

Study on Ethical Concern for Vulnerable Groups in Transforming Society of China

【作者】 梁德友

【导师】 李俊奎;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 和谐社会建设的今天,对弱势群体进行伦理关怀显得尤为重要。一方面它关涉到弱势群体的自由、和谐、全面发展,是弱势群体真正摆脱弱势地位,融入主流社会的保障;另一方面也是促进弱势群体与其他社会群体之间的良性互动,实现社会和谐的必要条件。本文把弱势群体伦理关怀研究置于当代中国社会转型的大背景下,运用建立在伦理学、社会学、政治学等多学科交叉透视基础之上的道德社会学研究方法,坚持理论与实践相结合、历史分析与逻辑演绎相统一、实证分析与规范研究相佐证的研究思路,探索弱势群体伦理关怀的基本理论与实践,并尝试建构符合中国国情的转型期中国弱势群体伦理关怀体系。伦理关怀以“人是目的”作为指向和尺度,是对人的尊严与符合人性的生活条件肯定的一种深层次关怀。伦理关怀的“伦理性”不仅体现在关怀方式、方法上,而且还体现在关怀的内容上。从人的三种存在方式来分析,伦理关怀有物质—精神—道德三个维度,对弱势群体的伦理关怀必须从这三个维度展开;从道德责任的角度来分析,弱势群体伦理关怀的责任主体有政府、社会、弱势群体个人。其中,政府和社会是弱势群体改变弱势地位不可或缺的外部支持。弱势群体个人必须承担起“自我关怀”的责任,积极改造弱势心理,主动增权,提高自我关怀能力;从弱势群体伦理关怀的方式来分析,必须坚持人道主义原则、公平与倾斜原则和发展原则,运用伦理的手段和伦理的方法,对其进行伦理关怀和支持,促进其自由、和谐、全面发展;从弱势群体伦理关怀的道德实践分析,应坚持“以生存为核心,以发展为目标、以权益为保障,以尊严为目的”为路径取向。其中伦理救助是维护弱势群体尊严,构建弱势群体精神家园,实现对弱势群体伦理关怀的深层次需求。在伦理救助路径选择层面,本文探讨了思想道德教育在弱势群体伦理救助中的价值、意义以及策略方法。

【Abstract】 It is of great importance to express ethical concern for vulnerable groups in the era of building a harmonious society. On the one hand, it involves the freedom, harmony, and overall development of vulnerable groups, and it is a guarantee for vulnerable groups to free themselves from the vulnerable positions and to emerge into the main society. On the other hand, it also promotes the good interactions between vulnerable groups and other social groups, which is a necessity of achieving social harmony. This dissertation grounds the study of ethical concern for vulnerable groups in the background of a transforming society in China, explores a fundamental theory and practice of ethical concern for vulnerable groups, employing research methodology of moral sociology based on the multidisciplinary crossing perspectives of ethics, sociology, politics and so on, adhering to the combination of theory and practice, the unification of historical analysis and logical deduction and the cross-reference of empirical analysis and normative research, and tries to construct a system of ethical concern for vulnerable groups, conforming to the Chinese situation and the transforming China.Ethical concern takes "human being is purpose" as orientation and scale, and it is a deep care which affirms human dignity and living conditions in accordance with humanity. The "ethics" of ethical concern is embodied not only in means and methods of care, but also in content of care. Analyzed from three aspects of human "being", ethical concern has three dimensions which are material, spiritual and ethical, on which ethical concern for vulnerable groups must be based. Analyzed from the ethical responsibility, the responsibility subjects of ethical concern for vulnerable groups involves the governments, the society and the individuals of vulnerable groups, among which the governments and the society are the indispensable external factors for changing the weak positions of vulnerable groups. The individuals of vulnerable groups play a critical role in the practice process of the concern. Analyzed from means of the concern, ethical concern for vulnerable groups must stick to the humanitarianism principle, the fair-inclined principle and the development, and care about and support the vulnerable groups to improve their free, harmonious and overall development. Analyzed from the moral practice of the concern, ethical concern for vulnerable groups should adhere to the policy orientation that takes being as the core, development as the objective, rights as the guarantee, and dignity as the purpose. Among these, ethical aid is a good way of sustaining dignity of vulnerable groups and of realizing the deep needs of ethical concern for vulnerable groups. Concerning the approach option of ethical aid, this paper discusses the value, importance and strategies and methods of ideological and moral education in ethical aid to vulnerable groups.


