促进新农村建设。这一观点得到理论上的论证:通过福利经济学分析,发现县域保险可以促进生产、交换效率的提高。通过开发适当的县域保险产品,给予县域保险一定的政策扶持,可以实现社会收入更加公平,从而促进新农村建设。理论分析的结论需要实证分析验证更有说服力,利用江苏省县域保险的面板数据(Panel Data)来分析其与经济增长的关系。通过分析发现县域保险发展确实对县域经济增长有正向的促进作用。而且通过经济增长的收敛性分析,发现加入了保险因素后,经济收敛的速度加快,也就是说,县域保险的发展,有利于延缓各县域经济发展的差距的过快拉大,从而延缓不同县域收入水平的差距。促进经济增长是新农村建设的核心内容之一;经济差距延缓,收入差距延缓是社会和谐的重要因素之一。这从实证的角度验证了县域保险的发展有利于新农村建设。总的来说我国县域保险取得了一定发展,但总体上仍处于起步阶段,存在着城乡发展不平衡、地区发展不平衡等问题。县域保险主要是通过参与农村养老保险,健康、意外保险和医疗保险来完善农村社会保障体系,支持新农村建设。总的来说,还处于摸索、起步阶段,还远不能满足农民的需要,存在着供给和需求双向不足。究其原因,主要是农民收入水平相对偏低,利用保险规避风险的意识较差,保单产品价格偏高,产品不适合农村需求特点,开展县域保险公司效益相对城市偏低,开展农村业务成本费用相对偏高等因素造成的。因此县域保险市场同时存在着供给和需求不足,需要配套政策加以扶持。虽然县域保险发展存在着一定的困难,但是县域保险市场仍存在着巨大发展空间。这从下面几个方面得到反映:一是农民面临着各种诸如养老、医疗、健康意外风险,农民需要处置、转移风险,保险就有可能成为人们的选项;二是随着农村经济的发展为保险在农村的发展提供了可能。这个结论也得到了基于灰色马尔可夫模型的江苏省县域保险发展趋势预测数值的证明。从县域保险的“需求侧”调查分析来看,人们的保险意识不断增强,保险消费能力不断上升,对保险产品的选择也日益多样。而对供给来说,保险供给主体不断增加,竞争也逐步激烈。为应对这些挑战,保险公司在产品、服务上不断创新。要促进县域保险的发展,首当其冲的是开发出适应县域需求的保险产品。但当前的一个现实是县域保险产品大多来自城市保险产品的移植。显然这是不符合县域收入低,收入不稳定,具有季节性等特征的。因此创新开发适当的县域保险产品,保险产品的相关条款要实行拆分、组合,产品要小额化。实行小额保险与小额贷款的结合,以解决居民在进行小额贷款时遇到的融资难题。保险业是信用产业,只有社会大众普遍接受、信任,才购买保险产品,保险业才有了生存之本。因此保险业的声誉相对于其他产业来说,显得更为突出。作为保险人的保险公司,还是保险公司的委托代理人——保险经理人,在重复博弈的情况下,都有维护自身声誉的动力。取得声誉收益对他们既是激励,又是约束。保险代理人的流动性很大,重复博弈的内在机制作用不是很突出。用重复博弈来约束保险代理人诚实守信,以维护保险业的声誉,似乎不是很现实。因此更多地分析保险代理人失信的影响因素,从而对症下药,促使保险代理人诚信经营开展业务,维护保险业的整体声誉。当然这些还不足以维护县域保险业的声誉,因为县域保险业的特殊性,其收益低于城市保险业,因此有必要从税收上给予县域保险产品、业务优惠,为提高县域保险从业人员的积极性,也给予保险经理人,保险代理人收益上的税收优惠,才能更好地促进县域保险产业的发展。发展县域保险,服务新农村建设,很重要的一个方面,就是县域保险服务体系的建立。县域保险体系应该是适应县域特征的多层次体系:城镇居民和中小企业由于经济水平相对较高,他们的保险需求可以实行商业化的运作模式,设立区域性的保险公司或是现有保险公司分支机构在县域作延伸。对广大农村腹地,应该设立政策性和商业性相结合的、面向“三农”的保障类、信用保证类、人身保障类的中小保险机构。相对应可以筹建一些政策性保险公司,相互保险公司,探索建立合作保险体系;在县域加快保险中介机构的建立,进一步发展兼业代理机构,改革县域保险的营销服务体系。县域保险市场虽然有了一定的进展,但总的来说还处于起步阶段,需要大力发展。为此必须不断优化县域保险发展的内部生态环境,为保险业在县域的发展创造条件。设计适合农村收入水平、消费习惯的保险产品,对现有不同产品组合来创新保险产品;学历教育、职业培训教育相结合的方式培养保险人才等一系列措施来优化县域保险发展的内部生态环境。通过促进经济发展,提升全民保险意识,加强信用文化建设,完善社会保障体系,调整政策、法规环境来优化县域保险发展的外部生态环境。在保险发展中要加强对保险业自身风险的识别、评价与管理,促进县域保险持续、健康稳定发展。

【Abstract】 A well-off society has been realized wholly in china, but it is low level, half-baked and lopsided. Thus the government brings forward to build a well-off society on full scale in good time. About 70 percent of 1.3 billion people and two three family are living in the country. If the well-off society hasn’t been realized in the country, the well-off society hasn’t been realized on full scale. It is the best formidable task that is to build a well-off society on full scale in the country. Hence a new society that has been built in the country becomes the theme that we discussed.The construction of new rural society is a complicated systems engineering. Any units or industries can not accomplish this arduous task without cooperate. As the nerve center of national ecnomic,the finance industry play an important role in the construction of new harmonious rural society. These also be proved by bacholar.Now the study has reached to how to make rural finance bring into play function effectively in the construction of new country. As a part of finance, what role of the insurance industry to play is a strange area which be worth of exploring and studying.Insurance is the important part of finance, Thus whether it sustain the construction of new rural by sustaining the development of rural economic as finance such as the rural credit etc.This also is one of the theme of this article. In addition, it is different between the insurance and traditional finance. Life insurance is also the part of rural social security. Whether the development of rural insurance can prompt social justice and the harmonious of rural society are the other important reach content. If the result is affirmative, thus what is the status of current rural insurance, what is the foreground of rural insurance market, how to optimize the the environment, and prompt the development of rural insurance have become the logic of this article.As a economic compensate system which major target is to ensure the stability of economy, a mechanism of risk transferring, a mutual mechanism of market, and a managing mechanism of fund in support, It is consistent that between the character function of insurance system and the target of new rural society. Country insurance prompts the construction of new rural society through urging the development of rural economy and equitableness of income. This idea has been demonstrated in theory. People found country insurance which includes the rural insurance can prompt the productive and exchanging efficiency through welfare economy. People can make income more firths prompt the construction of new rural society by emboldening appropriate production of rural insurance, bestowing some politic support to rural insurance.The theoretic conclusion should has more perusable be proved by experimental analysis. We use Jiangsu province’s county insurance Panel Data to analysis the relation to development of county economy being limited of data. We found it that the development of county insurance prompt the increase of county economy actively. Through the analysis of economic convergence, we also found it that the velocity of economic convergence step on the juice after take county insurance into account. Videlicet, the development of county insurance is propitious to reduce the difference among the increase of county economy, thus it can reduce the different income. To accelerate the increase of county economy is one of key content. The reduction of economic difference and income difference are important factor to harmonious. These validate that the development of county insurance in favor of the construction of new rural society based on demonstration.The construction of new rural society requires the enlistment of county insurance. Then what is the status of current rural insurance. Taking one with another, our rural insurance has made some progress, but it is in leading strings in the mass, there are some questions which exist imbalance of development between the urban and rural, and among different county area. The rural insurance consummates the system of social security, supports the construction of new rural society by rural endowment insurance, health insurance and hospitalization insurance. But on all accounts, the rural insurance still stay in feel about and commencing phase, still satisfy the people’s demand. There is insufficiency of supply and demand. The reasons are the low income and consciousness of farmer, the high price of insurance production, the unsuitability of production to the demand of country. The other reasons are the benefit of corporation is lower in the country than in city, and the cost of country operation is higher than city’s. Thus the development of rural insurance market acquires the help of policy.Although there be puzzled in the development of rural insurance, the market of rural insurance sill has gigantic foreground. This can be reflected through some sides:First,people are confronted with some risks such as provide for the aged, medical treatment and suddenness.Makbe people can make the insurance as a means to dispose and transfer risks.Second,the development of country economy make it perhaps for the development of rural insurance. This conclusion has been testified by forecasting numerical value of Jiangsu province’s county insurance which based on Grey-Markov Model. According to the analysis on demand of rural insurance, people think much of insurance than before, people’s purchasing power of insurance is increasing, and the people’s demand of insurance is becoming more multiplex. The providers of rural insurance are also increasing, competition is becoming more and more intenser.In order to answer to this challenge, the insurance corporation must innovate continuously on production and service.To promote the development of county insurance, the most important is to open up insurance products which suit the request of people. But now the most part of county insurance products are come from the city. These insurance products fall short of characters that have low、instability and seasonal nature income. Thus it is necessary to open up new county insurance, and which interrelated clause should be spited、assembled. The products also should make into small. To carry out the link between the small insurance and small loan, that it can resolve the difficult problem of financing.Insurance is a credit industry. Only be accepted and trusted, that it can be bought by people. Thus the insurance industry has root to exist. It is prominent that fame to insurance industry relative to other. Both the insurance corporation and insurance manager have motion to maintain their fames in duplicate games. It is encourage and restrict to gain fames. But It is not prominent that the insurance agent who had changed greatly. Thus through the duplicate games to encourage and restrict people honestly and maintain the fame of all insurance industry is impossible. Hence people should analysis the factors which caused people to break faith, that find apt and specific ways to solve problems, urge insurance agent to expand business, maintain the fame of overall insurance industry. Because the particularity of county insurance, its profit is lower than city insurance’s. So it is necessary to reduce the tax of county insurance products and business. To increase the insurance staff’s enthusiasm, tax preference should be given to the insurance managers and agents, thus it can promote the development of county insurance.It is important to build the system of county insurance for the construction of new rural. The county insurance system should be a multilayer system which adapt to the character of county.First,people should implement the commercial model and set up regional insurance corporation or extend the branch of current insurance company to meet the need of towner and minor enterprise’s demand of insurance because of their high income.second,people should build property ensure、credit guarantee and life ensure minor insurance institution which combined by policy and commerce in the hinterland of rural area. To match along with these, people can prepare to build some policy and mutual insurance company, quest to establish a collaborate system. Third people should accelerate the building of agent institution of county insurance; develop the simultaneous occupation further, reform the marketing system of county insurance.The rural insurance has been made some progress, but it still be in leading strings, should be advanced. We should optimize the environment of rural insurance continuously to create a benign environment for the development. To optimize the interior environment of rural insurance by setting up territorial insurance corporation, seeking after a mutual system of insurance, quickening the agency enter into the rural insurance market, reforming the selling system,etc.prompting the innovation of system. Designing appropriate production which adapt to the income and consuming habit of peasant, exploring production by collocating different insurance production, cultivating person with ability for rural insurance depend on diploma education and vocational education. To optimize the exterior environment of rural insurance by accelerating the progress of county economy, advancing the insurance consciousness of people,stren-gthening the construction of credit culture, consummating the social guarantee system, regulating the politic and juristically environment. We should identify risk, evaluate risk and manage risk of themselves, then urge the development of rural insurance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期

